Book two: The fight break part 2
"Yes I habe no dout she was nice to you Blaze." I said "and my left hand twitched "You are a hard person to dislike. I looked up to Warrior who was now standing on my right side "In the end it's all worth it, no matter what the pain you go throught." I looked back to Blaze "there is more to this then two people trying to just kill one another. I just wish I could stop this fight without anyone ending up dead. I would very much like to get to know this version of K.R.,but she is way to intent on killingme for not being able to save her in our time." I closed my eyes and breather out heavly "Oh who I miss my K.R. sometimes, but then I have been around for more years then I care to think about."
Blaze grabbed my hands "Father." she spook softly "I have hundreds of questions for you, but why would she be doing this now?" She stood up her hands still on top of mine "if she has been after you all these years why now?"
"Oh that's simple." Warrior said looked out into the room and walking back behind my chair to look at Blaze "Because of you my dear."
"WHAT!?!" Blaze yelled and he hands tighed around mine.
"No it's notas bad as you would think." I said "K.R. has finally found away to bring me to her. She knew that by kidnapping you and leaving a note for Vincent that he would come to me and I would come to get you with Warrior in tow. It really was a nice trap one I saw coming the mintue I saw you. WHich was fine, it was all just a matter of time and I'm glad it was you." Blaze let go of my hands and stepped back from me and my left arm twitched again "You are the end of my great adventure Blaze Tylor and hopfully this is the end to yours."
"But what if I don't want it to end" She said "this time jumping thing we have been doing for the past few years has been in lighting, I don't think I have learned so much about history in my whole life. I have become to enjoy it." Blaze stepped back alike more to look at both Warrior and myself "You have always taken care of me."
"And we have always put in you in great danger, which you should have never been in" Warrior interupted.
I sat back in the chair resting my head on the highback closed my eyes thinking of all the great times we could of had and the thing Blaze could be doing. "Warrior you remember the painting that was covered in the cottage?" I broke in changing the subjuct
"Yes I do why." Warrior said looking down at me.
"That is a painting of your mother a long time ago, Before she became who she is today." Blaze was about to intrupt when I raised my hand to stop her "Now yes we always taken care of you Blaze." I said opening my eyes to look at her "I am glad you go and understanding of the mulitverse it could come in handly one day, but for now let this adventure for me end." I turneded to look up at Warrior "If I die in this fight ask george to show you that painting."
"I feel like I am to destory of lives." Blaze said somberly and she stepped forward and place one of her hands on top of mine again, As she did one of the cuts that was on my right side closed itself. "Ok but like I said I have hundreds of question my next on is great list of things is how did this all start? How does she know you didn't save her and How is she here and now?"
"Good questions's all." Warrior said place his hands on the back of the chair.
"Well see that is the hard part of things and I have been trying to figure it out." I started to stand up again, as my kness gave a loud popping sound Blaze grabbed my left arm to help me stand up "You see, thank you Blaze." and a lite on the brace computer came on "You see as much fun as the miltiverse is it's hard to cross from one to the next." A pain shot up throught my thig and I paused, closed my eyes to take in the plain "But as the theee faiths would have it K.R. either stumbled on how to cross the rosenburg einstien bridge which is a bridge to move across from one universe to another." I rubbed the back on my neck.
ok so for the final weekend of this blog I have given you a story just for the fun of it and throught you enjoy something simple to close it out. Now tomorrow will be the final day of the one year but I am sure I will be able to find a few thing more to say as the next year goes on and you know I might even get to some of the things I was to go on about but just never felt like talking about or by the time I got home I had lost what I want to say/talk about because I talked it out through out the day to no body but myself.
but for now I hope you have just enjoyed the few storied I have done and made you think about a few other thing over the past year..
It's all yours go get it
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