Saturday, March 7, 2020

from inlet to panic

Ok so you knew sooner or later I was going to get on this virus thing  that is happening in the north west. Over the past few weeks we have been hearing about this Corona virus and that the first cases in the US were in Seattle and the first deaths from it were also in that area. Now in the beginning the Media and I will go with all the media was doing it part to inform the public about the virus and what it did and everything related to it, but the just keep it up and it has gone from giving intell to panic and the people are no longer listing to what the media has to say. people are either doing the opposite of what should be done or they are over reacting and are turning into doomsday peepers, stocking up and waiting for the end of the world. going back to the wrong way or to the people who are not listing to the media side of things one for the worst things you could do is start using that hand stanitiser stuff  which in truth put's you at more risk then not using it and then they tell you that the face mask doesn't really do anything for you either yet people are buying these thing left right and center and say that the info that is coming out from the CDC is false. of course these people just see misinformation coming from the government because they have no idea what to do or this is a government virus out to help control the people and get the who ever is the Pres re-elected . Now major events and sporting events are getting cancelled. People are starting to lose thousands of dollars and the media all of it are just now fueling this. the more stories they run now are changing from intell to panic, the people are starting to panic that we are all going to get this new virus and die with in weeks, we need to get the media to stop talking about it and move on to another subject like the recovery of Nashville, yeah it you hear that Nashville was hit by two major tornadoes at the time of this writing over 256 building are destroyed and 1,000 are damaged, the death toll is at 25 and it is expected to climb in the next coming weeks yet her we are going on and on about a virus that is a threat but by giving out anything beyond the intell that is already out they are creating a panic I saw a morning show clip with DR. Drew and he was going on how the Media needs to shut up they are turning things from a simple intell mission to a panic and that they really need to shut up and that is were I am at the media needs to stop talking about it from the procustions  they are talking to the things we should or shouldn't be doing it's really is starting to cause a panic and anyone with a simple cough into you are now going to die.. so I need to the media to just SHUT THE HELL UP on this matter until new safe intell comes out that includes me.