The fighting had become fast and unfocused. Ankin and I were fighting back to back. Opal and Flyod were off to are far right. I run my sword through the guy infront of me, as he fell to hi knees I pulled my sword out and swung it again chopping of his head. I turned my head back and yell at Anikin "No one lives forever."
"Meet you on the plateform." He yelled back. as he kick the dead body off his sword.
"Just remember you can't kill the Vampire lord he is mine." and the two of us pushed off from one another and throw ourselvies out into the crowed room to fight our own ways up to the platform.
I fought my as best and fast as possible. The monds of dead vampire's and undead body kept getting larger as more and more came flooding into the room. Anikin progress was just a little faster then mine was. His holy sword cut down any undead creature in his path with a single swing were as it was taking me much longer I need to remove there head and cut the body in half, but we fought on and on. Opal and Flyod were way behind us just starting to make there way in as best they could, but for each one we took out it would appear that two sometimes three more took there place.
Anikin make it to the raised platfrom first and was attacking the King of the Dead in hand to hand combat, by the time I reached it. I gave a quick smile almost losing cinsentration, but still took a sword slash to the left leg. The cut wasn't bad and it was already starting to heal itself. I cut down my attacker and countied to fight my way forward.
I reached the bottom steps pf the raised platform and the crowed parted. I ws at a lose as to why they parted way, but didn't much care. I started to run up the stairs. As I neared the top I throw the I had been using a side and drew the tri-sword off my back. Off to the far end of the platform Anikin and the skeleton form that was the King of the Dead where now heavly fight. Anikin was only fight hand to hand but was also using a bit of magic he had learned over the years. I chuckled to myself thinking what a pleaser it would be if I could use magic again. I looked away from the two of them fight to the other person on the platform and smiled and evil smile. The Vampire Lord looked at me throw off his bright purple cloak drewing his swrod at the sametime. He slowly smiled to show me his fangs and waved me forward with one of clawed figuer "Let's do this." and I rushed foreward.
The two of us colleted are swords meeting with a heavy sound of steel ringing. We blocked, pariered, attacked and countered attack. We used swords fist, feet and throw lose objects at one another. We must have gone back and forth up and down the platform enough time to make a path in the wood floor. Neither one could get the getter of the other until it would appear the Vampire Lord came up with and idea. With his next punch he throw me towards Anikin and the King of the Dead. I was thrown back and fell to the floor. I rolled towards Anikin feet. I came to a stop laying flat on my back and bummed Anikin in the back of his legs. It was enough of a distration for him to turn and look back and down at me. In that befief second the Kind of the Dead jabbed his sword into Anikins left side and thne disappeared. Anikin screamed and turned completely around to see the Vampire lord charging with his fangs out. I got up to my feet picked up the tri-sword and looked around for the Vampire Lord. I turned to see him heading straight for Anikin his mouth wide open with his fangs out ready to bite. Anikin looked up and saw the Vampire lord charging and on nothing more then instinct he Grabbed his sword and prepairded to jab with his sword.
"Anikin NO!!!!!" I yelled and jump infront of the blow. The Vampire Lord ran into me stopping dead as Anikin's sword went into my right thigh. The Vampire lord was stunded from having run into me and I knocked Anikin's sword out of my thigh ripping out more then half the muscle and tissue with it. Blood started to pour down what was left of my leg as I colasped to the Floor. The Vampire Lord looked down at Anikin and myself knelling on the floor and started to laugh. I looked Anikin in the eye's and then up at the Vampire Lord standing over us. With great amount of pain shooting though my whole body, I punched up and extened my claws witch punched up into his throt. The tip of the claws could be just seen on the backside of his neck. I retracked the claws and blood started to shoot forth. I opened my hand catching in my hand as the Vampire Lord back away holding his throt and disappeared. Anikin Watched in shook as I took the blood that I had cupped in my hand and slapped it agaist what was left of my left thigh.
Opal and Floyd came running up the stairs a few seconds later as Anikin and I just sat there looking at on another. The room which keep filling with undead and vampires was now empty ecapte for the corps laying all across the floor. The two of them ran up to us Opal layed her hands on Anikin and he blow out a breath of pain he was holding in. Floyd came running over to me. He grabbed he and started to me aside. I turned to him and said "Get everyone out of here." I handed him a silver botton "Just touch them, press the botton and say where you want to go." I looked at him with an exprestion of don't worry about me "I will catch up with you." Floyd took the button from my hand waljed ober to Opal and Anikin. He touched them on the shoulder. Anikin was about to say something, but I waved a hand to keep him quite "Later my friend." I looked up at Floyd "Floyd GO!!!!!"
Opal look back and forth between me and Ankin as Floyd said "Right" he gripped the button in his hand "Ravenwood." he pushed the button. The three of them disappeared in quick flash of light. The last thing I saw before they vanished was a look of sorrow on Anikins face.
Once they had disappeared I fell over onto my side. "C.O.A.R.L. come in."
"Yes sir" and female voice rang out.
"Teleport me to the med-bay and rush George there now!" and I disappeared...
Ok so that is kind of ironic for the last couple of day's i have been going on about Vamps being over exposed and I write you a peice that deals with a Vampire Lord. You know but at the very least he doesn't sparkle in the sun light. as a mater of fact they are under ground in a large room fighting off the good guy's and me, but hey it's been part of my book longer then these shows have been on the air, but that doesn't have anything to really do with it. it was just the part I had set out for you this weekend. tomorrow I think will be a lot more bording but hey I will not have a lot of time got to go blow stuff up.. so untill then
Thanks for all the Fish
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