The stupied things....
Ok so where are you in the stupied factor of things this day in the world and you the person who has to stand by and watch as everyone drinks around you and makes a complete moron of themself or are you one of the morons in the world. but the the real questionis are you the moron in the car after making a completemoronof yourself? because that is the person i want to hang up by your toes and hit with a bat to see what is inside, because you might as well be a pinyata then in the driver seat of a car you you think that even after one drink you can drive the bloody thing, and you know what tonight is the one night that that is going to happen, we are goingto have a lot of really really really stupied people on the road, because they thought it was going to be funto have a few drinks at a party then drink about a allon of water and say hey i can drive home no problem. guess what you moron you can't that is why my favoret coffee shop is giving away free drinks to the D.D, tonight for 6pm to 11pmthe D.D. well beable to get a free cup of coffee to show that they care and really don't want to have stupied people on the road or at least cut down on the amount really really stupied people thatare on the road and you know I my have kids and don't drink much anymore so i try and not to even be on the road.
Let the drinking begin..
Ok so it's almost time for people to start to get stupied,but in some cases I know people have already started, it's said to say that some people started at noon, but i think five o'clock like the song says is the best time to start, and for this weekend we can drink on and on for the next 30hours as long as we don't fall a sleep, but this is the one thing that do do need with all the drinking we can do over the next day and ahalf. tonight we get to enjoy the end of the year, by drinking ourselvies stupied and then byond and tomorrow we can keep on going because there is a lot of college football games on and we need are beer and chips just to keep going on the great week of drinking, the after all the games are over we can keep going late into the night to either celebrate our winning what ever bowl game we were in or to well in our sorrow because we lost either way the the new year right around the corron and on the weekend we can drink ourself in to stupiedity and then keep going until we find ourself waking up naked in the middle of the road and butt naked and snow pilled high on your butt wounder where the snow came from, because you live in southeren cal. you know i have never really been a a party like that and i have been to a few intresting parties where people get massivly drink and are hanging on to a speaking talking into it well the radio plays the doors, but none where people have end up naked which is a bummer because i use to work in the theater and you would thing that some of the after parties you would end up with some naked people, but with this being the weekend for new years and the eve is friday you know you can drink your ass off, but remember don't be one of the really really really stupied people and get in the driver seat of a car. call a cab or get yourself a D.D. there are many programs that will help out tonight hell there is even one called
Tipsy Tow 1-800-222-4357 not only will they take up home, but they will tow your car home to so you don't have to wake up the next morning and wounder where you left the bloody thing, but of course I have worken up a few time and woundered where i was. hell one time i feel asleep in a freinds van and he drove the thing out a parked it on a hill side and crashed in the back woke up the next morning got out of the van and head for the house where the party was last night and guess what the house was not there but the city was. what an intresting to wake up, so tonight as you drink yourself stupied and beyond because you can remember there is nothing worth getting in to a car for that you need,, but then again remember yo also want to drink yourself stupied the next day because you can and there is a tank load of football on and beer and football go together like nothing else you can think of...so let's go drink and becarefull out there.. and remember to post or e-mail me the naked women you come across during your adventers in drinking.
Raise your hands