In Pain..
know you I have seen a ot of thingsover the years and one of the worest is someone with teeth pain, but right now my lower back is killing me so I can't think staright. of corse when Have I ever been able to think straight. my mind is so twisted sometimes that I couldn't tell you the last time I had a staright thought, but I do now this Vamps are not sparkly. so anyone who has any type of pain I can show some intrest in and show on smipyth towards because right now I'm having a hard time walking so forget picking anything up. even now I have an Ice mpack on my lower back and trying to frezze the hell out of it I hurt so much. Now remember Vamps are not sparkly burst in to flame yes but sparkly no. Ok now This all started ruffy monday maybe sunday night and the only thing I made a change in was that i had a mike hard with dinner so let's take that away and find out if achole really is bad for you and if it is and I start to get better well you'll know because I'll have something better to go on about other then hey I killed muy back and Vamps are not sparkly some and walk in sun light but they do not sparkle when they do it, but in the end pain is not a good thing you can't do anything but think about it and want to play with the area that hurts which in the end only make it hurt more so how stupied is that. SO does any one know what the day of the week is I'm so lost right now I just keep working things out in my head but with my back killing me like it is a hard floor and ice pack has been my best friend most of the day, unitl I was able to get up and go to my chiro man is he good sometimes and today he was on it. He didn't like the way I was but he was not giving up till he got the thing to move he moved me to two diffrent tables and worked the thing over and if you are woundering just by looking at me he could see that my left hip was two count that two inches hight then my right Oh I am so broken right now it's not funny and it sure as hell don't feel good. Now other then working on a computer most of sunday I have do idea what I could have been, but I can tell you this much Vamps do not sparkle and I hurt for almost no reason and I have not found anything that can take away the pain right now asprin is out and I have to stop the little drinking that I have done do to the fact that that might have been what caused this which would be stupied yet really the only thing new to what I have done of late and have you ever notice how cold and ice pack can get after a while when you don't think about it and that vamps don't sparkle. maybe I should go watch the news might make me feel a little about myself to see so murder and mayhem, but i just not sure I want to try and get out of this chair right now, but then again the movment has been doing me good so I think I might have tried or should try and go to the gym tomorrow do a slow walk instead of the bike just because I hurt so much and it might help a little becaue once I get moving I do pretty good it just that Vamps are not sparkly there is now way in the world that they should sparkle. I think that might be the best thing tomorrow once I had a bad nights sleep maybe I can find some of the nive stuff that starts with a V to help me sleep, just hope it's not the blue pill I find. I think I sent away for a sample of it once but I don't remember if I ever got it so I shouldn't have any of it in the house, but I have alway haad a intrest in it. Like everything else you got to try it once unless it's really stupied to do so and could kill you even tring it once, so where does that leave use oh yeah that right Vamps are not sparkley
Thank for all the Fish
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