Saturday, January 4, 2014

The things we say..

Taken the wrong way...
 over the years I think everyone has said or done something and it's been taken the wrong way. I think this is more so in today's world then at any other time in history and part of that has to do with social media. a person can say one in a whole speech and that one thing with be taken out of the speech and posted all over the place. it's out of context and no one has an idea of what the true meaning behind it is. Or they will dig something up that is years old and I mean years if not end a decade or two old pull it out and people will forget when and where it was said just the fact that the person said it. The time and place will mean nothing which is something that needs to be looked at and no one will ever do that they'll just see what has been said and go off on that. Hell I like to look into to something before I rant on and on about something that I have no clue about. yeah I'll say this is what they said and it was wrong that they said it, but at the same point in time I'll say when and where they said it to go look but at the time it was ok to say it or it's what they knew at the time so yeah it's wrong for today's world but when it happened it was no where near close to being out of line. and I think that is the important part of the whole thing. what was said back in the sixties is nothing like what can be said today. Hell that was fifty years ago a media was a whole different ball game.  Hell even today people are pulling things that are over a hundred years old and saying hey this was wrong to make you look at someone in a different light. people keep finding new things to pull out and say what where we thinking about this person at the time. Now this get's hard to say, but Washington and Lincoln are talked about as two of the greatest Presidents that this country has ever has, Now I'll agree to that, but I'll ask a simple question what did they do?? For Washington he was the first and help start the country. OK.. Now Lincoln for some because he was elected President the Civil War started and he it end when he was Killed and the states came back together because a new President was put into office. and other then the 16th amendment what did he really do in his time in office. Now don't get me wrong the 16th amendment is huge and took a lot of work, but what else did he accomplish well he was there, for that matter what did Washington accomplish in his time. Yeah he was helping to set up a country but what did he do. You see things like that get lost over time, we get told that these where great men, but what did they do to make them great. They say Washington won the War with a record of 3 and 6. really those three battles he won must have been huge ones because to me that a losing record. so having with taken the wrong way is always something to be looked at to make sure you get all of the context of the  what is being said and when it is being said and in some case to who it's being said to..

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