Remember the he is dead....
Ok now it's been a year the dude is dead let's leave him alone come on. I mean he wasn't that good in the first place. Yeah he had a long and OK ceare but guess what he is dead so let's get off this boat. I know there will be remeberance for the dude for years to come and I'll be boarded by that and in fact woundere what the hell are you thinking the guy is dead. can we let him rest. leave him in his grave and don't worry if is hiding out or not with the greats rocker of all time the one and onley KING ELVIS he was and always be the best of the best and I know of at least one person who with really get in a ring and fight me to death that Jackson was better, but Hey we have been fighting this out for years and well do it for more years to come, but we know it's all in fun and I'm right because with out him jackson would be nothing but a dead guy instead of just a really populer dead guy who made a few albums and really brought music video to life and in some cases did more with having his one movie/video being to more like a horror movie then a video and never getting played on Mtv tell much later in life when the public could handle it and Mtv was much older, of couse where are the music video on Mtv anymore these days. way to much show and not enough music. I know there are videos out there that we have seen them.
Ok Now Mel Gibson...
Now what the hell did he do Look I have no clue of what is going on with him and for the most part I don't care. Many peoples live and things like this happen all the time so because it's Gibson we get to hear about it on the news and Goldburg is talking about it and to be honste the only reason I know anything about this is because I opened mt internet broowser and there was this picture of Goldburg and the caption is wooope is still defending Gibson. Look I don't care what the guy did because normal people do it everyday, so go find Joe Smuck and Jane Smuck who are doing the same thing and report on that it'll will be a lot more intresting to me when what ever these guy's are doing who we see all the time. Let's have a show called booked them, but then again don't we enough chessy cop shows on T.V. as it is I mean there is one on mall cops for crying out loud. So let's get off Gibson back and let the celeb's be because it's all bull and reguler people do the same crap everyday.
So get off there backs and stop reporting on it because who cares. they are people too and they have lives and do stupied shit, we don't need to know every little thing that happens in there lifes, so get over it and one guy is dead and the other is a normal person tring to live life...
Thanks for all the Fish
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