Book two: The fight break...
After more then three hours of fighting the computer that was running music and the fight called a half hour break. The music stopped and my wife lowered the Tri-sword turned and walked away from me. I lowered my own sword closed my eyes and took a deep breath "Oh man I'm so out of shape for this." I turned and started to walk towards a chair that had appeared on the far side of the stage.
I looked around and saw tgat tge stage had changed back to the grand hall of the castle where all of this started. Warrior and Blaze were standing behind the chair I was heading for. I headed staright for them and the chair ans as soon as I got there I sat down and growned in pain. Warrior and Blaze came quickly around to me "Father are you Ok?"
I pulled out and looked at the cut's in my shirt and slits on my cheast that where still bleeding "Yeah I'm all right. I just wish I could get into the music computer and knowing what was coming next. That is her major advantage."
"Who is she Mac?" Blaze Asked
"Who she say's she is." I looked over at Warrior "Warrior's Mother." I looked back to Blaze "I have thought she might be alive for a few years now, but I wasn't sure until now."
"But my mother died. She died before I was born." Warrior said "Wasn't she?"
Blaze looked very confussed as to how Warrior might have been born after his mother was dead "It's kind of hard to explain, but to give it a short story Warrior is a test tub baby born in a fluded bath." I looked at Warrior "You can blame george for that one."
"George?" Blaze asked
"George is well..." Warrior looked at me for an answer as to who George was and then back to Blaze "Well George is George."
"any way Blaze." I said "George put the genetic matteral together and created Warrior. He did a really good job. His appearance as he is was first my addiction to the gentic make-up when I first saw him. Later on it became a real gypise curse." I leaned my head back and listened to the curse of the gypies chant that they put on Warrior "Any way when Warriors mother found out that he was alive she was anything but happy, so she has been trying to kill him ever sence." I looked to Warrior "To make you feel better she has been trying to kill me a lot longer." I bent forwarded tired and exusted "Oh man this is nut's"
"So why is she trying to kill you or for that matter how is she even alive?" Warrior said
"Well this is the fun part." I raised my head looking at Blaze Do you know anything about the multiverse Blaze?"
Blaze looked at me as if she had no clue which was to be expected because she didn't have a clue as to what I was about to talk about "None. What is the multiverse."
"It's a change in the time line." Warrior said
"No not really." I said "It's the diffrent choose's that are made. The possiblities that could happen from the choose or actions." I stood up "Ohh..." My kness popped and mu whole body was stiff "any way for every major and even minor action or choose that is mae the other one is made or happens." I started to walk around to loosen up "In this case I was created because Warriors mother was killed." I pointed at Warrior and straighteden my arms "In an other univerace she liveed and in a third I was killed and the person that is saying that they are Warriors mother." I looked back to Warrior "and she is." I looked back to Blaze "was created." I rolled my neck to streach it "Now here the fun part with time travil and the Mulitvers. A person can go back in time and watch what happens, but the second they interact or do something they change the timeline and create a whole new universe. One can move forward and see the future and do things without changing anything, because nothing there is written, but if you go forward and use that knoweldge to come back and change the past the future your created is now a whole diffrent univers. It's is really hard to work, but almost matter what youe are trying to do, you always create a new universe." I sat back down "Now that I have made almost no sence." I looked up at Blaze who didn't understand half of what I was saying and had a look of someone who was completly lost "Sorry Blaze."
"It's ok Father." She said "I know you can get a little carried away and I think I got the basic of what you where saying." Blaze moved around the chair to stand infront of me "Warrior's mother is from a diffrent Universe and this one is Warriors mother out of all the ones that could be out there." SHe turned to Warrior "She seemed like a nice woman well she was hold me captive."
OK so it was a long day and I wanted to do something a little fun tonight besides my son got first place at the pinewood durbey today so everything has been a good day today
It's all yours go get it.
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