You do nothing you wite nothing and you read all kinds of crap that have to do with nothing this includled because I just got this odd feeling that we have a butt load of nothing going on that we really see, because the Goverment is keeping all kinds of fun and wounderfully scary crap from us, because it is in our best intrest to know that nothing about all the black op's that we run around the world and all the trouble we get into that doesn't make the news, we make a left turn and instead of being in south korea we are somewhere in north Korea and the plane is on fire and going down. Now we need to run a black op to get the guys back because they made a left turn and there plane caught on fire, you know this is nothing new we have been doing these things for years and years and we most likly will be doing it for a few more thousand years but we will never really know untill way to later unless we really go looking I mean for the most part things that happened more then 60year or older care coming to light only we if ask for them and go looking so go ask the goverment for history that we haven't thought about for more then 60years becuse that is where we are at. Looking back that is somewhere around the 1950's were we are so let's go see, that is most of the black ops of WWII and we can defantly see what went on durning the great war, I think it's time to go ask the goverment to show us what we where up to at the time and have some fun, because it was all very done and over with and most people who where in the action or cause the problem are now every dead.
It's all yours go get it
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