The news and information
so when is the news your friend and when is it the demon we all know it can be, well the said truth is that it is always the demon and rarly the friend we need it to be, why because it reports on the thing we would like to know, but at the same time it reports on the misforgivings of other,Now for the last two night I have been going on about the 9year old girl who was killed the other day by a mad man in front of a store, and the news has picked this up now and is starting to run with it, information we really no longer need. it is time the let the young girl be, She was killed by a man mad looking to do someone else harm and is was nothing more then an inicentat little 9 year old girl and sign of hope because of the day she was born to all, but the sad truth is that she is gone and it is time for us all to leave her and her family alone, but you know the news is not going to let it go in this manner because like I first said the 9tear old girl was the story and she should have been for the day, but now it is time to let her be along with everyone else that is died that day, but you know the news is not going to let it go so they are going to turn in to the demon in which they turly are start to pull fact out about all that died that day and not let them rest and we will all watch as they pock and proud there way into peoples lives just because they can, oh the sad part of life in which we all want to know things that have nothing to do with us, but you know the real story now is that people that where wounded and are now in the hospital and they yeah the guy himself. it's time for the person 15mintues of fame which all mad people are really after there 15mintues and you know we will give it to them because it is what they want and the friendly demon we call the news will give it to them and well will want to watch it because the more and more of the demon the news becomes the more and more we want to watch it. we all like to see the disater that is out there and the tradgty that is human life and the really sad the part to the whole thing is that the closer to home it is the more we want to see it as long as it is not to close, a few states away or even across the state is fine but when it across town or down the street that is a little to close depending on what it is, a car accident yeah be down the street, a mass killing or something like that take it a few states away and show us the pictures no matter how gross and bloody they are let's see them as long as it no where near where we live, so this shoot for some is perfect it close enough to be intresting and we all want to know more but far enough away that we don't seem all that morbid for wanting to know all we can and to see the horrable picture. Ahh the sad sick people we all are but you know then again that is human nature we got to look and we got to know all that we can even if the story starts to get cold they are always going to find something to spark it up, yes the friend and the demon we all like and need to know..
It's all yours go get it
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