Ok so everywhere you turn there is budget's and tax cut's are coming out, and no one is happy and for the first time in years we are really starting to here about it, and you know what it's a little good to hear, I mean yeah I don't really want to listen to the state or the the congruss say hey we don't have enough money for this or that because the real question is what the hell happened to the budget from last year, year i know we have to get one for every year but there should be a back fall of what we had last year worked so let's use that, but then again we did run over a few million dollors here and there, but well guess what don't do that this year you have and idea or budget so spend that money and when you run out guess what your don't and the sad part come well this now has to wait tell next year to be finished because you ran out of money this year and then why the hell did you run out of money we gave you enough to do the job what the hell happened to all of it. that is the point of any given budget here is the money you are a lotted and you can't go over it, to me budgets have always been full of shit because they always over spend on it anyway, no one can say thats it there isn't any more, your done you want to finish it you need to go out and ask people on the street for the money to finish the project because we gave you enough to do it and you spent it poorly, and I see that happening all the time, the goverment any goverment spends money poorly with out thinking about the bottom line in the end they would feel better about going into the red then think about how to spend money. one of the things I always see is that they are paying out people they have on contrect, but are not getting the product they are paying for so they need to stop paying them untill they get the product we gave them the money we said we would now give us are product you had a time line and deadline and you have missed that deadline now either you give us are product or give us the money back, that is it, there is not any more to say you need to give us our product and when we get it we will finish paying you out, untill then you need to work in the red because we are going to spend the money else where untill we get what we asked for. we can't get more plain then that, and if you go over budget then that is one your head not ours we are going to pay for your budget overages because we agreed on a price and we are paying you that amount, so give us what we paid for and give it to us on time like we asked all the overages is your falt and you need to pay for it we are not going to give you any more money the contract was for a price now pay us and next time we will go and find someone else to do it for us who can get it done on time and with in the price we were told they could do it for. This is what it is all about getting the job done and doing it on time and you get paid for it and that is the down fall of all budgets they don't collect there products and pay all the overages that the company and the goverment agreed on which is the suck part because who really get screwed in the end the people of the land, so head down to the state building and tell your congruss person what the hell is going on with these stupied budget and tell them to have a reguler accounted to look at it to see where they might beable to make a few cut because the people that are making them now don't have a frigen clue of what the hell they are doing, because they are cutting the wrong thing from begining to end, hell let me look at it i'll show you how to make some good cut's and look at them and go what the hell is this and what the hell is that, so then just need to get some one else to look at there books because i bet you there is things the govement dosn't see, and not just the projects that are being paid out and we are not getting any products in return or finished, everything needs to be on time and out the door by 5pm so they plane will not fly.
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