Friday, July 2, 2010

Bad T.V.

What are we coming to...
You know I was at home for most of the day and I was once again do lanrdry again and I was watched the move pirate Radio which was not a great movie I wouldn't recomend it to anyone unless you want to watch movie with Phillemore semane hoffmen other then that missing this movie is nothing big for you. After which I watched some Doctor Who well still doing landry You know I may never be done with the landry it keeps comes and comming and not just in one or to loads it comes in six and seven, but anyway I finshed four hours of the Doctor and went on to make some dinner and tried to find something else to watch. guess what there is nothing on you know the people in the U.S. watch more T.V. then in anyother contry, but in this case I know I had been watching way to much T.V. for the day but then again on the other side of things I got a lap top in the living room and I use it well watching T.V. so it's just get's to be a little much at times I think how addicted to T.V. have we and myslef for that matter become. Now in this case when I finshed the doctor I couldn't find anything to watch so I went to my DVD cabint and found Boston Leagle an other T.V. show that was on for five years it was either that of the West Wing which was on for Seven years. So you know I ahte to see what is going to come up next with things. I have been watching Old T.V. almost all day and doing landry which I must say is getting to be a little much I need to get out of the house. I haven't even gone to the gym expate once this week because I haven't want to really do anything. I get the feeling that as much as I want to get out of this house I just can't get myself out of it, but then has T.V. gotten so bad that I can't find anything that I have to go to find older shows or play on the computer I come on I don't do any realy work on this thing. I play games and write this simple pointless blogg eveyday, but this thing beong pointless is the point. I mean I don't write anything of great intrest most of the time. ok back to T.V. has it gotten so bad that you can't find anything to watch anymore and then again most of us now have DVR so we can recorded a show at 2am and watch it later, but does it mean it's any good. I look back at some of the T.V. shows that came out of the 60's 70's and the 80's and find that it's was much better T.V. then what we got today. I think there are more Drama's on then there ever was before and then you have the cable shows which can go over the normale limit's of reguler T.V. they get you blood and nudey in there shows and then get into the emey's and regulre T.V. no longer win's or I haven't see any of late, but then I don't watch Emey's anymore because like many i think awards for T.V. and sad to say the movies don't mean as much as they use to, but that is me.

Ok yeah this again..
Ok I posted this Picture again because someone was talking about the twlight saga on the computer over past few days and I just got to say that they do not sparkle when sunlight hit's them. The really are creatures and I must go that way they are not human. They are creatures of the night and even if thise that can go into the sun light they really don't care for it, but they don't sparkle. Vamps are things to be feared and destoried when found I don't care how human they appear to be or what else you think they are creatures of the night who's prime mind set is to feed and try and rule over humanity because we are there food. Now yeah they are a culture in it of themself and yes they show many human treats but they are creatures not human and they work to kill and feed on us. Many have been around for years so they know how use the system around to the point that they don't kill all that much. It show's they can think and keep there food around without having it kill them. they know we can and would do so if we found them because we human and we fear what we don't understand. I know I have to get off this horse of Vamps in the world because it what is out there and we don't really know what vamps are like we keep making stuff up and yeah they could be more human like but they do not a will never sparkle. that to me is the most stupieds thing I have ever read/seen in the history of vamps, plus right now it's a little to much for me becuase they are everywhere in today's world where 15years ago no one would even think about bring them to "into the light" to say. We get a woman how writes a few books for teenagers and they pop up everywhere. Now that might be just what I see because they exploted out in the main stream when the twilight books came out, there might have been other things in the work way before that or somethings might have been changed when the Idea of vamps are more human then they are. you know I don't know and I really don't care I just see it everywhere and I'm not happy about it and I'm a person who has been a fan of vamps for many many many ok one more many years. Just the fact they are everywhere now I don't think is right and to put one for thing on top of it the Lycans or Were's are being somewhat forgotten and these creatures are just as inporten or more so because they are what keep the vamps at bay. a secret war that has been going on for thousands of years if not even longer. well ok that might be streting it a little let's go with hundreds of years, but let's leave it at that for now..
Thanks for all the Fish

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