The Bigger man
Lets start with remember to read the head line, These are my thoughts and Opinions and I really don't care what you have to say about it, so when I post something that is the truth and it's from the losing side so what. This is what the loser had to say. Ever person says that the they need to be the bigger man about things and just drop it they lost. My question is why? Ok so they lost but are they not entitled to tell there side of things and then be done with it. Are the losers of a fight not allowed to tell there side of a story. They lost why do they always have to be the bigger man and what the hell makes them the bigger man if the lost as a matter of fact they are the smaller guy and just got stomped on by the bigger guy and now they are just trying to tell there side of the story and no one want to hear them, because they lost and they have to be the bigger man. Well you know what I say screw that. If the guy who lost need to tell his story then let them do that, because they have as much right as the guy who won and what do they always say "it's the WINNERS that always write history." Well that's because the losers has to be the bigger man and not say anything because they lost. Screw that The loser should always be able to say what is on his mine and what his side of the story is and how he was beat in any given battle. That is the right to free speech. in today world we should be able to hear bother sides of the story, both losing and winning from the people that where there. I have a problem with people say well you just have to be the bigger man. the question is why I just got squashed I'm the smaller man. I'm the one who is looking up at the boot that just landed on me because the bigger man just won and you are telling me I should be the bigger man and not say anything anymore. Are you kidding. Yeah I just lost and have no chance to win in the future, but why should I drop it. This what the hell I think and I'm never going to be the bigger man because the bigger man won. Let me tell my side of the story even if I lost that is my right and because the winner is going to tell it his way and the losing side is not going to be told with total truth. So screw being the bigger man because I'm not I'm the smaller one and I have something to say and I'm sure as hell am going to say it I'm not fighting anymore I'm just finishing the fight with the epilogue for all to see. I'm not being a bigger man I'm not even being a sore loser I'm just finishing the story so it can be put away and move forward. the problem is that no one wants to hear it, so don't read it you don't have to but in this case here it is...
Big Smiles for BSA -one bad apple
So I finally got so flake about a post I wrote and in some why I'm happy about that and in another I'm up set about it. First I did nothing but stat the truth which I find piss people off and I need to stop doing it and second I brought a disagreement between to ADULTS that where not being ADULTS out into the the worlds eye, but what is being an adult really mean. Two guys are having a disagreement over something and it grows and grows tell it finally exposed and a third part is need to play intermediate. at what point are these two adults not acting as adults. they have a problem and find a third to help solve it. is it the way they are acting towards one another or what they are saying. I mean coming on we all all guilty of that. this what adults do, they disagree with one another and find away to try and move forward and that is what has happened he. The way forward was set forth by the third party. The guild line where clear thus nothing more could be done.. got it It's his way and that is pretty much it. You can put in your opinion and suggestions , but he doesn't have to take it or use them... NOW I WANT TO MAKE THIS PERFECTLY CLEAR the BSA troop that I talked about in yesterday's blog has a huge group of great people in it, they do what they think is right for the boys from beginning to end. The PATROL ADVISERS are set out to work with in BSA guild line and safety guide line to insure all the boys have fun and enjoy there time is scouting. YES I would still requirement the troop to any one that asked. I think it's a great troop, it's In this one Patrol I do not agree with the why things are done. It has away's been said and reinforced that we are boy's leading boys and I don't see that happening here.
The question is who is the BAD APPLE me (the Asst patrol adviser) for trying to get the boy to start making chooses on what they should do with there money (which this is really all about) and what they want to learn or the Patrol adviser for telling the boys what they are going to be learning and that the money the boys have errand is his to spend on the patrol on his time line and on what he thinks they need. so you tell me what you think, but remember to read the head line of this first
What is there more to say....
You know I don't think there is much more to say on this and in the end yeah I'm pissed off that I don't see things being don't the way should be and I was told that as long as the Patrol adviser is with in BSA guild line and safety guild lines he can run it how ever he wants. Yeah I'm Upset that We had to Patrols that became one and it feels like it's still we just joined the other patrol. Yes I'm upset that the Patrol I was leading folded and we had to join the two patrols because my boys would not show up to patrol/troop meeting and troop events. It's sad that these things have happened and I'm sure as Hell tired of people telling me to be the Bigger man..Because the truth of the matter I'm not I'm the smaller guy that has gotten his ass kicked around and now I'm tired of it so I'm saying something like I have the right to. Just in a very public form. using the Truth to back me up and if you don't like it to damn bad. I'm the smaller guy in this case and I want to be heard, you want to fire back go ahead I welcome it but remember I have all ready lost and just putting out my epilogue and by you telling me to be the bigger man is just making it grow, because I sure as hell am not. the bigger guy has his way
Stuff I think up as the day goes on and just need to say something about. Who care what you think this is just what's on my mind at the time
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Big Smiles for the BSA
So I have a boy how is boy scout and when we started there was one Patrol and then more boy's where add and the Patrol was broken in to two Patrols no big deal and time goes by and a few of my boys decide that they no long want to show to our patrol meetings or the troop meeting but when they feel like it and one or two or drop out and one moves away so we had to merge the two patrols together and form a whole new patrol. With time both Patrol's managed to gain money to buy supplies for camping or what ever else the patrol might need as long as the boys make the decisions because it is there money with guidance from the Patrol adviser. Now for the time we got our money I have been trying to buy the boys new cooking equipment but was unable to do it before the Patrols merge and the new Patrol Adviser refuse to buy then new equipment or anything they wants. he believes the money belongs to him not the boys. So I did the wrong thing and did an end run around and went to the boys and told them that they had Money to spend for new stuff and need to spend some of it. Because this years service projects are coming up and we might not get any money out of it because we have not spent any of the money we got from last years. Now the Patrol also has twice as much as any new incoming. So the Patrol adviser naturally is not happy with me but he finally agreed with the boys and broken down and said OK buy the stuff. SO I go home and make a phone call or two and have then money ready to pick up and a list of the stuff the boys wanted when I get and e-mail saying don't buy any thing..
Patrol Adviser
Do not buy anything for the patrol. If you do it will need to be returned. I thought about everything you said and its clear to me that good decisions will not be rushed. I will buy for the patrol and get reimbursed from the troop on my timeline.
Please don't speak for the patrol anymore.
Please explain why, these are the things that the BOYS said that they wanted and need for future camp outs
Patrol Adviser .
The lines of commnication need to be clear. You stabbed me in the back so I can't trust you to do it. I'll cover it.
What are your talking about. I am lost on what is going on here and I have already made arrangements to get the money to buy the things the BOYS wanted.
So I have a boy how is boy scout and when we started there was one Patrol and then more boy's where add and the Patrol was broken in to two Patrols no big deal and time goes by and a few of my boys decide that they no long want to show to our patrol meetings or the troop meeting but when they feel like it and one or two or drop out and one moves away so we had to merge the two patrols together and form a whole new patrol. With time both Patrol's managed to gain money to buy supplies for camping or what ever else the patrol might need as long as the boys make the decisions because it is there money with guidance from the Patrol adviser. Now for the time we got our money I have been trying to buy the boys new cooking equipment but was unable to do it before the Patrols merge and the new Patrol Adviser refuse to buy then new equipment or anything they wants. he believes the money belongs to him not the boys. So I did the wrong thing and did an end run around and went to the boys and told them that they had Money to spend for new stuff and need to spend some of it. Because this years service projects are coming up and we might not get any money out of it because we have not spent any of the money we got from last years. Now the Patrol also has twice as much as any new incoming. So the Patrol adviser naturally is not happy with me but he finally agreed with the boys and broken down and said OK buy the stuff. SO I go home and make a phone call or two and have then money ready to pick up and a list of the stuff the boys wanted when I get and e-mail saying don't buy any thing..
Patrol Adviser
Do not buy anything for the patrol. If you do it will need to be returned. I thought about everything you said and its clear to me that good decisions will not be rushed. I will buy for the patrol and get reimbursed from the troop on my timeline.
Turn the tents back into the troop next week. I will draw tents for the boys before Junes camp out.
Please explain why, these are the things that the BOYS said that they wanted and need for future camp outs
Patrol Adviser .
The lines of commnication need to be clear. You stabbed me in the back so I can't trust you to do it. I'll cover it.
What are your talking about. I am lost on what is going on here and I have already made arrangements to get the money to buy the things the BOYS wanted.
I think WE NEED to set up an Appointment to Talk With scout master to get things straight an find out what my roll in the Patrol is compare to what I think it is.
Patrol Adviser
Talk to him. I don' t need to be there.
Don't spend any money.
I believe you do some how we have hit a wall with one another and the three of us need to get it straight
Patrol Adviser
You have hit a wall when you turned your back on the patrol and encouraged the commitee to take money from the patrol. Its not your money to give away. I spent that money not you. It was my money not yours. When how and if I get reimbursed is for me to deal with. You don not speak for the patrol, not when you act against its interests. I'm done with this issue. I need to focus on WORK,
It is NOT your Money it is the BOYS money and they should be allowed to spend it anyway they wish to. If I can get the Money for the treasurer to purchase thing the BOYS want/need then as an PARENT and ASSISTANCE Patrol leader I have that right . The Money is not yours and never was it belongs to the BOYS and the PATROL and the only reason you have so much in the first place is because I was unable to spend any of mine and the amount was transferred over to the new Patrol. SO if I want to spend my 300 bucks on stuff for the BOYS the I should be allowed to.
Patrol Adviser
I have used my money so far yo fund the patrol. You have no authority to spend any of that money .
Please call me if there is sny confusion about this.
Talk to the troop leadership.
So in the in the end we had a cheat with the scout master asst. scout master and the Committee chair. After two hour of talking and a little yelling on every ones part the end result was He is the PATROL ADVISER and as long as he is working with in the BSA guild line and in the safety guild line. (No lose of life, lime or eye) he can do what ever he with is there is no wrong way to run HIS patrol and if the boys have no say on what they do and what they buy so be it and parents have no real say on what goes on in the patrol. Parents are there to watch out for there kids to make sure they are safe and move them forward, but the PATROL ADVISER is where the buck stops and that's it deal with it.
The reason we join this troop was because it was run by the BOYS with guidance and that is not what we got anymore now I feel that be have have a big smile and just go along with what ever the person in charge wants and we can't fight back because the leadership isn't going to listen to you as a parents and what the needs of the boys are. It's all down to what the guy in charge whats and thinks
in the en it all comes own to the type of Patrol Adviser you get. For the most part their is a great group of people working for and in the BSA
in the en it all comes own to the type of Patrol Adviser you get. For the most part their is a great group of people working for and in the BSA
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Great length's
And what if the writes ideas get people to look at history in a different light, look at history and what we know from another point of view. Is this so bad. I mean we have been told history throw the eye's of the winners for so many years it's not funny. What if we look at history from the point of the loser. What would you see what would the story tell you them, and the question is can you see the story from the other side which is the really funny part. I bet you Dollar to donuts that you couldn't or you wouldn't be able to do it for long because everything you see is wrong to you and those things that you see as a lose Sad to say Like Peal Harbor we turn in to yeah we got are ass kicked but we can back and won in the end so this is who it happened, but what does the other side look like and what of the war of 1812. Do we have much info in on that or hear much on that. Not really, why is that Oh that's right we got are ass hand to use, SO when something comes up like National Treasure and the Da Vinci code pop up people go to great and I mean hour and millions of dollars to disprove a piece of fiction. You try and disprove something and all you do is prove it right or you make people want to look at it from the other side know the other side so they can see and know the truth. Hell in some case it just might be a ploy to get tourist to come to some place and get a influx of money. Their is nothing like a conspiracy to get people to visit the place where it all takes place. Hell look at those stupid Twilight book. Before they came out Forks was a small little town in the west coast of Washington. Now they have full tours of where the books and movies take place from a simple one hour to a full day. Think of all the money that has been pouring into the small town and the surrounding, now throw that on a globe scale. When you put something like the Da Vinci code out you get people running to the Louvre and all the place that take place in the book. Same thing with the move National Treasure and Harry Potter for that matter. Hell For us Dresden Fans their is most likely a tour of Chicago showing where everything takes place. You know the Island in the books that Jim Butcher talks about. Yeah it's there just on on any map. Do you have any Idea how many people where at Chichen Itza on 12/21/2012 trust me you do not want to know. do you think there are any many pictures from that day and what of the mass group at Stonehenge. what do you think happened there. I mean come on you want a good story that was really start there with a thank load of fiction and I bet you will have people crawling out of the wood work to disprove it and say that nothing happened much like what happening with both the DA Vinci code and National Treasure. Both fiction that is being very hard to be disproved. Which as what happened at Chichen Itza was way beyond what you could possible imagine, but is very true. yet No one in the would would believe a single word of what truly happened even those who where there would say Damn you would not believe it so why even try and tell you. So Titanic is fiction in a real surrounding and people see it as a great piece of fiction no problems what so ever. Something like National Treasure or the Da Vinci code which is said from the beginning that the only thing real in the story is description of artwork, architecture, documents and secret rituals are real. people take great length's and great amounts of money to prove wrong. I find it massively funny and where as something like the mess that was at Chichen Itaz people would never believe what really happened there so they'll just leave it alone.
Prove fiction wrong and never know what is true because it just could have happened that is the mind of the human and what we get.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Roasting words...
The Things we tell ourselves...
Now we all talk to ourselves but the question is do we come away with anything most of the time I want to say no. when we are talking to ourselves it to either find an answers to a question to something we can't answer of to rationalize something out or even to yell and scream because all we could in in the past i just sit there and let the other person talk and no say anything or what the hell you are really thinking or you just left and argument and are still pissed off and need to keep going . Now that's a lot of reason for us to be talking to ourselves but in the end it's all healthy and needs to be done. Hell this is a away that I try and talk to myself now do I say everything that is on my mind at the time. No do I even get in to matters that I think I should because I need a second outlet to something that I have been talking to myself about for a few day's now no not really do i think I should do something like that. Sure why not get everything out in the open is one of the best ways I know to solve a problem or even to talk about something even if it's not a problem to make yourself feel better about. There are a lot of things that people talk to themselves about and in most case all they need is an out let someone or thing to talk to and get if off there chest, because once you have talked it out even with yourself you feel a little better and that's when you are talking to yourselves think what it would do if you talk to a neutral party that is just there to listen to you rant and rave about something. Isn't that why you come here in the first place to listen to some guy rant and rave about shit that with give to no knowledge. You do it to take yourself out of the world around you and make yourself think about something else or see something in which you can talk about and rant and rave about later in life when you are alone and have nothing better to do it's just who the hell we are to talk about thinks that have up upset or pissed us off because someone has disagreed with something we are doing or done that is us
Roast a duck....
What the hell do I know about roasting a duck hell I haven't even eating duck. I have eating some strange things but never a duck. sounds good but never done it and not sure I ever will there is a lot of things to do yet, but eating duck just isn't one of them. so let's fine away from roasting a duck which I have no Idea to do into something that is still even stranger because you know roasting a duck really can't be that hard hell I mean we roast a turkey and many people roast chicken how hard can it be to roast a duck just think about it it's another bird that you have shot out of the sky and taken home socked in water taken all the feathers of and removed the guts out of place them on the side to use later then smothered the whole thing in butter and other spices and placed in a oven. i mean it can't be that hard to roast a duck people do it all the time and some even do it everyday so maybe I should fine a duck and roast it just to see if I can. I mean I wouldn't have to shoot it defeater it or even gut the bloody thing I'll just have to cover it with butter and seasonings and put it in the oven to cook would be interesting to try I have never had duck before and if your going to have it for the first time you might as well as do it yourself so that way if you ever go out to eat dinner and duck is on the menu you can order it to see how it compares to your which if you make it for the first time or even the tenth time and maybe even find away to improve on your roasted duck. So go roast a duck..
Now we all talk to ourselves but the question is do we come away with anything most of the time I want to say no. when we are talking to ourselves it to either find an answers to a question to something we can't answer of to rationalize something out or even to yell and scream because all we could in in the past i just sit there and let the other person talk and no say anything or what the hell you are really thinking or you just left and argument and are still pissed off and need to keep going . Now that's a lot of reason for us to be talking to ourselves but in the end it's all healthy and needs to be done. Hell this is a away that I try and talk to myself now do I say everything that is on my mind at the time. No do I even get in to matters that I think I should because I need a second outlet to something that I have been talking to myself about for a few day's now no not really do i think I should do something like that. Sure why not get everything out in the open is one of the best ways I know to solve a problem or even to talk about something even if it's not a problem to make yourself feel better about. There are a lot of things that people talk to themselves about and in most case all they need is an out let someone or thing to talk to and get if off there chest, because once you have talked it out even with yourself you feel a little better and that's when you are talking to yourselves think what it would do if you talk to a neutral party that is just there to listen to you rant and rave about something. Isn't that why you come here in the first place to listen to some guy rant and rave about shit that with give to no knowledge. You do it to take yourself out of the world around you and make yourself think about something else or see something in which you can talk about and rant and rave about later in life when you are alone and have nothing better to do it's just who the hell we are to talk about thinks that have up upset or pissed us off because someone has disagreed with something we are doing or done that is us
Roast a duck....
What the hell do I know about roasting a duck hell I haven't even eating duck. I have eating some strange things but never a duck. sounds good but never done it and not sure I ever will there is a lot of things to do yet, but eating duck just isn't one of them. so let's fine away from roasting a duck which I have no Idea to do into something that is still even stranger because you know roasting a duck really can't be that hard hell I mean we roast a turkey and many people roast chicken how hard can it be to roast a duck just think about it it's another bird that you have shot out of the sky and taken home socked in water taken all the feathers of and removed the guts out of place them on the side to use later then smothered the whole thing in butter and other spices and placed in a oven. i mean it can't be that hard to roast a duck people do it all the time and some even do it everyday so maybe I should fine a duck and roast it just to see if I can. I mean I wouldn't have to shoot it defeater it or even gut the bloody thing I'll just have to cover it with butter and seasonings and put it in the oven to cook would be interesting to try I have never had duck before and if your going to have it for the first time you might as well as do it yourself so that way if you ever go out to eat dinner and duck is on the menu you can order it to see how it compares to your which if you make it for the first time or even the tenth time and maybe even find away to improve on your roasted duck. So go roast a duck..
Monday, January 6, 2014
The cooling
IT's hot out there...
In the news of late people have been talking about how cold it's getting in places it's not allowed to get cold. guess what guy's it's called global warming. yes it may be butt cold right now but that's because it freaking hot during the summer there is a huge relation between the two, get use to it it's hot one part of the year and it's really cold the other part just like it should it's called seasons. now should it be this freaking cold. no not really but hell we have pissed mother earth off she is going to take it out on use in what ever way she want to. The next thing to look forward to in those places that get them is the earthquakes. those should be fun with all the heat and then cooling, the earth crust should have a blast with that. if there out in the middle of the ocean look for huge waves of water come at us destroy land homes and what ever else it feels like, if they go off on land that is even more fun, because you never know when and where they could hit and if they hit in the right part of the country they could set off on of the volcanoes that are round the world and there is even more fun for us all to play with. for those people who wanted the later generation to deal with the problem guess what we are it and it's time. We have pissed mother earth off and she is letting us know about it and is starting to fight back. I do find it funny that we have seen this coming and know there is little to nothing we could do about it and yet we are surprised to see it when it hit's us.over the past 20 years or so we have been trying to slow it from coming so it wouldn't be that hard on us, we this is just the start and it's the light side of thing think about if we had kept on going the way we did back in the 60's and 70's just think of what it might be like hell think of what 12/21/2012 could have really been like. Trust me there are a few place you didn't not want to be on that day. hell they are a few places you still don't want to be on a few days of the year for the this year and if we are around there is a butt load of place you don't want to be when we reach 2020 to 2030 talk about a shit load of crap coming. this bad weather will look like a walk in the part that is to say we can get to that point and mother earth has not taken us out by then. best yet Rev up the space shuttle and start heading towards the moon might be the best place to be in the next few years. we might not be able to control the weather as it starts to freeze us and then turn around and cook us. a nothing like freeze dried human on an open fire, but we have set ourselves up for it . Not much we can really do about it except to slow it down even more and adapt to it The human is good at adapting to things just takes a bit of time the question is how fast can we adapt to what we started so many years ago. With the making of the first fire to the mining of ores out of the earth to the forging of steel and other metal's to using other thing we have found in the earth crust. Humans started this path a long time ago just didn't know what the hell they where doing back then and still have no idea what the hell they are going now. we go throw life with blinders on and leave everything for the next generation to clean up if they can or deal with the problems we started, guess what it's time to start feeling the pain of thing we had nothing to do with that we left for us from generations past and to get a small look at what is to come for the future there is no real stopping it there never was it's just a matter of how fast it get's here and are we ready to deal with, because there is a shit storm coming and trust me we are going to have to deal with the for front of it, what is happening now and over the next I would say the next five years is nothing, but you know me I could and most likely am wrong but I could also be every right in which case the human race has to start adapting to the freaking hot summers and the really really butt ass cold winter as fast as possible, because it's only going to get worst for the next few years and if we can make it throw the 2020's then we just might have a shot at making a better and new world, but I still say for right now rev up the space shuttle and let's head to the moon hell we haven't been there is over 40 years we should be able to build a base there to hold a few people. Shit if I had the bank roll I would be looking into it because we have pissed of mother earth might as well find a new place to hide, she is starting to let us know we have screwed around a little to long and it's pay back time....
In the news of late people have been talking about how cold it's getting in places it's not allowed to get cold. guess what guy's it's called global warming. yes it may be butt cold right now but that's because it freaking hot during the summer there is a huge relation between the two, get use to it it's hot one part of the year and it's really cold the other part just like it should it's called seasons. now should it be this freaking cold. no not really but hell we have pissed mother earth off she is going to take it out on use in what ever way she want to. The next thing to look forward to in those places that get them is the earthquakes. those should be fun with all the heat and then cooling, the earth crust should have a blast with that. if there out in the middle of the ocean look for huge waves of water come at us destroy land homes and what ever else it feels like, if they go off on land that is even more fun, because you never know when and where they could hit and if they hit in the right part of the country they could set off on of the volcanoes that are round the world and there is even more fun for us all to play with. for those people who wanted the later generation to deal with the problem guess what we are it and it's time. We have pissed mother earth off and she is letting us know about it and is starting to fight back. I do find it funny that we have seen this coming and know there is little to nothing we could do about it and yet we are surprised to see it when it hit's us.over the past 20 years or so we have been trying to slow it from coming so it wouldn't be that hard on us, we this is just the start and it's the light side of thing think about if we had kept on going the way we did back in the 60's and 70's just think of what it might be like hell think of what 12/21/2012 could have really been like. Trust me there are a few place you didn't not want to be on that day. hell they are a few places you still don't want to be on a few days of the year for the this year and if we are around there is a butt load of place you don't want to be when we reach 2020 to 2030 talk about a shit load of crap coming. this bad weather will look like a walk in the part that is to say we can get to that point and mother earth has not taken us out by then. best yet Rev up the space shuttle and start heading towards the moon might be the best place to be in the next few years. we might not be able to control the weather as it starts to freeze us and then turn around and cook us. a nothing like freeze dried human on an open fire, but we have set ourselves up for it . Not much we can really do about it except to slow it down even more and adapt to it The human is good at adapting to things just takes a bit of time the question is how fast can we adapt to what we started so many years ago. With the making of the first fire to the mining of ores out of the earth to the forging of steel and other metal's to using other thing we have found in the earth crust. Humans started this path a long time ago just didn't know what the hell they where doing back then and still have no idea what the hell they are going now. we go throw life with blinders on and leave everything for the next generation to clean up if they can or deal with the problems we started, guess what it's time to start feeling the pain of thing we had nothing to do with that we left for us from generations past and to get a small look at what is to come for the future there is no real stopping it there never was it's just a matter of how fast it get's here and are we ready to deal with, because there is a shit storm coming and trust me we are going to have to deal with the for front of it, what is happening now and over the next I would say the next five years is nothing, but you know me I could and most likely am wrong but I could also be every right in which case the human race has to start adapting to the freaking hot summers and the really really butt ass cold winter as fast as possible, because it's only going to get worst for the next few years and if we can make it throw the 2020's then we just might have a shot at making a better and new world, but I still say for right now rev up the space shuttle and let's head to the moon hell we haven't been there is over 40 years we should be able to build a base there to hold a few people. Shit if I had the bank roll I would be looking into it because we have pissed of mother earth might as well find a new place to hide, she is starting to let us know we have screwed around a little to long and it's pay back time....
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Fire all around me time to jump in
Time to Burn...
Over the past few years I have thought about many thing and have asked small groups of people what they think about them and in a lot of cases they turn and walk away or the convection is uncomfortable and it get changed no big deal to because I know people have there own opinion on thing so I have to take the topic up with who else myself and that as you know can be very strange and you have to fight both sides of thing as you never really get anyone idea's and opinion on the topic. Everyone has the on ideas and beliefs in thing, which makes everyone right and a everyone wrong all at the same time. Now when you want to talk about idea or even something in history that is more or less set in stone and ask the reason why if it that way no one got a good answer or they say well that's just the way that it is, with all the evidence that is in a simple history book or that it out there in the print and people's mines eye nothing new is ever really presented. One for the few things that always get's to me in the long run is the things people do in someones else's name and this is where I get to Burn because well I'm me and I think of thins like this Jesus was a peaceful man and from what I know did every little in the of fight or destruction. He was against any real Violence and was a carpenter and teacher the only time he acted out was when he destroyed the shop keepers wears in the temple because they where selling on the Sabbath something that should not be done in any place or worship. other then that the guy to my ears and very very weak knowledge was very peaceful and wanted nothing but everyone to work and live together in peace. Be accepting of your neighbor and regardless of what they believe. we are all people of this world. A VERY VERY good message something that most people have no clue about and to this day many people say, but jump the other way the minute something they don't understand show up and don't want to understand because they feel it will drag them into the one of the nine rings of hell that come with any Belief. But if a peaceful man is just that a peaceful man then why would you want to care out any act of violence in his name it's not what he stands for and by doing so you lessen that for him and everything he stands for. Now I must stay this is what has been forgotten over the years or rebuilt because those who act in his name come back and say sorry that was not what he did or that we are doing nothing but protecting the beliefs in which we stand for. We fight against those who would fight against us, just we are attacking first... Really were is the sense in that The message is let all live there life's they way thing it should be lived and to do no harm to anyone. Violence is not the way to solve the problem.. Now remember who this is coming from. I'm a war monger or all types and see that as much as war is a HORRIBLE thing is can be also be a good thing in the most worst of ways you can think of "See this is how strange and sick my mind can get" but it can be used as population control, but then again I'm still on the page of "wouldn't wars be easier if they were settled by the ASSHOLES that start them." just two people, because wars have been started by women and over them and they should beat the crap out of each other then sending thousand of people out to die just because the want a piece of land or they believe a different way shit just isn't right, but going back to fact we have stupid shit like sending of people to die because somebody did something stupid. Hell to this day reading over history book I still don't get the Holy wars. They where done in a man who believed in nothing but peace and let's all just live together in harmony, but no we are going to go out a kill a shit load of people in your name because it's the right thing to do and you where right we should all live in peace and enjoy life, so will kill a bunch of people to prove you right and get everyone thinking the same way and if the don't think that way we'll kill them.. anyone see the problem here. Believe what you want to believe, but if you don't believe our way we'll just kill you. Umm no that is not the message that should be out there. We all have our own opinions and beliefs and all of them should be respected, unfortunately that is not the way of things and it sucks beyond sucking. This is where I feel really bad for those who have to hide who and what they are. Yes I'm talking about the Mystic or Magical community. These people are the ones that are hurt the worst these day. In the past it's been the Christians and The Jews and at one point in time every other religion on the plant. it's the Believe what we believe or you can't work here you can eat here and it works it way down to the bottom of the line of well just kill you to stomp out what you believe in, because it's not right or even sociable excitable. well guess what you all suck and have forgotten the main meaning of life and that no matter what we are all people and should be able to believe and live what ever way they want to and no one does that any more..
OH and by the way some people and look at Jesus as a Magician for the thing he had done..
Over the past few years I have thought about many thing and have asked small groups of people what they think about them and in a lot of cases they turn and walk away or the convection is uncomfortable and it get changed no big deal to because I know people have there own opinion on thing so I have to take the topic up with who else myself and that as you know can be very strange and you have to fight both sides of thing as you never really get anyone idea's and opinion on the topic. Everyone has the on ideas and beliefs in thing, which makes everyone right and a everyone wrong all at the same time. Now when you want to talk about idea or even something in history that is more or less set in stone and ask the reason why if it that way no one got a good answer or they say well that's just the way that it is, with all the evidence that is in a simple history book or that it out there in the print and people's mines eye nothing new is ever really presented. One for the few things that always get's to me in the long run is the things people do in someones else's name and this is where I get to Burn because well I'm me and I think of thins like this Jesus was a peaceful man and from what I know did every little in the of fight or destruction. He was against any real Violence and was a carpenter and teacher the only time he acted out was when he destroyed the shop keepers wears in the temple because they where selling on the Sabbath something that should not be done in any place or worship. other then that the guy to my ears and very very weak knowledge was very peaceful and wanted nothing but everyone to work and live together in peace. Be accepting of your neighbor and regardless of what they believe. we are all people of this world. A VERY VERY good message something that most people have no clue about and to this day many people say, but jump the other way the minute something they don't understand show up and don't want to understand because they feel it will drag them into the one of the nine rings of hell that come with any Belief. But if a peaceful man is just that a peaceful man then why would you want to care out any act of violence in his name it's not what he stands for and by doing so you lessen that for him and everything he stands for. Now I must stay this is what has been forgotten over the years or rebuilt because those who act in his name come back and say sorry that was not what he did or that we are doing nothing but protecting the beliefs in which we stand for. We fight against those who would fight against us, just we are attacking first... Really were is the sense in that The message is let all live there life's they way thing it should be lived and to do no harm to anyone. Violence is not the way to solve the problem.. Now remember who this is coming from. I'm a war monger or all types and see that as much as war is a HORRIBLE thing is can be also be a good thing in the most worst of ways you can think of "See this is how strange and sick my mind can get" but it can be used as population control, but then again I'm still on the page of "wouldn't wars be easier if they were settled by the ASSHOLES that start them." just two people, because wars have been started by women and over them and they should beat the crap out of each other then sending thousand of people out to die just because the want a piece of land or they believe a different way shit just isn't right, but going back to fact we have stupid shit like sending of people to die because somebody did something stupid. Hell to this day reading over history book I still don't get the Holy wars. They where done in a man who believed in nothing but peace and let's all just live together in harmony, but no we are going to go out a kill a shit load of people in your name because it's the right thing to do and you where right we should all live in peace and enjoy life, so will kill a bunch of people to prove you right and get everyone thinking the same way and if the don't think that way we'll kill them.. anyone see the problem here. Believe what you want to believe, but if you don't believe our way we'll just kill you. Umm no that is not the message that should be out there. We all have our own opinions and beliefs and all of them should be respected, unfortunately that is not the way of things and it sucks beyond sucking. This is where I feel really bad for those who have to hide who and what they are. Yes I'm talking about the Mystic or Magical community. These people are the ones that are hurt the worst these day. In the past it's been the Christians and The Jews and at one point in time every other religion on the plant. it's the Believe what we believe or you can't work here you can eat here and it works it way down to the bottom of the line of well just kill you to stomp out what you believe in, because it's not right or even sociable excitable. well guess what you all suck and have forgotten the main meaning of life and that no matter what we are all people and should be able to believe and live what ever way they want to and no one does that any more..
OH and by the way some people and look at Jesus as a Magician for the thing he had done..
Saturday, January 4, 2014
The things we say..
Taken the wrong way...
over the years I think everyone has said or done something and it's been taken the wrong way. I think this is more so in today's world then at any other time in history and part of that has to do with social media. a person can say one in a whole speech and that one thing with be taken out of the speech and posted all over the place. it's out of context and no one has an idea of what the true meaning behind it is. Or they will dig something up that is years old and I mean years if not end a decade or two old pull it out and people will forget when and where it was said just the fact that the person said it. The time and place will mean nothing which is something that needs to be looked at and no one will ever do that they'll just see what has been said and go off on that. Hell I like to look into to something before I rant on and on about something that I have no clue about. yeah I'll say this is what they said and it was wrong that they said it, but at the same point in time I'll say when and where they said it to go look but at the time it was ok to say it or it's what they knew at the time so yeah it's wrong for today's world but when it happened it was no where near close to being out of line. and I think that is the important part of the whole thing. what was said back in the sixties is nothing like what can be said today. Hell that was fifty years ago a media was a whole different ball game. Hell even today people are pulling things that are over a hundred years old and saying hey this was wrong to make you look at someone in a different light. people keep finding new things to pull out and say what where we thinking about this person at the time. Now this get's hard to say, but Washington and Lincoln are talked about as two of the greatest Presidents that this country has ever has, Now I'll agree to that, but I'll ask a simple question what did they do?? For Washington he was the first and help start the country. OK.. Now Lincoln for some because he was elected President the Civil War started and he it end when he was Killed and the states came back together because a new President was put into office. and other then the 16th amendment what did he really do in his time in office. Now don't get me wrong the 16th amendment is huge and took a lot of work, but what else did he accomplish well he was there, for that matter what did Washington accomplish in his time. Yeah he was helping to set up a country but what did he do. You see things like that get lost over time, we get told that these where great men, but what did they do to make them great. They say Washington won the War with a record of 3 and 6. really those three battles he won must have been huge ones because to me that a losing record. so having with taken the wrong way is always something to be looked at to make sure you get all of the context of the what is being said and when it is being said and in some case to who it's being said to..
over the years I think everyone has said or done something and it's been taken the wrong way. I think this is more so in today's world then at any other time in history and part of that has to do with social media. a person can say one in a whole speech and that one thing with be taken out of the speech and posted all over the place. it's out of context and no one has an idea of what the true meaning behind it is. Or they will dig something up that is years old and I mean years if not end a decade or two old pull it out and people will forget when and where it was said just the fact that the person said it. The time and place will mean nothing which is something that needs to be looked at and no one will ever do that they'll just see what has been said and go off on that. Hell I like to look into to something before I rant on and on about something that I have no clue about. yeah I'll say this is what they said and it was wrong that they said it, but at the same point in time I'll say when and where they said it to go look but at the time it was ok to say it or it's what they knew at the time so yeah it's wrong for today's world but when it happened it was no where near close to being out of line. and I think that is the important part of the whole thing. what was said back in the sixties is nothing like what can be said today. Hell that was fifty years ago a media was a whole different ball game. Hell even today people are pulling things that are over a hundred years old and saying hey this was wrong to make you look at someone in a different light. people keep finding new things to pull out and say what where we thinking about this person at the time. Now this get's hard to say, but Washington and Lincoln are talked about as two of the greatest Presidents that this country has ever has, Now I'll agree to that, but I'll ask a simple question what did they do?? For Washington he was the first and help start the country. OK.. Now Lincoln for some because he was elected President the Civil War started and he it end when he was Killed and the states came back together because a new President was put into office. and other then the 16th amendment what did he really do in his time in office. Now don't get me wrong the 16th amendment is huge and took a lot of work, but what else did he accomplish well he was there, for that matter what did Washington accomplish in his time. Yeah he was helping to set up a country but what did he do. You see things like that get lost over time, we get told that these where great men, but what did they do to make them great. They say Washington won the War with a record of 3 and 6. really those three battles he won must have been huge ones because to me that a losing record. so having with taken the wrong way is always something to be looked at to make sure you get all of the context of the what is being said and when it is being said and in some case to who it's being said to..
Friday, January 3, 2014
For one year....
Now everyone has a new years relational that they of course just throw away after about two weeks of trying to do it, but here is something that really isn't that hard to do. Pick one song no matter how long it is, in most cases the shorter the better, and listed to it once a day for a full year. see how well you do with it. You can if you have an I-pod or tunes if can find it a little easier to keep track of how many time you have heard it because of the play counter, you just reset it to 0 and go. In all the years I have tried this I have managed to do it twice. Once with Meat Loaf's Objects in the rear view mirror (I had 4 different versions .) and then again with Hoist the colours, by Hans Zimmer from Pirates of the Caribbean: At worlds end.. Yes you can have more then one version of the song but it's got to be the same song, Reba's version and Kelly's version of "because of you" would still be the same song so that would work, but "No matter what" By Boyzone and "No matter what" By Meat loaf are written by the same person and are from the same musical "Whistle down the wind" By Jim Steinman and some British guy I think his name is Andrew Lloyd Webber he wrote that Play "phantom of the opera" they are two different songs so you couldn't use that one. in a lot of cases you'll find that there are a few interesting versions of the same song out there and you'll be surprised who song it. You have at least two version of Shameless to listen to one by Billy Joel and the other by Garth Brooks and you have two versions of "read 'Em and weep" to listen to as well, one by Meat loaf and the other by Billy Joel. the meat loaf being the older and better of the two of course. You might think that something as simple as listening to a single song at least once a day for a whole year is simple but really it's not at one point you have to think have I listen to that song today I have heard it so mush over the past few week that I don't know and I'm really tired of hearing it and I think that is the real problem. you get get tired of hearing it as time goes by, so you just give up, but that is the whole point of it to not give in and do it for a whole year like so many other thinks. People set out to challenge themselves and with something as small as listing to a single song once a day for a year they fail Hell I have and I have tired it at least 7 time in the past 10 years it's not something you want to do every year but once you fail the first time your like I need to try that again or if you do manage to do it your either Yeah I did it I think I'll try it again or you'll be dang that was not good and I don't want to do that again, but If you give it a try you might find it fun and interesting it's just a matter of when you'll fail or if you can make it to the finish line. I say try it try to do anything once a day for a whole year and see where it get you. Look at where it got Julia Powell and all see did was make every recipe in a cook book with in one year and blogged about it as see went along. Now to be honest I never heard of the women tell the movie Julia and Julia came out, but hey I'm not much for reading blogges on the internet as it is. Hell I barely write one. Once again it was one of those challenges that I gave myself and for the most part I fail because it had stories in it and what not but then again i was able to write something out everyday for a full year was it fun. yeah at times it was fun just because every now and then I found that topic that I could just go on and on and on and on and on and on about. in the out I don't think anyone could make scene of what the hell I was saying Hell half the time I can't make scene of what I write I just start typing and let it go from there no real spell check and grammar is throw out the window so a lot of the time it doesn't even work and your lost in the first sentence or two so you don't get down to the really pointless part because it way to hard to read, but then again I'm just some guy writing straight out of his head on to a computer hell if I had that Dragon speak software it might be a little more coherent but I wouldn't count on it.
Missing the old guy.....
Now from left field and well when don't I just change my direction when I fill like it because something just pop's in my head and I have to go that with it. The Old guy Nick Fury..When I was younger and collected comics Nick Fury was a world war II vet that moved into the CIA and then became a spy For S.H.I.E.L.D. and worked his way up to become the director and finally had to fight against everything he built only to close it down himself, but that was the 60's and into the 90. He was a cigar smoking, one eye, gun toting grumpy old guy that as always had a soft side. yet he did what needed to be done and for the most part I miss the old fart. In today world we have lost the cigar (because smoking is bad for you) he's not caring a gun we like to see as much (because gun rights are in play and we can't have the good guy caring a gun everyday in the open) and he isn't all that grumpy. He has lost that stern face and harsh tone that has made him who he is, but then again times have changed and everything that was done to us as kids is not allowed anymore these days so hell the things that where done when he was a kid are long gone and one couldn't even think about doing these days. which just goes to show you the change in times. Hell look at back just let's say 60 years.. This I think shows an interesting point, and I got this story from my Mom.. When she was a kid and went to school in a farming community the boys would work on the farms during the harvest season, so they would be pulled out of jr. high and High school to work on the farms, but the parents still wanted them to get there education and graduate high school, so they would do half the school year and then go work on the farm then come back and do the second half of the school year the following year, so you had senors in high school that would be 22 and just finishing school up. in today day and age that would be insane to even think about a kid had to go to school and finish it. none of this half a year and then half and year taking 8 years to go throw high school. that would be insane, but you know what I find it interesting that that could be done and the kids where allowed to do it made life on the farm more interesting made sure as hell that the kids got and idea of how much their parents put into it for them, but at the same time made sure the kids got their education and if they wanted to move on to college they could. now I do see the down side of it and all that crap but hell it made things just a little cheaper on everyone and you know I can see it as being born into a job as they like to call it, but we need those farmers, but it also gives the kids a chance to get out if they want to they get the high school education they need and shows that they need to work for a living at the same time. Today you got kids at the age of 14 making a simple web site and in a few years hell in some case a few months are worth millions or dollars. they never have and never will work a single hard day of labor. hear's a strange idea not like i don't have those and might have already had this one. Let's have a prison farm. where we take kids that are in jail and make them work on a farm or even an adult farm as well. Yeah I thinking about bring back the old chain gangs. why not with today's tech it should be a hell of easier to keep track of the people we have working on the roads and farms. Hell it's even free labor that could be use all over the place. am I talking about the Max prisoners no but light and mid why not. get them to work for what they are getting in the prison system...
But then again I just miss my old fart that smokes a cigar, totes a gun and is just a grumpy old man
Now everyone has a new years relational that they of course just throw away after about two weeks of trying to do it, but here is something that really isn't that hard to do. Pick one song no matter how long it is, in most cases the shorter the better, and listed to it once a day for a full year. see how well you do with it. You can if you have an I-pod or tunes if can find it a little easier to keep track of how many time you have heard it because of the play counter, you just reset it to 0 and go. In all the years I have tried this I have managed to do it twice. Once with Meat Loaf's Objects in the rear view mirror (I had 4 different versions .) and then again with Hoist the colours, by Hans Zimmer from Pirates of the Caribbean: At worlds end.. Yes you can have more then one version of the song but it's got to be the same song, Reba's version and Kelly's version of "because of you" would still be the same song so that would work, but "No matter what" By Boyzone and "No matter what" By Meat loaf are written by the same person and are from the same musical "Whistle down the wind" By Jim Steinman and some British guy I think his name is Andrew Lloyd Webber he wrote that Play "phantom of the opera" they are two different songs so you couldn't use that one. in a lot of cases you'll find that there are a few interesting versions of the same song out there and you'll be surprised who song it. You have at least two version of Shameless to listen to one by Billy Joel and the other by Garth Brooks and you have two versions of "read 'Em and weep" to listen to as well, one by Meat loaf and the other by Billy Joel. the meat loaf being the older and better of the two of course. You might think that something as simple as listening to a single song at least once a day for a whole year is simple but really it's not at one point you have to think have I listen to that song today I have heard it so mush over the past few week that I don't know and I'm really tired of hearing it and I think that is the real problem. you get get tired of hearing it as time goes by, so you just give up, but that is the whole point of it to not give in and do it for a whole year like so many other thinks. People set out to challenge themselves and with something as small as listing to a single song once a day for a year they fail Hell I have and I have tired it at least 7 time in the past 10 years it's not something you want to do every year but once you fail the first time your like I need to try that again or if you do manage to do it your either Yeah I did it I think I'll try it again or you'll be dang that was not good and I don't want to do that again, but If you give it a try you might find it fun and interesting it's just a matter of when you'll fail or if you can make it to the finish line. I say try it try to do anything once a day for a whole year and see where it get you. Look at where it got Julia Powell and all see did was make every recipe in a cook book with in one year and blogged about it as see went along. Now to be honest I never heard of the women tell the movie Julia and Julia came out, but hey I'm not much for reading blogges on the internet as it is. Hell I barely write one. Once again it was one of those challenges that I gave myself and for the most part I fail because it had stories in it and what not but then again i was able to write something out everyday for a full year was it fun. yeah at times it was fun just because every now and then I found that topic that I could just go on and on and on and on and on and on about. in the out I don't think anyone could make scene of what the hell I was saying Hell half the time I can't make scene of what I write I just start typing and let it go from there no real spell check and grammar is throw out the window so a lot of the time it doesn't even work and your lost in the first sentence or two so you don't get down to the really pointless part because it way to hard to read, but then again I'm just some guy writing straight out of his head on to a computer hell if I had that Dragon speak software it might be a little more coherent but I wouldn't count on it.
Missing the old guy.....
Now from left field and well when don't I just change my direction when I fill like it because something just pop's in my head and I have to go that with it. The Old guy Nick Fury..When I was younger and collected comics Nick Fury was a world war II vet that moved into the CIA and then became a spy For S.H.I.E.L.D. and worked his way up to become the director and finally had to fight against everything he built only to close it down himself, but that was the 60's and into the 90. He was a cigar smoking, one eye, gun toting grumpy old guy that as always had a soft side. yet he did what needed to be done and for the most part I miss the old fart. In today world we have lost the cigar (because smoking is bad for you) he's not caring a gun we like to see as much (because gun rights are in play and we can't have the good guy caring a gun everyday in the open) and he isn't all that grumpy. He has lost that stern face and harsh tone that has made him who he is, but then again times have changed and everything that was done to us as kids is not allowed anymore these days so hell the things that where done when he was a kid are long gone and one couldn't even think about doing these days. which just goes to show you the change in times. Hell look at back just let's say 60 years.. This I think shows an interesting point, and I got this story from my Mom.. When she was a kid and went to school in a farming community the boys would work on the farms during the harvest season, so they would be pulled out of jr. high and High school to work on the farms, but the parents still wanted them to get there education and graduate high school, so they would do half the school year and then go work on the farm then come back and do the second half of the school year the following year, so you had senors in high school that would be 22 and just finishing school up. in today day and age that would be insane to even think about a kid had to go to school and finish it. none of this half a year and then half and year taking 8 years to go throw high school. that would be insane, but you know what I find it interesting that that could be done and the kids where allowed to do it made life on the farm more interesting made sure as hell that the kids got and idea of how much their parents put into it for them, but at the same time made sure the kids got their education and if they wanted to move on to college they could. now I do see the down side of it and all that crap but hell it made things just a little cheaper on everyone and you know I can see it as being born into a job as they like to call it, but we need those farmers, but it also gives the kids a chance to get out if they want to they get the high school education they need and shows that they need to work for a living at the same time. Today you got kids at the age of 14 making a simple web site and in a few years hell in some case a few months are worth millions or dollars. they never have and never will work a single hard day of labor. hear's a strange idea not like i don't have those and might have already had this one. Let's have a prison farm. where we take kids that are in jail and make them work on a farm or even an adult farm as well. Yeah I thinking about bring back the old chain gangs. why not with today's tech it should be a hell of easier to keep track of the people we have working on the roads and farms. Hell it's even free labor that could be use all over the place. am I talking about the Max prisoners no but light and mid why not. get them to work for what they are getting in the prison system...
But then again I just miss my old fart that smokes a cigar, totes a gun and is just a grumpy old man
Thursday, January 2, 2014
And Now this...
Here we go....
You know as you get older you find the things that you never thought yourself saying. or the few things that you have always wanting to be saying finally saying and a few thing you don't want to be saying saying like 25 years ago I was going this or in some case now 30 to 35 years ago I was do this, you have finally become the really old person in the room. You see there are many things that we all never think about as when we are younger and we do a butt load of things that we never thought would catch up to us. Both physical and mental. Then again I'm the last person to talk about thing that catch up to us mental my head has so many holes in it that it's not funny, but then again that what nightmares are for isn't it. Now when your young you think you and do anything and I say go for it do it and do it all when and if you have a chance, because at one point you may never have a chance to do it. and there is a lot to see and do in this world from traveling it to saving the bloody thing, but then again there will be those time you think why the hell did I save this world, and you'll always find the reason right around the next turn or if you look at any giving park. The ability to go and see and enjoy the world is one thing that everyone needs to do. Now when you go through life and are done with work and your family is grown and your really old to the point you can say hey fifty years ago or more you better make sure you have something to take you around the country to see it all because if you didn't do it when you where young you better sure as hell do it when your old save the world might be a butt load harder when your that age but then again you shouldn't have to do it, it's really hard on the body but the mental toll it will take you are more then really for. see the world and country when your young and then again when your older is a wonders thing. in most case you might not see some of the changes that have happened but then again it always gives you a second look at something and a new prospective on what is there. For the most part the Grand canyon is a big hole in the ground and it always will be, but it's a different big hold at the age of 17 then it is at the age of 65 so you have to see it twice to understand it. There is a lot to see in the country let alone the world and you got to try and see it all if you can. Take pictures and say I was here this is something I need to see. From the Great pyramids at Giza to the giant ball of string where ever that is. This are strange and wonders thing that one should see if they ever get the chance. It's not only a mountain with a few faces on it, it's a piece of art that the government paid for in the middle of nowhere. there are a lot of things out there to see both here in the U.S. and around the world go see them that is what they are for.
The people we put in charge....
Now I have gone on this before about the people we put in charge of thing from The President to the Queen and the war lord. Of course they are not War lords once they are the rule of the area that they have taken over and hell even during the time they are trying to take over the lands they want they aren't really called war lord but let's face it and person who had control over a country or Army is a war lord even if it's someone that has to answer to another body that helps run any given country. Hell in most case the War lord might be the ass you need in charge because he's the guy that comes in with the ax and cut the crap out and everyone fears the living crap out of him. Now that might sound a little harsh, but would you not a problem you are having with someone or something solved as soon as possible and not drag out for years and years and what if a war could be fought by just two people. The assholes that started it. I think in all my years that is one off the greats lines I have every heard in a Movie.. "Would it be great if a war could be fought by the two assholes that started it." That's from the Postman by the way.. It would make things all that mush faster, we might have a tank load more of them and countries would change almost daily, but hell a fight to the death between two people to see who is going to take over a country that would be funny as hell, Could you Picture JFK fighting Castro for control of Cuba. Hell I bet we would have some really good cigars in the country right about now and the 100 year war wouldn't have lasted 116 then again what war last more then a week anymore these days, but could you think about that a 116 years of war that would mean your great grand father and you could have fought on the same land just a 50 years apart. I mean come on, what the hell is worth fight a 116 years over in the first place. We fight over some of the most stupid things to being with and that just in your own home what the hell would make people fight for over one hundred years. Well i guess we can go ask the Hatfield's and McCoy's they have been at it for that long if not longer and that is just two families, but I bet you when you ask each family you get a different answers
AHHH the hell with it go out and enjoy life see the world and all it's crazy wonders that are out there
You know as you get older you find the things that you never thought yourself saying. or the few things that you have always wanting to be saying finally saying and a few thing you don't want to be saying saying like 25 years ago I was going this or in some case now 30 to 35 years ago I was do this, you have finally become the really old person in the room. You see there are many things that we all never think about as when we are younger and we do a butt load of things that we never thought would catch up to us. Both physical and mental. Then again I'm the last person to talk about thing that catch up to us mental my head has so many holes in it that it's not funny, but then again that what nightmares are for isn't it. Now when your young you think you and do anything and I say go for it do it and do it all when and if you have a chance, because at one point you may never have a chance to do it. and there is a lot to see and do in this world from traveling it to saving the bloody thing, but then again there will be those time you think why the hell did I save this world, and you'll always find the reason right around the next turn or if you look at any giving park. The ability to go and see and enjoy the world is one thing that everyone needs to do. Now when you go through life and are done with work and your family is grown and your really old to the point you can say hey fifty years ago or more you better make sure you have something to take you around the country to see it all because if you didn't do it when you where young you better sure as hell do it when your old save the world might be a butt load harder when your that age but then again you shouldn't have to do it, it's really hard on the body but the mental toll it will take you are more then really for. see the world and country when your young and then again when your older is a wonders thing. in most case you might not see some of the changes that have happened but then again it always gives you a second look at something and a new prospective on what is there. For the most part the Grand canyon is a big hole in the ground and it always will be, but it's a different big hold at the age of 17 then it is at the age of 65 so you have to see it twice to understand it. There is a lot to see in the country let alone the world and you got to try and see it all if you can. Take pictures and say I was here this is something I need to see. From the Great pyramids at Giza to the giant ball of string where ever that is. This are strange and wonders thing that one should see if they ever get the chance. It's not only a mountain with a few faces on it, it's a piece of art that the government paid for in the middle of nowhere. there are a lot of things out there to see both here in the U.S. and around the world go see them that is what they are for.
The people we put in charge....
Now I have gone on this before about the people we put in charge of thing from The President to the Queen and the war lord. Of course they are not War lords once they are the rule of the area that they have taken over and hell even during the time they are trying to take over the lands they want they aren't really called war lord but let's face it and person who had control over a country or Army is a war lord even if it's someone that has to answer to another body that helps run any given country. Hell in most case the War lord might be the ass you need in charge because he's the guy that comes in with the ax and cut the crap out and everyone fears the living crap out of him. Now that might sound a little harsh, but would you not a problem you are having with someone or something solved as soon as possible and not drag out for years and years and what if a war could be fought by just two people. The assholes that started it. I think in all my years that is one off the greats lines I have every heard in a Movie.. "Would it be great if a war could be fought by the two assholes that started it." That's from the Postman by the way.. It would make things all that mush faster, we might have a tank load more of them and countries would change almost daily, but hell a fight to the death between two people to see who is going to take over a country that would be funny as hell, Could you Picture JFK fighting Castro for control of Cuba. Hell I bet we would have some really good cigars in the country right about now and the 100 year war wouldn't have lasted 116 then again what war last more then a week anymore these days, but could you think about that a 116 years of war that would mean your great grand father and you could have fought on the same land just a 50 years apart. I mean come on, what the hell is worth fight a 116 years over in the first place. We fight over some of the most stupid things to being with and that just in your own home what the hell would make people fight for over one hundred years. Well i guess we can go ask the Hatfield's and McCoy's they have been at it for that long if not longer and that is just two families, but I bet you when you ask each family you get a different answers
AHHH the hell with it go out and enjoy life see the world and all it's crazy wonders that are out there
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
New Year bitter man
The Year starts....
You see this is where I get to be a bitter man and find that everyone is full crap. You see everyone looks at the changing of the year from one to the next as a fresh start and a clean slate, but they are wrong beyond wrong, because everything that happened in the past year comes right a long, you don't get a new book with a empty pages to fill, you get the next chapter. In the middle of the last page the chapter ended and you turned it and wrote in the next years as a chapter title, all the things in the past chapters coming right along with it. You don't really get a fresh start you just get a new chapter to work with. This is the cold hard fact. A new year is not a fresh start it's just the next chapter in the huge book that is you life. Everything keeps coming along for a ride. Trust me if the new year was fresh start, a new book was given and clean slate and a fresh start where everything from the past was washed away I would be a happy guy, but I'm not. It's just the next morning to me and everything that happened last year is right behind, new day, new dawn, but same crap along with all the really old crap that has been built up up from the past years before that. For a few moments I like to think that all is gone and a new slat is in front of me, but it all comes back to the same crap is coming along with you into the next year and this is what we get, but then again I'm just a bitter guy right now because all has not gone as I would like it in the past two years and when you hit the bottom of the barrel and then have that bottom fall out from under you and you start falling again and you see no end to it it kind of get's to you when everyone see the new year as a new start when it's just another day with all the same crap following right behind it. A fresh chapter yes but all the stuff in the last chapter is right behind you and will appear in this one and the next. there is never a fresh start even when it all comes to a head and blows beyond sky high and then keeps going..
And now the Oscars....
The end of the year means all the movies that are going to be in the Oscars are out. Any movie that was done at the beginning has been well forgotten and has not chance of winning anything. every year you hear and the Oscar race starts early this year, but by the end of the years those movies that started the race are no where to be seen hell they are in your DVD cabinet and forgotten all about. You have watched it once maybe twice and forgotten that it was even there no matter how good it was. The year end movies are here. in just enough theaters to make the cut off. Some of those film's not even fully finished, but in the theater so they can be in the race for all the actors to make there marks on the world. I hate this, because some of them are good films but you never hear about them until the Oscar final deadline is due and to top that off a but load of them are Big actors in low budget films that have been on hold for most of year or just been sitting on the shelf waiting for the final deadline of Oscars to come along. This is what happens every year. You might say I'm wrong, you might say I'm right, but when a movie is put out just at the Oscar deadline and you see in select theater and then in full release on another day, that is because the movie isn't really done a few things still need to be finished, but it needs to be out in enough theaters for the Oscars and the studio doesn't want to hold it for next year. Because the Actors will have forgotten that they even made the film.
but remember today I'm just a bitter man with all kinds of crap on his mind so to get some of it out of my head wrote it down and let the world see another point of view.
You see this is where I get to be a bitter man and find that everyone is full crap. You see everyone looks at the changing of the year from one to the next as a fresh start and a clean slate, but they are wrong beyond wrong, because everything that happened in the past year comes right a long, you don't get a new book with a empty pages to fill, you get the next chapter. In the middle of the last page the chapter ended and you turned it and wrote in the next years as a chapter title, all the things in the past chapters coming right along with it. You don't really get a fresh start you just get a new chapter to work with. This is the cold hard fact. A new year is not a fresh start it's just the next chapter in the huge book that is you life. Everything keeps coming along for a ride. Trust me if the new year was fresh start, a new book was given and clean slate and a fresh start where everything from the past was washed away I would be a happy guy, but I'm not. It's just the next morning to me and everything that happened last year is right behind, new day, new dawn, but same crap along with all the really old crap that has been built up up from the past years before that. For a few moments I like to think that all is gone and a new slat is in front of me, but it all comes back to the same crap is coming along with you into the next year and this is what we get, but then again I'm just a bitter guy right now because all has not gone as I would like it in the past two years and when you hit the bottom of the barrel and then have that bottom fall out from under you and you start falling again and you see no end to it it kind of get's to you when everyone see the new year as a new start when it's just another day with all the same crap following right behind it. A fresh chapter yes but all the stuff in the last chapter is right behind you and will appear in this one and the next. there is never a fresh start even when it all comes to a head and blows beyond sky high and then keeps going..
And now the Oscars....
The end of the year means all the movies that are going to be in the Oscars are out. Any movie that was done at the beginning has been well forgotten and has not chance of winning anything. every year you hear and the Oscar race starts early this year, but by the end of the years those movies that started the race are no where to be seen hell they are in your DVD cabinet and forgotten all about. You have watched it once maybe twice and forgotten that it was even there no matter how good it was. The year end movies are here. in just enough theaters to make the cut off. Some of those film's not even fully finished, but in the theater so they can be in the race for all the actors to make there marks on the world. I hate this, because some of them are good films but you never hear about them until the Oscar final deadline is due and to top that off a but load of them are Big actors in low budget films that have been on hold for most of year or just been sitting on the shelf waiting for the final deadline of Oscars to come along. This is what happens every year. You might say I'm wrong, you might say I'm right, but when a movie is put out just at the Oscar deadline and you see in select theater and then in full release on another day, that is because the movie isn't really done a few things still need to be finished, but it needs to be out in enough theaters for the Oscars and the studio doesn't want to hold it for next year. Because the Actors will have forgotten that they even made the film.
but remember today I'm just a bitter man with all kinds of crap on his mind so to get some of it out of my head wrote it down and let the world see another point of view.
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