Where begin...
You know it is strange what people will ge mad about when they don't normal admitt to even looking at. I guess that over the past couple of days someone said that your Horoscope might have changed, you know something the stuff is not crazy and it might have some truth to some of it the problem is that some people have trates that fall under one sign and not another, expecaily those who are right at the truning point from one sign to the next, You know it does matter and it matters a lot because for the most part it is something that is over 2000 year old hell the bloody thing is older then that this set that we are using now is just the most curenat one that they have come up with a people are going to try and rebel agaist it which is find, but at the same point in time we should look to see what they have and the reason's behind it all and just add it to the list of new idea's that are out there that science is trying to push on us or correcting from the long past which is pissing people off, because they are use to what is w
rong and don't want it to be right, but then again look at what the west did to the chinesse...

Bad for pick up lines or is it...
So the old pick up line is what is your sign? Well now that can change and it moght even work a little better because they can ask what is your sign and they can return with under the new or old Horoscope, or they can even go with so has your sign changed. So this whole thing could just be a just a new way for scintist to try and pick up women in the first place. I mean come on they have enough problems as it is so they are forever trying to think up new way to pick women up and changing something that is over thousoands of years old is a good way to do something about I mean you get your name and scinance out into the world and thus they can try and pick up women either with hey I started this rolling or did you hear about this my team have been working on it either for or agaist it. so you know I think in the end it's all a new way for the people of scinace to try and pick up women...
it's all your go get it..
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