Is it a T.V. script or is it real life, because as I read Pres Obama went to the memorial for those shot and killedin Arizona to urge talk that heal so am i feel like I'm watching a episode of the west wing or am I watching the news. You know I knew that somewhere along the line the Pres was going to give a speech about the shooting and you know I think it was expected and in some case a little need. It's hard to say not wanted because I think alot of people wanted it from Obama, but if Bush was in office I don't think they would have expected him to have given a speech and even if he did it would have not have gone over all that well, but now that this is all and done with can we please let these people rest in peace because the news has been going on and on about it for the past couple of day and yeah I'm onmy third rant about it,but you know I think we got all the information we need on this time for it to rest and let the court handle it from here.
it's all your go get it
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