Thursday, January 2, 2014

And Now this...

Here we go....

You know as you get older you find the things that you never thought yourself saying. or the few things that you have always wanting to be saying finally saying and a few thing you don't want to be saying saying like 25 years ago I was going this or in some case now 30 to 35 years ago I was do this, you have finally become the really old person in the room. You see there are many things that we all never think about as when we are younger and we do a butt load of things that we never thought would catch up to us. Both physical and mental. Then again I'm the last person to talk about thing that catch up to us mental my head has so many holes in it that it's not funny, but then again that what nightmares are for isn't it. Now when your young you think you and do anything and I say go for it do it and do it all when and if you have a chance, because at one point you may never have a chance to do it. and there is a lot to see and do in this world from traveling it to saving the bloody thing, but then again there will be those time you think why the hell did I save this world, and you'll always find the reason right around the next turn or if you look at any giving park. The ability to go and see and enjoy the world is one thing that everyone needs to do. Now when you go through life and are done with work and your family is grown and your really old to the point you can say hey fifty years ago or more  you better make sure you have something to take you around the country to see it all because if you didn't do it when you where young you better sure as hell do it when your old save the world might be a butt load harder when your that age but then again you shouldn't have to do it, it's really hard on the body but the mental toll it will take you are more then really for. see the world and country when your young and then again when your older is a wonders thing. in most case you might not see some of the changes that have happened but then again it always gives you a second look at something and a new prospective on what is there. For the most part the Grand canyon is a big hole in the ground and it always will be, but it's a different big hold at the age of 17 then it is at the age of 65 so you have to see it twice to understand it. There is a lot to see in the country let alone the world and you got to try and see it all if you can. Take pictures and say I was here this is something I need to see. From the Great pyramids at Giza to the giant ball of string where ever that is. This are strange and wonders thing that one should see if they ever get the chance. It's not only a mountain with a few faces on it, it's a piece of art that the government paid for in the middle of nowhere. there are a lot of things out there to see both here in the U.S. and around the world go see them that is what they are for.

The people we put in charge....

 Now I have gone on this before about the people we put in charge of thing from The President to the Queen and the war lord. Of course they are not War lords once they are the rule of the area that they have taken over and hell even during the time they are trying to take over the lands they want they aren't really called war lord but let's face it and person who had control over a country or Army is a war lord even if it's someone that has to answer to another body that helps run any given country. Hell in most case the War lord might be the ass you need in charge because he's the guy that comes in with the ax  and cut the crap out and everyone fears the living crap out of him. Now that might sound a little harsh, but would you not a problem you are having with someone or something solved as soon as possible and not drag out for years and years and what if a war could be fought by just two people. The assholes that started it. I think in all my years that is one off the greats lines I have every heard in a Movie.. "Would it be great if a war could be fought by the two assholes that started it." That's from the Postman by the way.. It would make things all that mush faster, we might have a tank load more of them and countries would change almost daily, but hell a fight to the death between two people to see who is going to take over a country that would be funny as hell, Could you Picture JFK fighting Castro for control of Cuba. Hell I bet we would have some really good cigars in the country right about now and the 100 year war wouldn't have lasted 116 then again what war last more then a week anymore these days, but could you think about that a 116 years of war that would mean your great grand father and you could have fought on the same land just a 50 years apart. I mean come on, what the hell is worth fight a 116 years over in the first place. We fight over some of the most stupid things to being with and that just in your own home what the hell would make people fight for over one hundred years. Well i guess we can go ask the Hatfield's and McCoy's they have been at it for that long if not longer and that is just two families, but I bet you when you ask each family you get a different answers

AHHH the hell with it go out and enjoy life see the world and all it's crazy wonders that are out there

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