This is who we are...
Ok so I have come to the conclution that like most other people on the world have come to that people are in themseives very stupied. We all know people can do stupied things at diffrent time but you know I think we are for every doing stupied thing,look at the guy who attacked a pepis Machain with a hatch the other day just because he thought he hear it talking back to him. everyonehas a little crazy in them I mean look at the guyh how here in washington wrote the govenor a few less then good intections e-mails they cought that guy in less then six hour, now to me that is a little long because anything could happen with in six hours but at least they cought the guy before he went nut's and carried through with his ideas. Now we have crazy ideas and you never know when you might think you want to act on them, the pointof insanity is that you know when and when not to act on any given crazy ass though you might have and most of the time we know when not to act on those crazy thoughts but you know there are those who just can't help themself sometimes and have to try and do some of those crazy ass things they think up, like jump off a bridge with a rope tied to there legs, or one of my faviort thing that I still want to do jump out of a prefectly good airplane for no reason what so ever, these are crazy ass things we all should try E-mailing the governor that you might not want to see them alive the next day not such a good idea. , so watch what you might act on and what you think before you write out what you are going to send out into the world because they are always watching us..
it's all yours go get it.
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