The state of the union is done and over with, The Pres has spooken to conguess and the country is now trying to move forward with what ever plain the man has tried to set forth for the country and you know what I have no Idea what those plain are, one because I didn't watch the state of the union bad me, and two for what ever the Pres wants for the country we have a congiess that will fight agaist him which is the really sad part of it all, Here is a man trying make the country come out of what ever thing they are calling it now and make this a better place and we have a conguess which will do nothing more then fight agaist him, this is the country we have set up and for most of us myself included it works but isn't there some point where everyone can see eye to eye on what the country need and what we all would like to seem Now I know we all want diffrent thing and need diffrent things but where is it for the common man to step forward and really ask for what we all need or at let put forth an idea that might make it some way in the world, I have always said that at least once a month the Pres should pick some everyday person up off the street have them come to the white house for dinner and talk about what they think the needs of the nation really are and not what the conguess is doing to help the people because really they are in it for themsevies and not the people as much as you might believe they are out to help the people of the country and in some cases the world, they are not, by the time more of the conguess people are put into place they have been turn so upside down they have no idea what the people of the country want and it starts right from the beginning and works it way up to the point in which it becomes second nature to them to make deal behind close dorrs or on the golf course hell they might even bet on which way to vote in the weekly pork game on captial hill would make sence with some of the crazy ass laws that are out there, but we may never really know what happens behind close door from around the country and in some case around the world because we do have so many people out there affecting so many dang countries that we might be the great super power of the world but we sure as hell can't take care of our own sometimes. It's just nut to thing of all the crazy ass stiuff that the conguess and even other diplomate get away with because it who they are. I like to say are system may not be great because it isn't but it sure as hell works and that sometimes is all you can ask for, but then again what would it be like if we has a true monarkey, where there was a court for the smaller case and the Pres was the top of the line if he made a law it was done and the people had to live with it and the Courts had to enforce, we just cut out conguess all together and let the pres make the laws of the land, damg that would now be one hell of a just and would turn anyone grey over night, and the changes form one pres to the next the things that would happen would be crazy but ver7y intresting not something I would really like to see here in the U.S. but go take a look at in some other country because you know it's still out there somewhere where one person is the leader of the land and what they say goes and if you don't like it you might go, all depends on what you said, now I'm not talking like a comunist rool but I am saying that there would most likly be a tank load of assaination in that country so in the end it just might not really work, that why I kind of like what we got here even with all of it's impovection and what little it does do for the people of the country at least it trys and with all the back door deals and crazy as conguress people we have that take all the money they can when they can, we just need to help the guy at the top out a little more because he is the one who should be trying to help the people at the bottom and in the middle even though I think in the end we are all getting screwed no matter what happens in the end. you just got to like politces and all that goes with it from time to time..
It's all your go get it
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