So where we are a new year and we got a shooting and insane people still running around the Pres giving speechs that are to help relax people in a time of all this sadness and morning, but to run this over just one more time it took the killing of a 9year old girl and a a federal judge, but let's let those people rest and know that the Pres did what he had to do to show his own sadness or being upset over what had happen. Hell I would be pissed as a matter of fact when stupied shit like this happens I'm always pissed when a little 9years old girl is dead, regardless of how it happens. Ok so let's get off of this and back to what the hell is going on as usall well people are stupied and we need to to be hit on the head with a very large frying pan of course that is just promoting what we are trying to stop. you can stop vilonce with violance, but then again if you started chopping people hands off for shop lifting you might slow down shop lifting and then you start hanging people in public square and get beheadings on the captials front lawn we would have a great time and the state could sell tickets and pay for it too. late night pay pre-view exucutions would be great I mean let's get things going and back out in the public start showing people what is going to happen to them and bring the real freaks into the open that want to watch the death and dismemberment of people, you know hung drawn and quarted, we'll just use four tow trucks instead of horses, of course that might make it a little hard to get a date for the exacutioners, but then look at what the sciance did to the zodeac to get new dates they had to make up a whole new set of date line, so just think of what these guy's are going to have to do, and think of that date convertion, so what do you do for a living, oh me I exacute people for a living. yeah that would win people over and get you a lot of dates in the real world, of couse you pay these people butt load of money they might be able to get any woman..
It's all yours go get it
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