Friday, March 12, 2021

Now and then what the have we become


What the hell is going on in today world, Shit has come down to a cancel this thing and that this offends you or that offends you so we are now going to cancel it and you can never see it again. You got to be kidding me this is a new way to destroy history and everything that is going on now a day's but are we forgetting about how we are. Why not just stop history and forget everything form the past. Throw are history books out and everything we have ever  learned and start as a blank slate. we have to create new countries new laws and new religions. now one believes in anything now. I guess that means everyone in jail gets out because they never did anything wrong we canceled that because the prison system offends me so much. Yeah this isn't going to work. I'm to much of and eye for and eye tooth for a tooth and we are all blind and toothless people walking around. Over the years I find more and more great say's and one of them is "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. I'm going throw these fuckin' eggs." Denis Leary 1971.

I see a shit load of people throwing and tank load of stones today and all kings of shit is getting hit and or cancelled or what ever the hell you call it these day. I think it suck, but I guess the people are having a voice on what they finally want and are doing what ever they can to get it. one thing be this new cut of the Justice League movie that is coming out the people rose up and spoke there mind and we got a better looking sonic the hedge hog and a crazy 4 hour movie now they are doing what every they can to get what they want boy cot this or compline about that and it can all go away if you want it. You know the late Great Carrie Fisher said once "Revenge is like drinking Poison and waiting for the other person to die"  and Then Denis Leary followed that up with "But sometimes they die first. and take it from some who know: it feels fucking awesome!"  

it would appear that the assholes of the world are out and in full force and we are standing there holding and empty bottle of poison in our hand the question become who dies first. I mean come on look at everything that we are destroying and are trying to get our kids to forget/not even see, and damn skunk cartoon character, books by dr. Seuss things that are over 50 years old are now becoming offensive to who weren't even thought of at the time they first came out. are you kidding me. Have we learned nothing from history or have be destroyed so much history that we can't see what really happened and what the times bring us. It would appear we can only remember the things that offend people, but we forget what this country was founded on. White slave owner that wanted to be free, kept together by a guy who didn't really care if he abolished slavery or not, he wanted to keep the country together, but in the end he did just that. follow that with the way the Americans  took the land from the people that lived here before them. so we have forgotten all that and just want to destroy all that was and make everyone pay for it even once it gone because that how they are going to as Dr Denis Leary says "I don't nurse my grudges. I juice them with steroids and keep them in cage-fighting shape."  we are just now starting to see them in the fighting world and we all have drank the poison and we are now waiting for the other person to die, let's just hope the other person/thing Dies first


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