So a new year and what most people would calll a new start to things, but you know as much as the change is year has come and we like to think that everything that happened last year stoppped at the change of the date like it all is trapped behind a door that is now closed and can't be opened again, but the sad truth of things is that everything thing we have had happened to us last year is still following us and for some of the bad and horrable things that are there we still need to work them out and for all the good and great things that we want to follow us into this new decade are going to asmuch as those things that went wrong in the world and then there are those people who's new year has started on a bad note, like the people in the burning plane in russia. now these poor people have not had a good start to the new year or how about the 7 families who had some one die in the twister on new years eve. hey these people have had a great start to a new year and new decade. there is no door to block these event from someones memory and even if they are behind some magical door that becomes closed for all time i hate to say it but that door has holes in it and we get the nightmares that come from these events as much as wel would like to try and forget them. A new year is what we have and it is what we all like to think of as a new beginning and the end of the old, but in truth as much as i hate to rune it for everyone myself included is that the old things just keep coming with us even with the change of the year and with a new decade in which we have entered..
Here we are...
Life is a journey and we all go through it and together and part from other people, we lose something and we gain others. As long as we have friends and family to talk to and be around we will always be able to make it through almost anything. and with the change of the year we can always hope to start with a nice clean and clear slate to see the world born a new and that all things in the pass are forgoten and life is moving on in new and mor powerfull derections this is what we all like to see and feel and you know alot of the time it is what we feel. when you are out side and looking up at the night sky when the year changes you can almost feel all the old ways fall away from you, everything drop off you shouleders and you feel this nice clean and clear energy flow throght you. it is always a wounderous feeling and it only happens once a year for such a short time, but well is does happen it is great and we all feel like a new and clean person like we need to. All our sin's of the past year just drop away and this year it was even better because it is also the change of the decade and thus the whole of the past ten years fall alway leaving us clean and clear of all the sin's of the past 10years,ihope you have enjoyed this day and that for the next year you don't get as dirty as you did the past year... go out and enjoy life,have fun remember it's a new year and a new decade enjoy it...
it's all yours go for it...
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