so here we are the last day of one year, and Yeah I have managed to at lest write something out once a day even if it was nothing more then a bad poem and unfinished story which you might still get parts of just to have some fun and to send it out into the world because it's not really going anywhere else but a computer file or on a piece of paper which no one is ever going to read, like they really read it here, and a few rants about the world we all live in and of couse the stat of the year to know that a friend of mine died just after it started so for the most part it's can't go much down hill from there, I would like to think that over th past year I have made you think about a few things and you know full well that I have stolen a few news stories right off the radio airwaves because I just thought they where reduclies to even think that something like that could happen, one of my faviorts being the boy being kick out of school for not cutting his hair, the kids was what 6years old and trying to do something to help cancer pations I still want to go slap that princalble for that one, and I know I have had some fun poking at something and got a little heavy or at least I think I got a little heavy over the past year on a few things. and I know never got back to a few things I said I would like t=you want to hear the rest of my Harry Potter reviews anyway, I know my spelling his more then horrable but what do you want I was raised for the most part in the 80's and went through the 7th and 8th grade with straight U's what ever that was and came one math class short of a degree in english Lit and Theater art's, hell I'm a carpenter that can build almost anything just give me the wood and a cheap drawing and I'll figure it out, what do I need with spelling Hell I can't even spell english right. so over th epast year I have not really cared how this blog has looked because like I said at one point it was for the most part a failure and I just wanted to see if I could come up with something to write out once a day in the end even if it was a cheap story that I have been working on. I do thing I was able to put up a few and I do mean few intresting pictures for people to look at. At one point I was trying to do nothing but The enterprise from the NX to NCC 1701E just because I don't have a picture of J and I thought it was fun to do, and that is really what I was trying to do in the end Have some fun and maybe make you think of a few things that where going on in the world. Like to do we really need all these bloody awards show, I thin it cheapens the movies that are out there, and then there is the end of the year push where movies you have never really hear of get all the nominations so anything at the begining of the year is lost in the shuffle and the there are those few movies that are not finished and are put out, Million dollar baby being one of them and the Orginal Batman from the 80's being another, and them of cousre my great opinion of a few people in the world, Like I hate to say it but Chris Rock being a races ++++*# pig, and the only reason to watch any movie he does is because he is backing up a much better actor like Adam Sandler, I happened to watch Grown up last night, Good movie, and Then what I would l=think was something to make everyone try and do and that is support the Pres, you may not like the guy but in some sences he is the one trying to help us in more way them one, he just needs to talk to the people at the bottom of the country to know what they want and not always do what he thinks is right. Then of course I have gone on a few times about conguess and how old the people we put in it are and we need to work on getting the your class in there because they are the ones who know or should know what the people want not the old farts that are there not, once again my opinion and just something for you to think about, I have touched I would have hopped on something from where ever over the past year and one of the few things I do remember and still say The Beatles are just one of the first boy bands and very over rated, so let's not go jumping up and down because you can buy there stuff on I-tunes now.
Remember for the most part this was all for the fun of it and to see if I could write something once a day for a year, I was able to do that but not as well as I would of hoped. I will most likely find something to write, just not everyday because there where a few times that I just wanted to go to bed but I had to write this thing out of just sit and vegg, but I came up with something to write any way.
For who ever reead this crazy thing I hope at one point I made you think and thank you I hope you enjoyed it and look forward to what every I do in the future with this thing, but I know for a little while I'll be taking a break just so I can go to bed a little earily every now and then and you don't have to read this every day liek you really did that in the first place. So for now...
So long, farwell, and thanks for all the fish...
Of Gods and Generals...
Most people have a full measure of life
And most people just watch it slowly drip away
But if you can some it all up
At one time
In one place
You can accompish something
It's all yours go get it
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