What we do...
Ok so the madness we all go through when you hear that someone we know dies regardless of how long it's been sence you talk to them. in this case as you know a person i have know for 15years died on sunday night, happy new year to that family, now I have not talk to the guy in at least 5 years, but many years ago when i did see him a lot we talk and helped each other out with are girl friends who where more then driving us nuts at the time. Now the first stage is of course shook because us can't believe that it has happened and in somecase to that person in General. Next is angury now this one is the one thatwill last the longest and you wont know your in it because your looking for something to do because you can't stand the fact that the person is gone in the first place. so you spend time doing things that you either need to get done but have been put aside and anyone who disturbe you you take a nip out of them, but you don't mean to do it it's just happened because your pissed that a person died and you don't understand it, people you know regardless of how long you known them and yet haven;t talked to them in how ever many years people are not allowed to die on you unless you know about it. then you get to the depresstion, well that is the simple part you just mop around for the day and try and sleep alot, then you get a chance at excapting everything and for the most part you talk to yourself and get it through your head and life slowly starts to get back to normal, so I am somewhere with in all this mess and I think I should be back to normal in the next day or to, death is just a pain in the butt when it comes as a shook to you and way out of the blue, mistress death is an intressting woman and she picks people in some of the strangest ways, but you never want to mess or piss her off because when she comes for you on a revenge trip you are not going to like what she has in store for you it will not be peace and clean, she can really hold a grudge, so when she comes for you walk up to her and go with her quitly she really can be a nice lady, but the shook it gives to other people and thus partofherplainis to drive others nuts so we are driven into maddness which is where we want to be because it's great fun...
it's all yours go for it
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