So you wake up and you start your day and for the most part it's a slow morning and your feeling pretty good, then you go to lunch and you have a simple lunch talk to a few people you work with and you head back to to work after words, but just as you get up and start to head back you get that little ping in you head that say's hey for no reason what so every I'm going to give you a little headace for the rest of the afternoon and as the rest of your day goes by it get's worse and worse, now your stupied or you don't have any on you but you don't take anything for it and by the time you go hom eyou have a full blown migrane and it's a hard to drive plus it's headed south to your sstomic and by the time you reach your first stop on your way home you are not feeling good at all and by the second stop you think your going to throw up and you feel hot all the time but in truth you clamy and cold, now by the time you get home you really feel like crap and you still have the rest of the night to deal with and you haven't even start to make dinner for the family which is the real hard part because you can barely see straight let alone do anything else at this moment in time. What do you do you tell everyone that dinner is going to be late and lay out on the sofa and close your eyes for a few mintues so you can try and get the world to stop spinning you want want off at this moment in time. so in the end it was a crap end to what started as a nice day, yes this would be my day today and it's till a little had to see straight and I want nothing better to do then to grab a hand full of asprin and head to bed, I just go a few things to do before I can do that sucks to be me right now..
Live D.J.s
Now over the past couple of months I have had no real choose but to listen to the radio in the company truck that I drive and one of the D.J. I listen to Name is Fitz and the guy stand an good 6'7" tall and did the redgis and kelly show on monday and looking at the guy now I know why he does radio, he must have been the most ungraceful guy I have seen in years, the suit jacket he was wear might have been made for him but it did not fit right and he just didn't seem to know what to do with himself from time to time, Now I can see where he didn't want to sit up straight because he would have made kelly look really small next to him even when he was sitting down, but he did need to sit up a little straighter, some time I think radio D.J. just need to stay on the radio and not do any kine of video stuff, because some of them do web broad cast of there show at the sametime they are live on the radio and guess what these guy's don't really need to be showing there face they are not pretty by any means and I'm sorry but Fitz is not a good looking guy he is tall and in it would appear that he don't know how to carry himself sometimes, but then again remember the guy does radio and his voice is his money maker not his looks, so maybe he should try reading book on CD for some side money because it's not in T.V.
It's all your go get it
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