The other day I was just running around a was talking a a few people and was thinking nothing about what I was saying as it was just part of the conversation I was having at the time. Nothing really deep and nothing world change just talking to a person and getting to know them and I made a comment about something and the person I was talking to got one of those expression of I can't believe you just said that.. You know I was raised in what I called being color and sex blind . I see people as people and nothing more. I have never carried about there color nor have I ever cared about there sex. hell I don't even care if the are straight. People are people and there is no reason to think any other way about it and the said part is that we have to edit ourselves all the time because we don't want to make them mad at us. Bloody hell I'm a white boy from Canada been in the U.S. for more years then I can count and got the nick name of being a Snow back in high school because I had some friend that where Mexico and joked about them being wetbacks. I never say them anything more then people and don't really care where they are from and today it would appear that you have to be more and more on guard about what you say because if you go the wrong way with any given comment your up shits creek and I just really aren't we trying to get away from all this crap in the first place. I mean a Black guy can call a white boy a honky or any other given name out there but the minute the white guy turns around and hits the black guy with something he is now a races. Bloody hell what is going on here. I know after all the years of the crap the white dudes did to the black dudes it's not right but in the end it's been over 150 years get the hell over it and I know the shit from the 60's and 70's are still out there and all that crap but what the hell are we telling the next group of kids that are coming in to the world. we want to be together but we have to be apart because we can't call each other names or at the least if someone not of your race call's you name they are a races. come on far play is far play a snow back is a snow back and a wet back is a wet back but we are all people and I don't don't give a shit. can you do that job great get it done. can you live next to me without burning down your house or mine great hell can i come over and get a cup of milk and flour so I can make some cookies for the kids. They want to sell lemonade this weekend. It really gets to me that we are trying to get the people to of country/world to come together and yet when you have someone who is color/sex blind as I am say what is one there mind regardless of who is around them it can be kind of scary it just pisses me off to no end. Hell I'm raising my son the same way to be color/sex blind. people are people and if you got something to say then I sure all hell hope you say it in what ever way you need to. Bloody hell I wish everyone would say what the hell is on there mind because you can see that some people just have something to say but because they are in mixed company they are holding there tongs and I hate that shit..
You got to say what is on your mind sometime and that is what I wanted to do here when I first started out and I did what I didn't want to do I got way to worried about what someone would really thing about what I said and then it would come back and bite in in the ass and you know today/tonight is just one of those day's that I would just like to say I just don't give a damn. People are people and I'm getting to old to give a crap. I mean yeah I will only go so far sometimes and in some case's I'll take it just a bite farther because it it what I'm thinking. I really don't give a shit what race color creed of even if your human as long as your a good person/thing who gives a shit. everyone should be allowed to be them self. Now take a few minutes to get to know the people around you before you jump out with the fact that your a Pagan and you have saved the world a few time and fought a couple of demons and stuff like that but shit you need to be yourself and work your way up to that. I mean they might go OK he's crazy but at least they know who you are and you can be yourself. It's not like it's something you do every other day just twice a year and on those special occasions when someone is being stupid or it's just the right lineament of stars. you know who the universe it like to screw with us ever now and then. Open a door that no one has even thought about in over 1,500 years behind a water fall. Hey it's all good and sealed but you never know.
List to me damn it...
Ever have one of those days where no one will listen to you they just got yo say what is on there mind, which is fine it's what I want but they will no list to you one bit. Everything and I do mean everything they say is all there is. They can't hear anything that is coming out of your mouth. They keep going on and on about the problem and want you to come up with the answer and your just listening and try to say been working on it for a a while now don't have the answer yet do you have any ideas because I'm all out of ideas and they just keep going on and on about the problem and they have only been dealing with it a few month and you have has a year or more and can't find an answer and they don't want to hear that they want an answer that you do not have because you have tried many thing or to get the right balance an it has not worked out and would like any new idea's that they might have, but they repeat the problem ask well what are you going to do about this it's your problem and I have just come on board and I don't want to deal with it any more because it's was here before I got here and I shouldn't have to deal with it. You need to fix this and tell me the answer now, you go to try and explain that this is now answer at this time we are still working on it. It has been a running problem and we would like new ideas do you have any and you can see that the person hasn't heard an thing you have said and anything you say isn't going to get in. Don't you just want to grab this person by the shoulders and shake the living crap out of them and say Listen to me, you are not hearing word one that I am saying and the really sad part of it is that this is the second person that hasn't heard a thing you have said on the same subject in the last hour. You just want to wounder if you are even speaking English or what ever langue you should be. Here in the US you should be talking in English it's what we speak unless your in your own home then you can talk what ever the hell you want I don't care but if you are talking to me you better be speaking English other wise I just want to slap the shit out of you.
We are still here
Last year ended and we all lived through it, but did you know that there are teams running around the world making sure that all the gate to worlds are closed and that we did make it though the 12/21/2012 mess alive hell did you know that there was more then just that one day they had to deal with. That was the big one yes but there was a mess to deal with on 12/12/2012 and small problems of 12/20/2012..Chichen Itza being the focus point of it all. and then the lines running up in the the U.S. to the four point and out from there to a but load of places all around the world and there where a butt load of people all over the place making sure that we lived though it to see another day. A few of them are now going why did we do this and a shit load are going we are not done just yet there is a couple more things to worry about and deal with this year before we all can go back to a nice normal quite life and in the next few day there are going to be another group back at Chichen Itza to make sue that the spring equinox goes off without a problem. well if we are here on 03/23/2013 well then you know they all did there job and life is good for a while longer or at the every least tell we get to the summer solstice and more crazy shit could happen, but that should be just the normal mayhem that is out there none of the really big stuff, but then again you never know what is out there and who is watching over us and why. Life is funny that way we find help in the weirdest place even if we don't know it's happening or don't want to believe it's happening. You just got to let everyone live the way they want to and see what they want respect each other for who they are and listen to what they have to say because that person just might walk away going and I saved the human race why. I mean with people like Chris Rock in you really got to think why they do it sometime., but they do and no one ever know and it's not like they are trying to hide but shit people just don't want to believe in a lot of this stuff they will make fun of it they'll watch or read what someone putt's out there in fiction but when reality come to play they don't want anything to do with it and would not like to have it around them in any shape or form we are are not scary we are just keeping you a live from the things that go bump in the night we are the things that bump back and blow it up if need be. it can be fun at times and other times it's just a big pain in the ass when you get put aside a crazy person because you want to tell people because of me your safe and alive today, but that is just the way things go. Drop a really big rock on my head from outer space OK but cut a hole in space and time to see creatures coming in and want to eat me because I look like a good meal not so much. I don't believe even if they see it happen right in front of them. Doesn't happen much but you know when it dose you'll never hear about it because it's crazy talk...
When the legend become fact print the Legend