You lmow I'm so far behind on what is happening in the world at it's almost gotten to the point of I don't really care. The news is on every night and yeah I make a habit of not watching it, but I have also turn my T.V. off so much of late that I haven't even seen what the hell is happening in the few t.v. shows that I do that I have no idea what is going on in them. Of late there hasn't been on to really want to watch and when I turn on the computer I don't really look on the headlines which are full of shit to even know what they say. look over the last couple of days there just hasn't been much happening that I want to know about. Look the world is going to hell in a hand bascket and we are going along for the right or in some cases we are driving it there. Look huimanity is not the greatest thing in the univeral and we never will be and sometime you think it is but then all you have to do is watch the news and you'll see that it isn't time just keeps run and we keep destoring and killing like we have been for millions of year and for a milllion more I can see why if we ever get out into space that other species will want us dead, very very dead. a look into human history is as we need to do to see that to claw out into space which I am all for, bur it is also a huge mistake.
To the Moon..
You know I have always wanted to return to the moon and I think it was stupied for us to have stopped going to the moon in the first place. They made the space shuttle but it's only good in earth orbit. how dumm is that. we where on are way to find new way of doing things and beening on the moon was one of them. I know we have started a plain to return to the moon and set up a base there I just hope we return soon I was young well we were on the first time and i remember the start of the space shuttle program and as a matter of fact when i was a kid i was less then 100yard for the space shuttle through a hanger door which was closed, they where doing a few checks on the ship so we where not able to see it or go into it which sucked because I had my camra already and the dad was with me. Me and my dad have always done a lot of thing that have to deal with NASA together and being at edwards air force base with him was a great adventer, later the two of us would go to the Cap together and still not see the space shuttle, but we would be able to see and touch on off the clawers which was too cool. there is nothing like going to some place with one of the greatest people in the world and by now I was hoping, but know full well it would never happen, be going to the moon with my father, but right now would be happy just for the human race to return to the moon. You know the U.S. are the only people to have gone to the moon. once they had done so In 1969 the russians stopped trying and no other country has even tried to do it. the question is why. The moon is a small step forward into the great thing we call space which yeah we may not be ready for because of all the crap that is happening here on are own plante. yet I think it is something we should try and do. There a great many things to do in the world why not also add on the moon as well..
The sea
So let's turn to the other side of the coin. The sea. the dangers are almost the same if not even more so. We want to go out in to space to see what is out there, but at the same time why not head down and build and huge underwater city somewhere. not just for the scince and the great exploration of the oceans, but for entertainment and a place to take people on vaction. it is also a little earier I think to work with. it's something here on the planet and something we can get many more people to work on at the sametime. The many set back time and time again is the presser of the water. we just need to find away around it to expain out into the world we have here but then again that brings whole new problems which is nothing need, but try and thing of a road way between the americas and eroupe and all the off ramps that we could make. you would diffrently need to have an eletric car for that trip other wise you could kill more then just the sea life, oh and think of all the new fish you could find to eat and be attacked by like a huge squid or something that glows in the dark. just a idea or two and we need to start with something may be a little smaller like the tunnal to russia from alaska, because you already can drive from england to france so we need to be able to drive from russia to the U.S. and then for the most part you could drive yourself more then 3/4 of the way around th world, you could do it now if you time it right for the barring straight, but wouldn't it be nice to be able to do it all the time and then think about a tunnal to greenland and then to iceland. make are way around the world slowly but let's tunnal our way around make and exploration of the sea well we are at it we want to know what the planet is like that we live on well here is way to do it. build underwater citys and tunnals to drive to them, but you know that will never happen so let's go watch moon rise
Thanks for all the Fish
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