Friday, January 3, 2014


For one year....

 Now everyone has a new years relational that they of course just throw away after about two weeks of trying to do it, but here is something that really isn't that hard to do. Pick one song no matter how long it is, in most cases the shorter the better, and listed to it once a day for a full year. see how well you do with it. You can if you have an I-pod or tunes if can find it a little easier to keep track of how many time you have heard it because of the play counter, you just reset it to 0 and go. In all the years I have tried this I have managed to do it twice. Once with Meat Loaf's Objects in the rear view mirror (I had 4 different versions .) and then again with Hoist the colours, by Hans Zimmer from Pirates of the Caribbean: At worlds end.. Yes you can have more then one version of the song but it's got to be the same song, Reba's version and Kelly's version of "because of  you" would still be the same song so that would work, but "No matter what" By Boyzone and "No matter what" By Meat loaf are written by the same person and are from the same musical "Whistle down the wind" By Jim Steinman and some British guy I think his name is  Andrew Lloyd Webber  he wrote that Play "phantom of the opera" they are two different songs so you couldn't use that one. in a lot of cases you'll find that there are a few interesting versions of the same song  out there and you'll be surprised who song it. You have at least two version of Shameless to listen to one by Billy Joel and the other by Garth Brooks and you have two versions of "read 'Em and weep" to listen to as well, one by Meat loaf and the other by Billy Joel. the meat loaf being the older and better of the two of course. You might think that something as simple as listening to a single song at least once a day for a whole year is simple but really it's not at one point you have to think have I listen to that song today I have heard it so mush over the past few week that I don't know and I'm really tired of hearing it and I think that is the real problem. you get get tired of hearing it as time goes by, so you just give up, but that is the whole point of it to not give in and do it for a whole year like so many other thinks. People set out to challenge themselves and with something as small as listing to a single song once a day for a year they fail Hell I have and I have tired it at least 7 time in the past 10 years it's not something you want to do every year but once you fail the first time your like I need to try that again or if you do manage to do it your either Yeah I did it I think I'll try it again or you'll be dang that was not good and I don't want to do that again, but If you give it a try you might find it fun and interesting it's just a matter of when you'll fail or if you can make it to the finish line. I say try it try to do anything once a day for a whole year and see where it get you. Look at where it got Julia Powell and all see did was make every recipe in a cook book with in one year and blogged about it as see went along. Now to be honest I never heard of the women tell the movie Julia and Julia came out, but hey I'm not much for reading  blogges on the internet as it is. Hell I barely write one. Once again it was one of those challenges that I gave myself and for the most part I fail because it had stories in it and what not but then again i was able to write something out everyday for a full year was it fun. yeah at times it was fun just because every now and then I found that topic that I could just go on and on and on and on and on and on about. in the out I don't think anyone could make scene of what the hell I was saying Hell half the time I can't make scene of what I write I just start typing and let it go from there no real spell check and grammar is throw out the window so a lot of the time it doesn't even work and your lost in the first sentence or two so you don't get down to the really pointless part because it way to hard to read, but then again I'm just some guy writing straight out of his head on to a computer hell if I had that Dragon speak software it might be a little more coherent  but I wouldn't count on it.

Missing the old guy.....
 Now from left field and well when don't I just change my direction when I fill like it because something just pop's in my head and I have to go that with it. The Old guy Nick Fury..When I was younger and collected comics Nick Fury was a world war II vet that moved into the CIA and then became a spy For S.H.I.E.L.D. and worked his way up to become the director and finally had to fight against everything he built only to close it down himself, but that was the 60's and into the 90. He was a cigar smoking, one eye, gun toting  grumpy old guy that as always had a soft side. yet he did what needed to be done and for the most part I miss the old fart. In today world we have lost the cigar (because smoking is bad for you) he's not caring a gun we like to see as much (because gun rights are in play and we can't have the good guy caring a gun everyday in the open) and he isn't all that grumpy. He has lost that stern face and harsh tone that has made him who he is, but then again times have changed and everything that was done to us as kids is not allowed anymore these days so hell the things that where done when he was a kid are long gone and one couldn't even think about doing these days. which just goes to show you the change in times. Hell look at back just let's say 60 years.. This I think shows an interesting point, and I got this story from my Mom.. When she was a kid and went to school in a farming community the boys would work on the farms during the harvest season, so they would be pulled out of jr. high and High school to work on the farms, but the parents still wanted them to get there education and graduate high school, so they would do half the school year and then go work on the farm then come back and do the second half of the school year the following year, so you had senors in high school that would be 22 and just finishing school up. in today day and age that would be insane to even think about a kid had to go to school and finish it. none of this half a year and then half and year taking 8 years to go throw high school. that would be insane, but you know what I find it interesting that that could be done and the kids where allowed to do it made life on the farm more interesting made sure as hell that the kids got and idea of how much their parents put into it for them, but at the same time made sure the kids got their education and if they wanted to move on to college they could. now I do see the down side of it and all that crap but hell it made things just a little cheaper on everyone and you know I can see it as being born into a job as they like to call it, but we need those farmers, but it also gives the kids a chance to get out if they want to they get the high school education they need and shows that they need to work for a living at the same time. Today you got kids at the age of 14 making a simple web site and in a few years hell in some case a few months are worth millions or dollars. they never have and never will work a single hard day of labor. hear's a strange idea not like i don't have those and might have already had this one. Let's have a prison farm. where we take kids that are in jail and make them work on a farm or even an adult farm as well. Yeah I thinking about bring back the old chain gangs. why not with today's tech it should be a hell of easier to keep track of the people we have working on the roads and farms. Hell it's even free labor that could be use all over the place. am I talking about the Max prisoners no but light and mid why not. get them to work for what they are getting in the prison system...

 But then again I just miss my old fart that smokes a cigar, totes a gun and is just a grumpy old man

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