You know we all life in this thing we call a world but you know we can't all live together because there people out there who always want to do harm to and other, because they feel they need to and there are other that are just to intresting for most people to understand, this is what makes the world, but we have things to look forward to but these are things that we don't really care about. Like a royal wedding, or how to get a butt load off a big screen t.v. and many other things. Hell just yeasterday I went on about the stupied beatles finally getting there music on I-tunes and people making a bigger deal out of it then it should be. Look it's just the beatles come on there are much bigger bands and better music to try and get out on to I-tune that is not there, but then again I just go who care it's just more music that you casn buy on I-tunes but it is nice to get fresh old stuff sometimes, but then again I was never one for the music from the sixties or earily seventies. I like to always say I'm was a music people of the 80's and earily 90's, just before all this rap crap came in thus, rock n' Roll is now in you country music which is intresting because people would always run from country music, hell even Rap artiest are try to get into the country music act, they just want to take over everything so it's nothing but there music out there and trust me when it first came out I was kind of into it but then it when into some crazy as spin and now it sucks beyond sucking. I enjoyed the orginal rap arties like Run DMC and the fatboys, ice T and LL Cool J but now, I can't stand any of it so I have no Idea if it's got a point to it like it did back then, but then again the stuff back then was a bit of a story, but a lot of fun, now there well what ever you got and these new arties look to be nothing, but a bunch punck as kids who don't want to really work for a living, but then again I well and can say that about any given singer they want to do as little work as possable for a butt load of money, now I know when they are on tour they have a little more of a job, but then again you they just have to stand on a stage sing for an hour and a half, but that is just what I see on the out side of things, but then thats what I see when they do those behind the sence thing is the arties just screwing around until they have to go on stage and start what every they do, so hope around some just walk back and forth on stage and others just stnad there and sing so this what we get out of music these day punk as kids trying to sing and put on a poor as show, hell even some of the older act's do the same thing, but you know that is what is all about doing as little are possable to entertain people and make as much money as possable..
Raise your hands...
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