Lay me to rest..
You know I have lost track of where we are in days sometime the only real reason I know it's monday is that I wrote you a store last night and unless I'm really off that makes today some unknow day. I been working partly on the Van accedent that happend a few day's ago and a little on stress of the situation. The situation is not a good as I like and we need to so the bardering for the price of the van. They are going to total it so that means we need to get a new one which means I need to set up a deal for the new car and get a good price for the old one and that is the stress of the situation. I'm so tired from the stress right now i could sleep for a few days, but you know I got a few hunder things to do and I just can't stop, but then again I can't sleep because I'm so tired. I just want to get this all done and over with other wise you might find me in an acedent because i'm so tired I fell asleep while driving which could be really bad, but at least I'm driving in a van that is already going to be totaled so running it into a post couldn't be that much worst, just put myself into the hospetal. but lest not go there it really is the last thing we really want.
Got to drive...
So now I drive a van around with a rear door that doesn't open and a drive door that doesn't closer all the way. great fun if you ask me and to top it all off the lights don't turn off so really it's something you don't want to drive it at night, but it still work and you know the inside lights might turn off after a while now that i think about it it's just strange to be driving around in a van that is in such bad shape, but at least it is safe to drive for the most part. It just makes more intresting sounds now. it fun to listen to and it's going to be sad to see it go when ever it does leave us it's just a matter of time before it leaves so we have sometime before it has to go, but for now we have time with it to show it off. This is what happens when you left women drive i say when someone asked me when going through a drive thru and they comet on it. It's fun just to also see everyone reaction on it too, but you know I'm just tired and need to find some sleep because this is just a little bit to much stress when it isn't even my accedent.
Thanks for the Fish
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