So there are fines for speeding and there are fines for littering and there are fines for drivening while talking on the phone and they all have diffrent price tags on them and in some parts of the country they can be a little on a heavy side of things. Did you know in Navada that a speeding ticket is avargaed a 1,ooo buck not to bad with everything else they have on and that is the avarage, now let's take a look at the sad person who had to pay a nice little price tag of 200,000 on a speeding ticket. Now I know they want to get speeding under control and having a high price tag on the ticket is a good thing but I don't think it needs to be that big, but then again if they are speeding and it can be indangering other people at the time why not give it a huge price tag of 200,000 shit your not going to be able to pay it any time soon so your ass is most likly going to jail for 30days but hell I don't think you will be speeding again anytime soon. Look I know that a high price for a speeding ticket can be a little out there but if you have to pay for breaking the law in an amount that is way out there you might rethink breaking that law, I know it might not be completely right, but in the middle east there are still countrys where the cops carry sabers and cut off the hands of a thief when they are cought. No as much as i like this idea I also find it a little scare because if you they catch the guy red handed and then they take that red hand home with them and then the cops will have computions or qutots where they need to have the most hands in a month, now they could start with fingure and work there way up the hand but then a again you take a fingure or five by then the whole hand is kind of pointless, but then look at this way the third strike and you take the whole hand, start with the middle fingure and then the pinky and then the whole hand, that way they can give the bird any more and later they can't screatch they noise...
it's all your go for it
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