Ok so by now you know there was a car or Van accedent yeasterday. I was not in it. It was yes my wife the women driver and this is what happens when a women driver crash a car and it could take anywhere from 7thousands to 8thousand to fix. you just don't make a left turn from the middle lane on a one way street. you end up with a car pushing you into a u-haul fence next to gas line so you got the power company and the cops showing up so nothing blows up. Now I guess women can have a better time of when to do an accedent this was at 5:15 in the evening, but none the less it still sucks, but it looks like they might scrap the van so I need to go hunt down a new one
Now guys we don't really do it so well. first we start it out at 6am and get side swiped by a carpool van and we are making the left hand turn and we only cost a little over 1,500. we use cars and work are way into trucks we don't use trucks and work are way into cars and we do it in front of a college where there isn't any body around and it take the cops twenty to show up and there right around the correner, but what do you want it always happen on a one way street so I guess there is one thing we have in common in that aspect we have accedents one way street and turning left it's just men get hit and women do the hitting. be get bummed and then smashed into are two diffrent things and in both cases they are accendents and money has to be paided out regardles of where it comes from.
in the end..
thinggs happen and it's hot and I'm tired from dealing with the insurance and everything else that goes along with it, so yeah it short but it's women driver vs Men drivers..
Thanks for all the Fish
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