Sunday, January 5, 2014

Fire all around me time to jump in

 Time to Burn...
 Over the past few years I have thought about many thing and have asked small groups of people what they think about them and in a lot of cases they turn and walk away or the convection is uncomfortable and it get changed no big deal to because I know people have there own opinion on thing so I have to take the topic up with who else myself and that as you know can be very strange and you have to fight both sides of thing as you never really get anyone idea's and opinion on the topic. Everyone has the on ideas and beliefs in thing, which makes everyone right and a everyone wrong all at the same time. Now when you want to talk about idea or even something in history that is more or less set in stone and ask the reason why if it that way no one got a good answer or they say well that's just the way that it is, with all the evidence that is in a simple history book or that it out there in the print and people's mines eye nothing new is ever really presented. One for the few things that always get's to me in the long run is the things people do in someones else's name and this is where I get to Burn because well I'm me and I think of thins like this Jesus was a peaceful man and from what I know did every little in the of fight or destruction. He was against any real Violence and was a carpenter and teacher the only time he acted out was when he destroyed the   shop keepers wears in the temple because they where selling on the Sabbath something that should not be done in any place or worship. other then that the guy to my ears and very very weak knowledge was very peaceful and wanted nothing but everyone to work and live together in peace. Be accepting of your neighbor and  regardless of what they believe. we are all people of this world. A VERY VERY  good message something that most people have no clue about and to this day many people say, but jump the other way the minute something they don't understand show up and don't want to understand because they feel it will drag them into the one of the nine rings of hell that come with any Belief. But if a peaceful man is just that a peaceful man then why would you want to care out any act of violence in his name it's not what he stands for and by doing so you lessen that for him and everything he stands for. Now I must stay this is what has been forgotten over the years or rebuilt because those who act in his name come back and say sorry that was not what he did or that we are doing nothing but protecting the beliefs in which we stand for. We fight against those who would fight against us, just we are attacking first... Really were is the sense in that The message is let all live there life's they way thing it should be lived and to do no harm to anyone. Violence is not the way to solve the problem.. Now remember who this is coming from. I'm a war monger or all types and see that as much as war is a HORRIBLE  thing is can be also be a good thing in the most worst of ways you can think of  "See this is how strange and sick my mind can get" but it can be used as population control, but then again I'm still on the page of "wouldn't wars be easier if they were settled by the ASSHOLES that start them." just two people, because wars have been started by women and over them  and they should beat the crap out of each other then sending thousand of people out to die just because the want a piece of land or  they believe a different way shit just isn't right, but going back to fact we have stupid shit like sending of people to die because somebody did something stupid. Hell to this day reading over history book I still don't get the Holy wars. They where done in a man who believed in nothing but peace and let's all just live together in harmony, but no we are going to go out a kill a shit load of people in your name because it's the right thing to do and you where right we should all live in peace and enjoy life, so will kill a bunch of people to prove you right and get everyone thinking the same way and if the don't think that way we'll kill them.. anyone see the problem here. Believe what you want to believe, but if you don't believe our way we'll just kill you. Umm no that is not the message that should be out there. We all have our own opinions and beliefs and all of them should be respected, unfortunately that is not the way of things and it sucks beyond sucking. This is where I feel really bad for those who have to hide who and what they are. Yes I'm talking about the Mystic or Magical community. These people are the ones that are hurt the worst these day. In the past it's been the Christians and The Jews and at one point in time every other religion on the plant. it's the Believe what we believe or you can't work here you can eat here and it works it way down to the bottom of the line of well just kill you to stomp out what you believe in, because it's not right or even sociable excitable. well guess what you all suck and have forgotten the main meaning of life and that no matter what we are all people and should be able to believe and live what ever way they want to and no one does that any more..

OH and by the way some people and look at Jesus as a Magician for the thing he had done..    

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