The helocarrier was stopped 10 miles out over the ocean. The red cliffs where just insight. The Fling ship could not get any closer with out losing all power and crash in to the ocean. Blackjack stood on the bow of the great ship wounding how long it was going to take thing to row to the shore. The weather was starting to get ruff and the waves were starting to pick up. The last report was 2 feet, but he knew that could change with in a matter of minutes. Nancy Came out of a hatch behind Blackjack. She was dressed in one the COREL team, but instead of the normal black it was a deep red. Over the years living with the family Nancy has grown very tired of dark brown and black she wears nice bright colors. She walked over, placed her hands on the rail and looked out over the water. “Now we have to row, but I’m not sure that it is something that Vincent can do and Blaze should do?”
Blackjack looked at the red cliffs “He has no choose and we need to take Blaze with us. She is going to be the Second key to this. If I understood the Riddle right she knows more then any one and has the reset of it in her known. Warrior on the other hand is the main key to finding the path to our King.”
“Oh yes our King.” Nancy said not happy about it “The man that we swore our life and time to. How did we get ourselves in to this? Arther may have been a great man brought peace to the known world, but after this many years I think we can call are duty done.” She rested he hand on he left hip.
“Nancy this is nothing and you know that. Nothing your practice wouldn’t wait till it done and over with. Father is for the most part dead and can’t do it. Now like many other things that we don’t know we have to take care of it. We are Family and this is a family matter isn’t that right Kathleen.” “Yes it is.” Kathleen closed the hatch behind her. She was now dressed in same outfit as everyone else on the helocarrier. “but remember that in our case family is not all in the DNA but in the person who brought us all together and tried to raises us as protectors of the human race and the King is the one person we need to protect at all cost.” She walked over to join the two standing by the rail looking at the red cliffs. “Warrior should be able to do this trip but I have an idea of what we can do with Blaze.”
“What to do with her?” Nancy asked.
“Blaze was in the library and held prisoner for over a year. She is the women of our first riddle.” Kathleen said not sure what needs to be truly done.
The hatch opened again and this time it was one of the helocarrier personal “Sir we are ready to set you down. The boat is ready and waiting should I have the rest of your party informed and taken down to the drop ship.”
“yes have the other’s set to the drop ship and inform Dir. Fury to come down as well I’ll need to talk to him just before I go.” Blackjack said The solder saluted and turned around and went back throw the hatch. “well shell get this party on the road.” The Twins filed suit and headed in throw the hatch and Blackjack followed them.
They headed down the narrow corridor passing by door ways as people passed back and forth from one side to the other. “Blackjack, How long as this thing has been in the air?” Nancy asked
“This Carrier has been up for about 5 years ever sense the first one crash more then 10 years ago and the company closed for a few years.” He said, They came to strange enough an elevator. One of the only carriers in the world that has one in it. They stepped in and waited. The doors closed and the started up. When the elevator stopped the exited it and came found Warrior and Blaze standing there waiting to go out. “So this is the smallest of the floating tubs.”
“Yes but she is the best and my retirement home.” Said a gruff voice from behind them.
“Sir.” Blackjack said and turned to face the man.
“Blackjack what can I do for you.” The man Stood 5foot 6inch's he had a black flattop hair cut with white sides. An Eye patch covered his left eye with a deep scare running out. From his right shoulder was the world SHEILD on it. The second being and his shoulder holster was a weathered and brown. Blackjack stood more then a head taller then the man but snapped to attion when he heard the mans voice and did every other person in the room. “Easy up son, you’re the second in command on this fling tub of mine.” He turned to look at everyone in the room “Good afternoon.” He said to everyone
“Sorry Sir.” Blackjack said the man Looked at Blackjack with an look of you know better “Sorry Nick, but I need to talk to you and ask you a favorite.”
“what do you need Blackjack” He said
Blackjack walked Nick away from the group so they couldn’t hear what was being said. Warrior Watch the two walk away “So that’s the great Nick Fury that Father talked about.”
“Yupe that would be him.” Nancy Said
“should I know who this guy is?” Blaze asked
“Nope.” Warrior said “Nick is an old friend of Fathers and I do mean old. They go back to World War Two when Nick had two eyes none of us where even thought of.” Warrior leaned back against the wall “Never meet the man, but I know he is a good guy and Father would trust him with his life if need me.”
“So what is he doing here?” Blaze asked “is he coming with us.”
“Nope as much as he would like to he knows he can’t. This is a Family matter.” Kathleen said. She walked over and put her arm around Blaze “And that’s why you get to come along sweet sister. You are now part of the family.” She gave he a big squeeze.
“then why don’t I have the great powers that you four have.” She Said “so I guess that means I came from the weak one of the gen pool.”
“Or that you haven’t come into to them just yet.” Nancy said “Remember we worked with father for five years before be developed anything.”
“How many times have you meet George over the years though.” Blaze ask
“George!!!!” all three of them said at the same time.
“You meet George?” Warrior asked
“Yeah well we were in the library. He came in and we talked for a little while.” Blaze answered. She looked at each person in turn. “what? I would have thought all of you would have meet or at least see George in your life time.”
“Oh..” Warrior put his hand over his mouth and back away from her. Nancy and Kathleen took deep breath and also stepped back. “Well that puts a few more things into place if you have meet and even talked to George.”
“What? I don’t get it what is so big about meeting and talking to George.” Blaze asked complete in shook and very confused why the other where freaking out on her.
“George is not someone that you just meet and talk to. None of us have ever talked to him.” Nancy said “Oh we need to talk and find out what is really going on.”
“No one just talks to George it can’t be done.” Warrior said “The only two people how talk to George are Father and the CORAL Computer and to meet him usually means that Father has ask that you are removed from the world for something that you did to him.” He turned to look at the others “Lucky there are only two people that have ever had that fate put upon them.”
“Wait so you are saying that I meet a guy’s who is with drawn from the world so much that his only contact was with Father and a super computer that seats underwater and just outside of Atlantes.” Blaze said She herself backed away from everyone. She found a chair pulled it up and sat down. Slowly she lowered her head into her hands “Oh I’m in so much trouble.”
“Much more then you think young lady.” The gruff Voice said Blaze looked up at the Aged and weathered one eyed face of Nick Fury. “Nick Fury Dir of Operation here at Coral.” He put out his hand. Blaze reach up and shook his hand “With all that has happened and is happening you just might be the most inporten person on the plant.”
“Oh Great just add the presher on her Nick.” Blackjack said standing behind her.
“Well to easy things just a little.” He looked over his shoulder at Blackjack “I have seen and talked to George twice in my life time.” He looked back at Blaze “so don’t feel too bad. Regardless of what everyone say’s about him he really is a nice guy.”
“Good to here that, but then I do have a question.” Blaze said standing up “Who the hell is George?”
“He’s the guardian of CORAL base.” Warrior said “He is also the only person in the world that hates humanity enough to want to destroy it. Father ran into him a few hundred years ago and locked him away in CORAL base and he has been happen ever seance.”
“But you can all talk about that on the ride to the main land.” Nick Said “But first I need you to sign a few paper for me.’” A crew man handed Nick a Clip board “This is simple paper work for the uniform and weapons issued to you.” He turned the clip board and handed it to her with a pen. “The First page I just need you to sign at the bottom and then the second Page I need you to intal about mid page and sign at the Bottom.” Blaze looked over the first page and say that it was a slandered form and signed it. She Flip to the second initialed and then signed the second page. “Thank you.” He turned and handed the Clip board to Blackjack. Blackjack took the Clipboard and walked over to Warrior and Had him sign the same papers “Now my dear I know you have been berifted on what is happening and what is going to happen, but I like to meet ever one that come on board my fling tub and everyone likes to call it.” Nick looked over his shoulder at Blackjack “it’s all right I call that myself, But there is something I do have for you if you come for with me.’ He starch out his hand to help her up out of the chair.
Blaze took Nicks hand and stood up “Sure I knew I can more then trust you. Father wrote in one of the books that I came across you where the one person in the world outside of the family that he could and would trust.”
“Good to hear that.” He said “Please right this way.” And her started to lead her out of the room. As nick passed by Blackjack he handed him the clipboard. Nick looked down at the paper on top and noted his head.
“Nick.” Warrior said “How long before we can lunch?”
“The four of you can load now, when I get back with Miss Tyler you will be dropped off.”
“Come on Warrior Let’s get all the gear loaded.” And Blackjack picked up one of the five duffle bags that was laying in the floor. Warrior grab two of more and followed Blackjack as he went down and other stair case.
Nancy looked over to Kathleen “something is not right here. We didn’t have to sign anything when we got our uniforms why would Blaze and Warrior have to.”
“and the Dir of SHIELD dosed not come down to have you sign the papers himself.” Kathleen said looking at the back of Blaze as she walked down the hallway behind Nick “and seance when does Nick want to meet everyone that comes on to the Helocarrier? I didn’t meet him the first time I came aboard this crazy thing.”
“No me neither, But I know Father and him do go back a long way.” Nancy said as she picked up one of the duffel bags.
“Yeah, so something must be up. I think Blackjack must have had Blaze sign something and Nick need to be here for it to make it legal in some way.” Kathleen Said “He did hand the Board to Blackjack and Blackjack Turned to Warrior and had him sign the same papers, did you see that.” And she picked up on of the duffel bags.
“Yeah I did, But how much of a deal should we make of this?” Nancy said and started to walk towards the stair case following behind Blackjack and Warrior.
“I don’t think we should do too much about it.” Kathleen Said following behind her “What ever it was it’s pretty much done with and in front of the Dir of SHEILD and a lawyer it’s got to be more then lleage with those to people in the room.”
Ok so now that is almost as raw as it gets. There is little done to it more then just beening writen in one place and then up on here so I know there is a tank load of mistakes both in spelling which has had only one spell-check to it and then there is the grammer and many other things I just didn't have the time to reform it in to something a little more done then what you have seen in the past. this is just one big mess and it took way to long just to get it posted and in the form it is in. I'm not happy about it in any form and the time it took to get posted., but there it is a part of book three..
Thanks for all the Fish
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