The world goes around and around......
you know money makes the world go around and around but this year the U.S. is going too be short somewhere in the Naberhood of 110billion dollors for a while, because of a misprint of the new 100dollor bill which cost some where around 120million dollors to print in the first place, so they have locked them up and it's going to take more then a year to sort throught the bills using a machain which is much better then the 20 to 30 years that it could have taken to get the bills sorted out by hand. well at least we don't have to pay someone to sort the bills out by hand but then again that would have give a few people a couple of jobs for the afew year well they sorted throught the bill so maybe we should go with the hand sorting, I mean come on we have a few computers do it and the jobs is done with in a year and we only need to hire say five people to feed the machain for eight hours and then a few on the other side to cut the goods bills out by hand,of couses the is always the option of just shreading the whole lot remaking th paper and reprinting the bills which could take a but load less time, but you know I kind of like the idea of sorting the bills by hand get a about 50 people in a large room with lighted tables and a really big magnifing glass and just let them go for it, hell you just got 50 people off unemplyment and working again, then you have the five or six people running the pallet jacks in and out of the room so there is another few people working again and then you have the superviser for everything and now you need to add in a little more securty for all the new people, but you know if you make it a 24hour thing then you have you have 3 shifts of 50 people which make a good 150 people back to work, plus everybody that you need per shift which in the end you could get more then 200 people back to work because they mess up a butt load of bills and we need to clean it up, so hey we go work to do here and we can do it by hand so let's get it going and for 20 to 30 years of work you'll have people jumping at the bit to do it, and you know it would be good for a college student an evening or graveyard job is usally what they are looking for and think of all the other benifent that are going to help the counity that is around fort worth between new house needing to be built and the supermarkets getting a influcs of money and the new jobs that it could cause there so this mistake if done by hand could bust the hell out of a counity just like that if they went with the hand sorting meothed, but no they are going to use a computer and do it in a year or so which will do almost nothing for the ecconey so go figure, yeah we need to fix the problem and the long road is one that could really be the better way, hell would could use with a smaller cash flow for a while I mean it is only 110billion dollors we can cut back just a little and put that on a credit system, no big deal there I mean we are taking about the U.S. goverment they would never screw us over they are here for the people and to help the people. right?????
Raise your hands
I didn't realise there was a 100 dollar bill....