The Movie Stars...
Ok so I was looking though the head lines on the computer there was nothing really out there beyound the normal crap about this thing or that and you know the one thing that cought my eye because it had to do with the movies, because by now you should know that I just like and watch way to many movies so when I see something I got to go really why, Now this one is on Johnny Depp and the fact that he was not the first choose for the roll or Jack Sparrow, but the hint is in the name, what if Hugh Jackman was Jack Sparrow, it would have made a very diffrent movie, but you know the second and third movies really had nothing to do with first one and you could live without the other two films really and if Hugh Jackman was Sparrow I'm not sure they woulod have done the other two film, I mean he is a good actor and I really do like him, I think it's kind of fun that the man stand more then 6feet and he got choose to play a roll where the guy is 5foot 4inch tall. it just kind of funny and now to think of what it would have been like if Jackman would have been Sparrow
You get this a lot this now adays of what if this person was the star of the movie because he was the first choose not the person who really did the movie, Look at the third Jones film Slater was talked about as the first choose for young Jones, but was pasted up because for one reason or another, and and believe it or not Bogart was not the first choose to do Casablanca, but they went with him so second and third choose's are nothing new for film it has been going on for year and in most cases work out prety good and like Depp being choosen for Sparrow it worked out. and it just a matter sometimes if the actor wasn't to do it as well, because it is a good rumore that Sean Conery was going to play Professor X in the X-men films, but he was going to retire and didn't want to comite to a three film deal at that point so he did the League instead, not sure if it was a good move or not, but it is what he wanted to do because he felt he that way, and you know even in his old age Conery still looks good and should always be the Sexiest man alive regardless of who they pick.
Raise your Hands
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