over the years I have seen strange and wounders things, most of them good some of them bad, now yeasterday there was a shooting and a conguess woman and a federal judge where shoot, the judge was killed and the congruss woman was wounded and taken to the hospital and that was the story of the day a congruess woman shot in front of a store, on the side note and this is where I made a big stink and the rant for the night a little 9year old girl was also shot a killed. now the second thing I see when I turn on my computer today was a story on the little 9year old girl and the sad fact that she was killed and she was the youngest person killed that day along with six other people but she was also born on 9-11-2001 which makes her death all that more sad. A young girl born on what can be called one of the darkest days in u.s. history which made her a bright new light, one that was now put out by way to earily, and my problem with all this is that they spent the day on the conguess woman which can be expected because she was the news and alive at the time, all those who where dead could wait excapt that of the federal judge, he might have been shot and killed along with the 9year old girl, but she was not the story because she was nothing more then a 9year old girl who was born on 9-11-2001 and not a federal judge, but she was a young girl who in some cases needed to be left in peace, but at the same time a news story more importen then a dead federal judge. in the end the whole thing is just a horrable story and needs to be handled with great care in the end, but I can see it as being something that is going to take up are news for the next few weeks and the little girl is going to get lost in all the fuss on thing I just want people to remember above all and anyone who died that day that a little girl born on a dark day as a new shining light was killed by a mad man... and no matter what they dig up on the guy or say in the end he was nothing more then a mad man if he shot and killed a little 9year old little girl.
it's all yours go get it
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