As Blaze enter the kitched she said "Good morning Warrior." In a most cheery voice.
Warrior turned around with the frying pan still in one hand as the spatula in the other "Well at least some one is in good spirits this morning. Good morning Blaze." He turned back to the stove and set the frying pan back down on the fire.
Blaze walked around the island and over to him "Are you aware that there are almost no servents in this place? No computer to help out with small stuff ot any or the other moderation that we have in town." She looked down at the frying pan on the stove to see it what a heavy black iron pan.
"Ya I know. We like it like that. we do a lot of thingd for ourselves." Warrior said 'That would be one of the reasons I'm in the kitchen right now. I like ti cook, of course some people say that is hould never be allowed to." He picked up the frying pan and moved it off the fire.
"then if peopel thin you shouldn't cook then why are you here. I mean why not have a cook do it for you." Warrior turned to look at her 'Wouldn't it be easier to have someone make you breakfast and bring it to you so you could stay in bed longer." Blaze look up at him.
Warrior stomic gave a little growed "It might be easier but I'm hungy now and by doing it myself I"ll know when it will be done" He paused "And besides breakfast is fun to make. Plus contray to what everyone else thinks. "He looked over his shoulder at the door to see if either Nancy or Kathleen was there. "I'm really good, but you mess up one stew and they never let you forget." He looked back to Blaze "and it's fun here you try." He reached over picked up the pastula, put it into Blazes and then picked her up and set her down infront of him by the stove. "Now you'll want to watch out of the little jumping sparkes they can be hat and hurt from time to time." Warrior slid the pan back over the burner. He picked up an egg from the other side "Now when I crack the egg into the pan you'll want to move it back and forth after a few seconds. This pan cooks a little fast." He held up the egg "Ok ready.." and he cracked the egg into the pan.
Blaze started to moved the spatula back and forth over the pan to make sure she was doing ti right. "Like this right."
"Ya just liek that." Warrior took hold of her hand to help out a little "Now we take our plate.' he reached over and grabbed the plate from the counter "and then we pick up the egg from the pan and put them onto the plate just like so." and while holding her hand he tiped the plate and scaped the egg onto the plate. "Ok good now you try it by yourself. Warrior set the plate back down, as blaze put the pan back on to the fire. He picked up two eggs from the carton and cracked them into the frying pan one at a time single hand.
Blaze waited a second then started to steir them. When they looked cooked to her she tried to pick up the pan with one hand. At witch point Warrior realized that it was to heavy for he to lift he help her and moved it over to the plate and scooped them on to it "Just like that right."
"Yupe." They set the pan back on the stove "just like that." Warrior said opening a drawer that wa right behind him and pulling out a fork. "Now alls you have to do." He hand her the fork "Is try them. You might fine that they are a lot better then anything else anyone has ever made you."
Blaze slowly reached out and took the fork "Do I have to?" she let out a small grown cooking was one thing eating them well thats and other. Warrior nodded his head and pushed the fork towards her a little more. Blaze relucatnly took the fork from him and dug into the eggs. She Lifted the fork up to look at the scrambled eggs then closed her eyes and opened her mouth to take a bite. She slowly started to chew teasting with every bite and then finally swalloed the bite she has in her mouth with a great look of satisfaction on her face. She opened here eyes to see Warrior standing there with a huge smile on his face "It's good." and she took another bite.
"Of course it is.' Warrior commednted "You made them yourself and like I said when you make something yourself it's usually the best." he picked up his plate from the back counter "shall we go into the dinning room to finshed eating." and he geastured to the door behind her that lead into the dinning room."
"Do we have to." Blaze asked "I mean why not do something diffrent. First I make my own eggs why not eat them here in the kitchen as well." She took another bite of her eggs.
"Sure we can." Warrior said "But let's move over to the island here. Standing by the stove isn't all the fun." The two of them turned and moved over to the table Blaze stood at the head of it and Warrior stood on the right side of it. "Need some pepper." he said as he set his plate down and reached for the pepper grinder.
The two of then stood there and finisded ther breakfast. At one point Warrior brought over some sauge that he had cook just before Blaze had come into the Kitchen. They talked aout how last night had gone and what a nice night it had been untill there plates were empty. Once Blaze had finshed her's she said "Well thank you for a nice and most interesting breackfaast, but I really just came by to see what you had plan for us tonight." and she pushed he empytu plate into the center of the island.
"I'm not completely sure myself just yet." Warrior pushed his own plate into the center of the table with Blazes "but I can assure you that we will not use normal means of transportation." He gestured to her with his gloved hand "If that is ok with you."
"That fine with me. I don't really like car's myself." and Blaze thought for a second of all the place she had gone on horse back. "Unless I have to go somewhere whare a horse isn't allowed or can't get to." she start to think about the declining areas in town "Which now a days are very few. Kind of funny."
"Don't Worry. If it's a place a horse can't go I think I can take care of it." Warrior stood up straight 'Now if you'll please excuse me I need to get changed." and he gestured to him still dressed in his long night shirt and sweats.
Blaze had not even noticed what he was wearing when she came in to the kitchen "Oh ok. That alight I need to get going anyway." She looked over at there two plates sitting on the island top.
"Well at the very least let me show you out." The two of them made there way around the island and head out of the kitchen and back into the Grand hall. They slowly walked over to the front door which Warrior opened for he "Oh by the way how did you know I was staying in the castle."
Blaze walked pasted him out the door to her horse that was tied up right out side. Warrior didn't remember one being there but it could have been put up over the night. He followed her out and watched as she untied her horse and got on. "You know that little bird i told you about." Warrior nodded his head "Well there you go."
Tail end of it..
In the orginal version I did have then going into the dinning room to eat but I thought as I was typing this in what the hell let's just keep them in the kitchen. Blaze was learning something new here go why not keep it all new for her and eat in the kitchen. So for the mostt part I rewrote the tail end of tonights stort on the spot with a little out line for the orginal work...
Thanks for all the fish
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