Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Roasting words...

 The Things we tell ourselves...

Now we all talk to ourselves but the question is do we come away with anything most of the time I want to say no. when we are talking to ourselves it to either find an answers to a question to something we can't answer of to rationalize something out or even to yell and scream because all we could in in the past i just sit there and let the other person talk and no say anything or what the hell you are really thinking or you just left and argument and are still pissed off and need to keep going . Now that's a lot of reason for us to be talking to ourselves but in the end it's all healthy and needs to be done. Hell this is a away that I try and talk to myself now do I say everything that is on my mind at the time. No do I even get in to matters that I think I should because I need a second outlet to something that I have been talking to myself about for a few day's now no not really do i think I should do something like that. Sure why not get everything out in the open is one of the best ways I know to solve a problem or even to talk about something even if it's not a problem to make yourself feel better about. There are a lot of things that people talk to themselves about and in most case all they need is an out let someone or thing to talk to and get if off there chest, because once you have talked it out even with yourself you feel a little better and that's when you are talking to yourselves think what it would do if you talk to a neutral party that is just there to listen to you rant and rave about something. Isn't that why you come here in the first place to listen to some guy rant and rave about shit that with give to no knowledge. You do it to take yourself out of the world around you and make yourself think about something else or see something in which you can talk about and rant and rave about later in life when you are alone and have nothing better to do it's just who the hell we are to talk about thinks that have up upset or pissed us off because someone has disagreed with something we are doing or done that is us

Roast a duck....
What the hell do I know about roasting a duck hell I haven't even eating duck. I have eating some strange things but never a duck. sounds good but never done it and not sure I ever will there is a lot of things to do yet, but eating duck just isn't one of them. so let's fine away from roasting a duck which I have no Idea to do into something that is still even stranger because you know roasting a duck really can't be that hard hell I mean we roast a turkey and many people roast chicken how hard can it be to roast a duck just think about it it's another bird that you have shot out of the sky and taken home socked in water taken all the feathers of and removed the guts out of place them on the side to use later then smothered the whole thing in butter and other spices and placed in a oven. i mean it can't be that hard to roast a duck people do it all the time and some even do it everyday so maybe I should fine a duck and roast it just to see if I can. I mean I wouldn't have to shoot it defeater it or even gut the bloody thing I'll just have to cover it with butter and seasonings and put it in the oven to cook would be interesting to try I have never had duck before and if your going to have it for the first time you might as well as do it yourself so that way if you ever go out to eat dinner and duck is on the menu you can order it to see how it compares to your which if you make it for the first time  or even the tenth time and maybe even find away to improve on your roasted duck. So go roast a duck..

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