Ok so there is a lot going on in the world today and I have no idea where I want to even think to start. Now I guess I think a good starting point is with some good/bad news in which I don't really, get fully. Now I was listing to the radio this morning, and they asked who was insparing to you this week and one of the callers to the radio station said it was her brother, I was cool he helped her out this week then the boom of the caller came in and it was he was return from vitnam after 52 years of being M.I.A. and then the second boomed was droped the guy was dead. now first things first I felt good that they where able to get the body back and then the second part came to me about the fact they guy was dead, Hey I'm happy that they could bring a good closer to the woman and her family knowing that they where able to fine the brothers body and return home to them so he could be laid to rest. It's a sad story and think there are so many things right and some few things wrong with this. The first thing I think and most likly to be wrong with this story is that it took 52years to find and get the body home, now then again we are taking about vitnam which is a very closed country when it comes to getting our troops that are still there wither it be P.O.W.s or M.I.A.'s bodies out it does take time, I mean if you think they gave back all the P.O.W.'s back in the 80's then your are crazy because if we are still getting bodies back more then 50 years later guess what they kept a few people behind the question is just how many did they keep that we classiffied as M.I.A. ,but it's good to see we are getting the bodies back to give them the probably funeral they should be given they are people that did fight for our country even if it was a stupied war run by the C.I.A. for what ever reason you want to say they did it.

Ok something more less intresting...
I listen to this news story on the same radio station in which they ask who was the most inspration person story, it was news story out of the U.K. and it was on how they caught a guy who robbed somebodies house, he took a stole a tank load of elecronic and jewrly and what every else he could get his hand on, the police wheree able to catch the guy less then six hours later why where they able to do this, well it would appear that durning the robbery he left his cell phone behind and when he couldn't find it he called it and the police answere it, It would appear that he had left it on the counter at the house in which he had just robbied, the police came by the house where he waas living annd found hin in the living room sourounded by all the stolen stuff, Needless to say the people got there stuff back and the guy went to jail, it just goes to show that people are really really stupied sometime and it happens all over the world, so from stupied thievies to drunk people on horse it really makes you wounder what the hell is happening in the world.
It's all yours go get it
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