Gas prices..
Ok so you need to tell me if I'm wrong about this. There is a oil spill out in the gulf and hunders of gallions are following out into the water and Gas prices stay the same and even go down a little. Now they cap the thing so that it start to either slow down and or stop and the price of gas starts to go up again how stupied is this. I mean yeah I can see where the price could have gone up when the thing was leaking, but now they got it capped and it's slowed the price starts to go up again. I know summer is here and prices do go up durning the summer but do you thing now was the best time for the price of gas to really start going up. you it's just stupied and also have you noticed that there are more ad's on T.V. for cleaner energy now they there where when the spill was happening now that they have a small clean up plain going and somewhat work you get ad after ad on cleaner and cleaneer energy, but you can't find any of the car's or stastion for eithanol or power stations to recharge a electral car at a shopping mall. you know they want to preach this stuff but they don't give us the ablitiy to use it. so stop with all the ad on cleaner energy if we can use it. and then there is the power company who more or less run's most of the energy we use on a reguler basis and yet your power bill goes up yeah let's have cleaner energy but it's going to cost you more money. It's hard to say what really is the good thing is for all of us..
Nothing else..
You know that's all I really got for you just a little on gas price for the most of the day I have been working aorund my house trying to get thing put things back together so enjoy the night the moon is raising time to go out side and watch..
Thank for all the Fish
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