Friday, April 30, 2010

End of the week

What more can you want....
Yes it's the end of the week and for that matter the end of the month Everything starts a new tomorrow for some and for other they will say that there is one more day in the week because Sunday always starts the new week of the might say no we have two more days for before the weeks end because monday starts the new week because that is when we go back to work if you work monday throught firdy and you know I don't Readlly know anyone who had a monday throught firday Job most of the people I know work verius days so they can never really plain anything unluess it's like two week to amonth in advance Which for some really sucks becaue there are somethings that just pop up in the middle of the week that you can only do on the weekends like run throught the desert in a 110 degress. Because you know during the week you want to be inside when it's that hot but on the weekend hey your up for anything and yeah I have noticed that when I have a weekend off or sometimes get off earily from work on the weekend I'll go anywhere and do anything but when it comes to having a weekday off or getting off earily on the weekday I don't want to do anything but lay around the house and Watch T.V. or sleep as much as I can and if this past week has showen me anything Man I can't wait for this weekend to go do a few things away from the house. I had a bunch of loes and lower lows and only a few highs so it's been ruff and I thik it's time to go out and have some fun and buy some milk when I get a chance. but You know I think for right now I'm going to look at a few thing on the Arizona Immigration Law Which for now I think is a great thing for the whole country and shouldn't be just a state thing and try and get some sleep it's been a really ruff week and Your all so good to me when I do a short rant on things like this and I can't wait till I can get back to something like the Immigration law of course I'm waiting for I.N.S. to come and break down my door now and drag my ass off.
Goodnigh and Goodluck

Thursday, April 29, 2010

New Law For the States

1 MILLION Strong FOR the Arizona Immigration Law SB1070 Illegal entry into the country is equivalent to a felony punishable by two years' imprisonment. Re-entry, after deportation is punishable by ten years' imprisonment. Law enforcement officials at all levels, by national mandate, must cooperate to enforce immigration laws, including illegal alien arrests and deportations.

Cry Havoc and Let lose the dogs of War.....
We the people of the United States stand before you and say "If You are here Illegally it's time to go home." or at the very least that is what we should be saying and what the Law in Arizona is saying to all those that are here Illegally. Kick those out who do don't belong here regardless of what they have or have not done if you have not filed your papaer work you should not be here, if the U.S. has not said they want you here you should not be here, You want a dran on the econemy here you go. Million and Million of Illegal people in this country the sign that once read Bring us you hunguy and mass now has a big sign on it that says No Vaconcey Go Back to where you came from. Look this is a great country and we take care of almost everyone in the world but ourselvies and Now i think it is time for the U.S. to do so. Let the Rest of the world go to hell take care of our own and now we are going to start with this New Arizona Immigration Law SB1070 Kick them out they don't belong here. How many of us are fighting for a Job agaiest a person that is here Illegally. Guess what it's time to start kick everyone out that should not be here, Now I know that might be a bit suprise to a few million people that are living in this country and don't know that they hare here illegaly but guess what you are and it's time to go home and as and Green (which is really white) Card carring Snowback (Canadan) regardless of where you come from if you didn't appley for your green card and just jumped the boarder it's time for you to go. I'm all for this Law and I don't really know what it's about excapte that in the State of Arizona if you care pulled over or stopped for any reason they have the right ti check you immigration states and if you here Illegal guess what it's time to go. Let's hand them over to the Fed's and start bussing, planeing boating them back to where they came from and I don't care where you came from or how you are it's time to go..

Here's a Sad but true case...
Lady has been in the country almost all here life, was adopped at like 3months she been in the U.S. for more the 37years he is married has two or is it three kids, She got arrest for the second time on a drug charge of some kind they looked into her Immigration states and guess what. The people that brought her forgot to fill out some paper work and she has been here Illegally for all her life and she never know it as a matter of fact she tought she was a U.S. citazin. Well now she is being deported because of he crimal record back to a country she doesn't know anyone and doesn't speek that language. Well guess what it's time to go. Look I know it's a sad tell and everything but I'm not one to mix things when it comes to Immigration.

I have been in this country for just over 30years I when we came down from Canada we filled out all the right paper work wait out time and got are green cards, Now if it was found out that the paper work was filled out wrong or we didn't fill it out guess what I would be mad and on the other side of this I think. This might be a little hard for me to fight the other side just because I'm for it all to much but I might be able to do it, anyway speeking from this side of it right now I would try to fix it if I could start filling out paper work to try and stay, but if in the end it didn't work I would held back to Canada Pissed of but I would go, Now I filled out the paper work so I have a right to be Pissed off. Now the people that jump the Board and run to the nearest town to find a job, Guess what you have nothing to be upset excapet the the fact you got cought, because it's time to send you ass home, you don't belong here.

Another true story..
So I was board and watch I think it was the history channal again and they were doing a thing on Ilegal immigration and following the boarder Potral around, they cought a group of people jumping a fence took them to a holing place and start running hearing and things on them. One guy spent two at the holding place before seeing a judge and then released into the U.S. with a piece of paper saying he would return for his hearing and sentceing a few weeks later. They guy was asked if you was going to come back. The guy looked straight into the camra and said "Nope I knew I was going to get this paper if I was cought." and I looked like he wanted to get cought "I'm heading to chacigo"

What Crazy as shit is this The dude should have been on a bus two days ago on his way back to where very he came from, Daily trips back into mexico because that is where I would assume Arizona and Texas get's most of there Illeagal from. Start shipping them back. If they have money's and holdings in the U.S. guess what it's now propery of the U.S. Goverment to help pay for all this stuff. We get to start selling there shit off. The more illegal immigrants we get out the better I feel and thinkn of all the jobs it might open up get ride of 1 million illeagl's in Arizona another Million for texas and 10 million from Cally Shit think of all the people who can find a job now. Hell what would the prison look like if we shipped out all the people that are here iellgaly or for that matter had a green card and broke th law, shit ship there ass home to where thay cam from and that includes myself. If I was in Jail for ssomething heavy like drug trafficcing or human smuggling or hell even manslater shit send my ass back to Canada and put me in a canadan prison, Kick me out of you contry and don't let me back in. Think of how many people we could get ride of and how many jobs it might open if you start kicking out those who are here illegal or broke the law, Kick there asses out I don't care who you are or where you came from it's time to go home. It just might cause a shit load of havoc but hey let's do it maybe a little havico is what we need. Let's take this Arizona Immigration Law SB1070 and make it a fedreal Law not just a Simple state one. If you don't belong here it's time to go. You want to make a clear 2010 Cences poll well guess what you got to take in count for the Millions of Illegals that are not going to fill it out and a few thousand Homeless people out there two But let's get ride of the Illegaks and start Helping the Homeless one by giving them the jobs that the Illegals had, helll you know some of them would jump at the chance..

The Ecomey Still sucks and I think this is just one small and I do mean small way to help it get back on it's feet You start kicking out the Illegals and giving there jobs to other people and can start to feel a bit more pride in the country.. It's just something to think about.. I can see myself coming back on this one again in a few day's or so because I havn't heared the Five bitchy ladies say anything on it just yet and I do want to see what it all in tails Like I said I don't really know what the Law is so I might be way off on it rerally I'm just up for kicking people out that don't belong it it's a dran on the U.S. in so many ways from the prison system to the unenployment system to courts that I think it's time to go. The Doors are closed and they read Not Welcome

Goodnight and Goodluck

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

It works

Nothing better..
Ok here we go again on this just because I thinks it's so great, Got the network to work and now my blu-ray runs netflix left and right all day long When I turned on my cable box this evening to watch something I found out how long it had been off, because it was still set to the channle that I had on this morning I had watched Netflix most of the afternoon I'm so great full to the friend of mine who help me to fix it and for the new router that I got to make it work as much I know I know about computer I know I know nothing when it comes to software I can work you hardware take out your hard drive replace you mother board and what ever else you need but when it comes to software I know I'm lost and I think that more to the point I don't want to crash my computers I have way to much stuff on them and of couse I have nothing backed up, I was thinnking about buying a 2tara hard drive and just coping everything from all the computer on to it and putting it away.

Back to the show....
Now back to the flix. I have always enjoyed having netflix, now I was not one of those people how jumped on this band wagon when it first come out it took me at least two years but then when I got into it man did I work it and now with the streaming happening to the Wii which works too and to Blu -ray I'm so happy I'm watch all kind of things now I'm afaired for both my DVR and DVD/Blu-ray collection, but I know it will all come in to play, I just can't wait to start using some of the other great things that come with some of the blu-ray like the Movie I.Q. and the BD live thing, plus the blu-ray does you tube So this could be really intresting the things I could look up on that.

The sad part...
As much as I like and enjoy netflix and I recommendit it to almost everyone and anyone I think it put a real pinck on placesd like hollywood video and Blockbuster, now blockbuster has it's on mail in and return to store think, I can't feel to bab about them but I have a hollywood video closing near me and that put's more people out of work that is second store to close in the past 5 year plus a fewother small video stores have closed over the past ten years, now there are many things that could be factors to why these places had to close but you never know one thing I do know is the price you pay to rent something is way out of hand Years ago it was 99cent to 1.99 and the Eduction film where 2.50 now it's like 4.95 or something like that and the back stock are like 2.50 or more, come on this is nut's, now I know there is more to it then jsu the price of the movie that you are paying for but come on, oh wait it's the greedy american I want more so everything cost more and thus places start to closee like this Hollywoood video, but they you can pick up DVD's for like three bucks because everything must go right down the carpet, but you know I say keep the store and just use it as a selling point fpr all the prevelss viewed film and Game and everythign else that they have a tank load of, Down in Florida they have a store call Video stop and off shoot of Game store and all they Sell are DVD and Blu-rays. I think we could use a place like this around here and this locastion would be a great place fpor soemthing like that so I say go for it what is the worest that could happen it doesn't work and you have to close the store well you are closing it anyway why not try this first before you completely close the store you never know it just an Idea much like the Bar, landry matt and coffee house if I had the money I would go for it.

SO with that I'll say go get your netflix your Wii for the young kids and your PS3 for the big people and start your viewing as you go because they can watch the netflix and hey for some you just need to have the cheap plain where you get one movie at a time and all the streaming you watch so turn it up and start watching..

Goodnight and Goodluck

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I have no idea

Fun time in the rain.....
SO there is always fun in the rain and that is what part of today was all about along with working on getting an old phone working for my mom took over an hour and they had to order a new one in the end which is going to take a few day, so enough of that, now to the rain that would not make up it's mind come and going the sun was here and then it wasn't much like things that are happening in the white house and or congress it come in and ten second it's out again there is no telling where it's going to be at any moment but isn't that have the fun of things both in the weather and in congress so let's just watch and have fun with both and hope everything turns out right, but I think well have more luck with the weather then we do with congress So you make up your own mind..
The house...
it's a house that has been around for years and the only person not to have lived in it was the man who help build it George Washington, it's been throught a lot and including being set on fire it has been add on to to make the east and west wings it is also that most visted house in the world when the house is open to the public and I thinnk I would like to see the it one day, but I don't know I have the time to do it right now so will see what happens but for now I think tha brain has stopped wworking because I have no idea where I wanted to go with this
Goodnight and goodluck

Monday, April 26, 2010


IT works..
So about a week ago I finally got tired of my Belkin router not working and I turned in my 10year old Vallian jar and bought mt a new Netgear router, with the Help of a good friend of mine it ook a little over and hour and all three of my computer are running fine might be even going a little faster to think about it and The Blu-ray and Wii are hard wired and working great, So now I got netflix not only running throught the computer on the living room T.V. but the Wii as well as the Blu-ray So I'm thinking I just might try and make the move on the one Blu-ray and take it to the bed room and just run Netflix through the Wii which is always fun it just means I need to go get another 50feet cord and do some crawing under the house and I hate crawing under the house but hey to get nexflix in the bed room why not I just need to go get the stuff I need and a long drill bit, but I'm just ahppy that the thing works right not I'm almost afraided to move it and screw the whole thing up, so if you want to get a router that runs eveerything for you I say get a Netgear and forget the Belkin after all the problem I had with it man it is so not worth it speen the extra cash for the good stuff, I guess I learned on that one, but then again I only paid like 20bucks for the belkin and it was like a 80dollor router at the time, but I got me something new and it's working like a charm right now...
Got a new Phone...
So I was talked into geting a new phone last week amonguest all the other things that I was in the middle of, Now i got Verizon, I was kind of forced to move to them then the phone company here Qwest lost/dropped there contrect with who ever thay had it with so I went ok what ever I'll go with what ever you got, anyway I got a new phone last week and upgard if you want got the droid, Nice phone does a lot and I thinnk it makes calls to not to sure on that haven't figured out how to make one... No I'm kidding I have madde a few I think.. Ok anyway I turned in my old phone so I could get the sofeware upgraded just in caase I lose my new on I have something for a back up and sence they where doing thr upgrade to the old phone I didn't have it when I had to leave so i would come back and pick it up and later no problem. When I came back I didn't have much time so I couldn't get the contacts tranfered and the had broken there wire to do it anyway and it was going to be sometime before they they got a new one in a day or three, but if I wanted to I could go to one of the other stores and they would do the tranfer for me. Ok no big deal. So one day after I get out of the GYM I run over and say hey they said you could tranfer my contacts from one phone to another for me. Now I also have my dad with we, he and my mom are here for the week viesting, The guy say's yeah we can do that just coast you 15dollors I said "WHAT!!!!" because I had been sent to this store to get it done so right off the bat I was pissed I mean Iwas mad, I haad been sent to this store becaue there was no other store in a 15mile radies that could do it.. no buddy. So I went off I said they sent me to this store because they couldn't do it at another store, Well the other store where I bought the phone was a corpret store and we are a francies, SO well if you bought the phone here we could do it but sence it was a corpert store where you got the phone we have to charge you 15dollor. Now I was pissed because I was sent to this store and they wanted to charge me I was like no forget it I'll just weast my time and do it myself. Now by this point my dad is starting toleave and I'm right behind him because there is nothing that these guy's could do for me but I'm still yellling at they say they sent me here and you want to charge me for something that I was sent here for you to do because your the olny guy's with a cable in a 15mile radies. Forget it. So we get out to the Car and I'm still hopping made and my dad is telling me to let it go it's not worth geting mad over and you know He's right but at the sametime I was sent somewhere where they could doing something because another store didn't have the equpment and they wanted to charge me for it, Needless to say I spent about an hour and half transfering phone numbers from one phone to another along with E-mail and what ever else I needed. Now I just need to go and Delete everything else on the phone I was thinking about sending it off the the troops, but my brother asked if he could have it, I said sure so I really need to make sure i get everything off of it Hee Hee.. So I think if you need help with a verizon phone either Call *611 or take it into the corpret store where you got the thing because going out to a statalight station is a bad idea they are going to charge you for walking in the door...
The Picture...
It's a picture at the Canada/America boarder I took it a few years ago when I went up to canada for a hocky game spent a few days there. It took over 9hours to get there. I sware that traffic didn't move an faster then 25miles an hour all the way up to the boarder and then when we hit the boarder we had to stop and go in, Have no reason why we had to stop to go in to talk to someone, but the second i pulled out my Canadan Passport they almost though us out of the station and said enjoy the game, Colorado won by the way. I found it funny that we where soing all kind of thing like the tickets the hotel reservation , but the second my passport popped up they said bye have fun and enjoy the game. On the way back we of course had to stop at the boarder again showed our drivers liceances they swept the Van with thing as the guy asked us questions and then sent us on our way. I didn't need to wipe out my green card (which is white by the way) at all and we where home in about 4hours it too three times as long to get to vancover then it did to get back and we had to stop and go inside on are way up. Starnge but it was a fun trip I would highly recamend it when you get a chance to go and see a hockey game in Canada it's great fum, much more fun then seeing any baseball game which can be boring as hell.
Goodnight and goodluck

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Every thinks what they want.
Ok so you get to think and believe what you want in this world and even better yet you can express that opionion anytime and almost any where you wish, but in the U.S. it get's better you can show what you believe as you go along on this day you have to wounder what oh has the right idea but then again no one is wrong when it comes to this sourt of thing it's just what you believe, because what you believe is what is right no matter what anyone else tells you and for some people there is not making them see what you believe or anything other side of things, I get that a lot because I have studied a seen many ways of believeing and in the end I think they where all right, because it is what they believed and I respected that I don't get that alot of the time because I believe in many an diffrent things so you have to have an open mind most of the time and when you have to fight for what you believe and just say in the end you got to have faith and Believe because that is what it is all about and that is freedom to believe what you think and feel. Enjoy for there is nothing better and you got to have faith in something and never let anyone tell you diffrent so enjoy and have faith in what you have..

Goodnight and goodluck

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Wish you were young..

At what age..
As you gorw older yo uwish you where younger so yo ucould do all the thing you use to do and when you where younger you wish you where older so you could do more things that you can't do now. In the this world we live in there is no place more intresting where on should leave all that behind and just have fun and that is the amusment park weither it be Disney or universal or even Six flags, these are the places where you must become a kid to enter it, for get all that you are either adult or kids it is a place for fun and these places are where you ages become one, You live life to it's fullest and you do all you can in as much time as you can. This is what the part was made for from the small rides that they had back on connie Island to the hug rides they now have at universal and disney. All people in these places are here you have fun and you are never in today when you enter a place like this, You are as young as you want and as old you care to be everyone is the same here and that is all that is importen to know and feel.
So why this tonight, because I feel old and tired byond what I normale am at this time of night I hurt and I'm sore I need something to remind myself that your age is what you make of it and that no matter what you a never to old to do anything. Live life to what you can as much as you can, keep yourself moving and keep pushing forward and know that when life is really pushing you down when you are tired beyond what is normale for you that there is a place where you can feel young again and again, you can do things that you normale wouldn't do you would be as young as you want and as old as the youngest person around you. in life these are one of the thing that have to keep you going because if you forget that you might as well be dead, the young in you must never be allowed to leave us for if it did then we as a person would fall apart and very shortly we would die, to be young you don't need to do much more then sing to a song in your car or eat dessert first when having dinner, all depends on how you loook at it but as you grow old you body does anyway try and keeep the mind as young as you can and the body wil try and fight back age and with that of anmusment park you can always find a place to be young as you want just try not to get kicked out of the park because with what they charge for youth these days it's not worth it and in the end we are what we feel and the youth in us is the greatest part of ourselvies and we can never let that go or we can lose who we are still even more in todays world we can be lost that much faster because of the speed of things around us.
Enjoy life enoy the looking up in to the sky and seeing new places to go, have as much fun as you can where ever you can, Your family is one of the best parts of you can if you all can have fun together play together and not kill each other then you will find that you are still a kid and much as you grandmother abd father are, and this is what keeps them going time and time again that they can have fun and be a kid with there family and friend as much as the nexty person can. looking stupied when playing ewith kids is the best part of growing old, the ablilty to umbears yourself and much as possable when you have kids and can play with them in public doing things you know you shouldn't do that is the fun part, so go out and enjoy the day sun rain snow ice cold or what ever you got just remember you as old as you want to be and not what your body tells you until the body decides to quit on you and even then you just might beable to push that a little more out there making you body restart itself..
Goodnight and goodluck

Friday, April 23, 2010

Lot to do

what a mess...
So what can I say about today excapte it was a lot of running around and buying stuff for the weekend. There is nothing like getting up at 7:10 and leaving the house by 8am and not return until a little past 3:30 only to keep going no real T.V. or movies nothting so after a day of driving around going to place after place spend money on food and a few other thing I get home have to put things away then build a bookcase which I find is not big enough to hold all of my CD's getting the CD up off the floor so I'm going to need a second case or something to get all of them up off the floor and then try and get the new Router set up and running and maybe move the blu-ray out of the living room into the bedroom to run netflix off of it which mean I need tro go and buy another 50foot maybe 100foot cable so that should be fun clawing under the house again and running the line all over the place well see what happens so first thing is just to see if the new router works before I even think about moving it so I can expacte to be on hold with a somebody in the next few days or so just a few more things to add to my plate of things to do.
Just a little rest...
So I'm going to try and take just a little rest tonight sit down and watch some T.V. a little bit of Top Chef and somethng else just before going to bed to start the next day which is going to be just as bad as today was but with a little more rain, but I think I have and idea about what might work for CD just need to see if it works, the brain is start to run slow and all over the place so it's rant on all things all over the place no rest when you need them to just got to keep going and going hopfuly eveerything get's done oh hey on top of all this my parents and my bother are here and comming so this is going to even be fun weekend lots of fun this weekend so yeah they have been short these last few days but I got all kinds of things to do so I need rest
Goodnigh and goodluck

Thursday, April 22, 2010


It sold
Ok so I was one of the morons that went out at midnight to get the movie avatar the was me and about twenty others there so not as many as titanic where there was a line around the corner go I think Camron failed on that part of thing. No I didn't run home and watch like most, but it was a pardied from the store to taco bell because at least three other people followed me from the store where I bought it to taco bell and I could see at least two other ahead of me who where at the store with me infront of me. I found it kind of funny the guy at the window didn't get it but Hey I found it funny. Now it's over and I didn't get alot of sleep so I went and got some coffee this morning, they where having a sale for earth day bring your own cup and we will fill it with what ever you want for a dollor, needless to say I spent 3dollors on coffee today and now the crash is starting and I can't stay awake muck longer but I need to do some house work for tomorrow so It's going to be a long night I thinkk I might make a pot of coffee and start going I'm going to crash to hard tomorrow it will not be funny I did warn people including myself that caffien is addictive and to watch out for it, and now I remember why, you think drinking is bad for you well I guess they have never been hyped up on coffee then again they just might have because after a good night of drinking you could use a pot of coffee or two to help with the morroning after. So there is just on crash after another going on here and not a lot happening in the middle so I say what the hell if you are going to crash why not do it in a big way drink all the caffeen and fall flat on your face at the end of the night, but in all that hot coffee I would say find something cold to drink to make a slucy or two with the coffee because after a while I think you could use something to ccool your mouth down with oh the evil we put oursekves throught.
The mind is mush..
The minds is mush I can't think straight and I get to go breath in a few cleaning chemicals to keep myself awake at least it's cool outside the nice cold air shouls help to keep me awake and the chem from killing me because it's the bathroom I'm after unless anyone else want to do it for me... anyone...anyone.. Guess not dang I was hoping ahh it should be that bad just put on the soundtrack to Iron Man 2 and turn it up should help
Goodnight and goodluck

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Malls and Photos

One day
Ok so a while back I was walking throught the Mall and I see this set up, Well it was a radio station doing a promo for fathers day you could bring your Kids in they could meet one of the morning DJ's and the station mascot get there picture taken and then walk over and make a recording for there days that could be played on the air for fathers day, and the kids also got a copy of the recording on CD so they could give it to there father on fathers day just in case he either didn't listen to the station or if he missed there fathers day greeting, So me Being me and having my Diggy cam in the car I ran out and got it to take a few shoots of the guy shown her and the mascot I figured no big deal they want to prmo there stastion and one of the things is to let there fan's take picture of there people when ever they are out doing a promo, will I'm just taking a few few picture when on of the people that arerunning the promo ask me if I was with the mall they where in I said "no" then they asked if I was with the press I said "No" they then told me I couldn't take photos. I was like ok what ever put the lid on the lens to go ok. walked around for a little bit then took a few shoot for a friend of mine that was having there kids do the record I said no problem and just after I took a the thrid shoot sercurty came up and asked me told me that the people had asked me to stop and that if I took anymor epicture I would have to leave. Well Not wanting to really get into it which is something new for me, but I did want to keep the pictures I had I put the cap back on and quitly removed the SD card and put itin my pocket and put a blank on in. For the rest of the time that I was there securty was watching me. I hung around for about another ten mintues and left with no problems, but I was upset that I could not take pictures with my own camra at this promo that this radio station was puting on, and for the most part ther was no reason for them to stop me It's not like I was going to do anything with tthem. None the less I got a few good shoot in and I guess that all that counts. So if your going to go to the mall or any promo put on buy anyone I would leave your camra at home because taking pictures is a no no which sucks because I would think it would cut down on the traffic and the promo itself if you could not take pictures of the person you went to see.
So I need to go and prep to go and get that movie at midnight so
Goodnight and good luck

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Conserts and Camras

Don't bring it
You know years ago you were not able to bring a camra into a consert at all, if you where cought with one before you entered you where asked to take it back to your car and if you where caught with it once you where in the show you where kick out and lost the camera, but now aday you can bring in almost any type of camra you want and securtity will let you come down from the noise bleed section to take a few pictures then ask you to go back, but you still can get on the floor, now in the case of the picture here I was eight rows away from Reba and you can see that she is almost looking right at me, she did that a few times thought out the show at one point the camra wouldn't fire and she got that look of hurry up and take the picture I can stand here all day. It was a great evening and a very good show, Now the thing about that show is that it was a fair so the rules might have been a little diffrent but I don't really think so. But really there wasn't really much to talking pictures at a consert like this because she stayed in the same outfit through out the show so no change of warrdrob nothing spechail to shoot untill the end where she changed into the red dress for Fancy then you had a something new to shoot but for the most part it waas just her walking around the stage sign and letting peopel take pictures of her which is all people really want to do, now if there where a few more wordrob changes in the show then you might have something to really be shooting. so staying in the same outfit is away to have people take a few shoot and then sit down a listen to her sign the night away, but then if you get someone like Nickleback or creed and metalica even you got pyro all over the place the guy's takeing off there shirt and other things happening all night long you have all kinds of things to be taking pictures of so you could burn a hole in a two gig memeroy card in no time with a show like that I know I would hell with some of these new Video cams you could almost get one in a record the hole show and no one would say anythign about it and I know few arties like green day set aside and area for sometrhing like that or they did. Makes bootleg intresting and I know you can get all kinds of bootleg stuff on the street of London and alot of it is great stuff got a few myself...
How they changed...
Now camras have chaged over the years from one thing the flash power sit still five dollor a shoot slate film to the 12megapical snap shot heavy lends changing camra, and you know out of all of it I still like my heavy duty 35mm cam, I don't use it anymore because I have the Nikon d40 so yes I have moved somewhat with the times on this one, but I still treat it like a 35mm excapte I can take a lot more picture and trust me when I need to I take them all day long, You put a 2gig card in the thing and your set. at least a good 1200 photo's you just can't take video on it but then again it's a camra and thats why I bought it I don't want the video part I like stills because there is always a story to go with it and that what a photo is for to tell the story of what happened when you took it much like Reba looking at me saying take the damn picture already or the crusie Dir that really did say that, but the cam wouldn't fire then either of course that was 9 years ago and I was using a sony diggy cam at the time so thing have changed sence then just in shutter speed.
ANd Now the Phone
You know I think one of the reason they are not really caring if you get a camra into a consert as long as it isn't a big professinal one is because almost everyone now a days has a camra on there phone, I know at least my last three phones have had camras on them and at least the last two could record video of some kind so they have satrted to let people take in the smaller diggy cams because no matter what you do they are going to get them in. I know at one consert a female friend of mine has on a dress because on the inside she had a place where a camra could hook on and hand down between her legs and no one would ever see it or know it was there made for a intresting night when I say her come out of the bath room with it and I asked where she had it. It took a little while before she told me but then I has to laugh, but now with phones having camras on them and the mega pixles getting better I think the one I have now is like a 5.0 which is more them my orginal sony, they really can't stop peopel from getting in with them. Some people jsut need to have there cell phone on them in case of a enemrgncy or something happend at home like th place cought on fire, or the house got sick and through up the sofa on to the front lawn and shoot the T.V. out the back side into the backyard, you know the really importen things in life. Forget the kids I need to know if my car is missing and with the on-star system where it is so I can turn off it off, I say forget that let the chop shop have it and get a new one it was broken anyway and you had it fully insured you that stuff yo pay for it most of your life and never see any of iy used, now you hope never to have to use it but hey when it there and something happens use it to the fulliest I say..
So where does that leave us I have no idea it's late and I just been talk about this for tonight because I got a new phone the other day and I have no idea how to make a phone call on it yet got some great apps and stuff on it like a shotgun AK-47 a lightsaber a Facebook but I'm still working on how to make a phone call so I need to go plat with it a little more
Goodnight and goodluck

Monday, April 19, 2010

ACM Awards??

What Awards show was it???
So last night was the American Country Music Awards, because Reba McEntire was Hosting right, Now I ask Was she hosting the right show because it sound more the the American Rock N' Roll Music Awards. I must say almost every song that was song last night remember me of the kind of music I listened in the the 80's and earily 90's so I'm not sure it was a country awards show. I mean did any of you look at a few of the people in the back ground there was a guy with a mohake that must have been at least 2feet tall if not bigger, they had ripped jeans and hanging chain wallets not something I see when I look for a country singer and then they was Tyler Swift preformace by the end of it she was headbanging and rocking all over the place, now come on is this where all the rock N' roll went to young kids that think they are country arties but really they just play rock N' roll because they can't get by all the Pop and RnB crap that is out there. Look I know most of my people are old and don't really make high priced well know music anymore and have gone from playing and selling out big areans back to the clubs and fairs, but come on are we really going to give rock n' roll over to the country people, because we don't have any real choose.
So we have to start small and work are way back into the big main stream, boy are we going to need a big name to bring it all back because if carrie underwood and tylor swift are going to be are new lead boy are we in trouble, I guess we are going to need a new brith for rock N' roll we maynot be dead but we are not doing real good at the moment of course we really don't have are own awards Show either. I mean you get the CMA, AMC, grammys latain grammys, the soul awards the MTV awards, The VH1 honnors and what ever else is out there but is there one just for rock N' roll I don't think so and if you tell me that the grammys are for rock N' roll then I think you better look again at the awards that are on the air and you'll see a lot and I do mean a lot of RnB crap, I think we should have another awards show call the Rock N' Roll Awards just for those that are rock N' roll Arties.
Now what do I mean by that, well it's not that simple but first start with heavy gutair, singing, great bass lines and something that doesn't go thump but screach when you turn it up, Bands like Nickleback, creed, motly cure, Aerosmith, ZZ Top, Anthrats, Metalica, Alice Cooper, AC/DC (side story on that in a mintue) Meat Loaf, Def Leppered, and Queenssryic, this would be rock N' Roll and I would think that would make for one hell of a show don't you I mean come on you would need a open roof just to vent the smoke and heat from all the pyro. It would be crazy really fun to watch because If I got to live with Tylor Swift or Blake Shelton as my Rock N' roll I think I just might have to got to classical music and really how much bock do you think I can take in just one day..
Iron man 2 soundtrack...
So the soundtrack to Iron man 2 comes out on 9/20 and alll the song are by AC/DC great band one of the best old guy's to see and listen too, problem they don't do I-tunes so you can't buy it there are I have not seen it and I looked for the last couple of day, and I-tunes runs on an east coast time so here on the west coast you can usally get things about 8 or 9pm guess what nothing But lett me check one last time hold on.......OK nope nothing I guess it's to the store on that one, which kind of sucks but I have seen some of the stuff that is on it looks to be a great ablem for any AC/DC fan kind of like a greatest hit's which I have never seen from AC/DC either man would that be a big as disc it would be more like 5 disc and more then worth it we are all reat to salute those about to rock and got the TNT out because we walk the razers edge all the time,well looking for out mistress for chrismas to have a drink on me. ok so lets go and get the CD at the local store and be a little upset that we couldn't get it the night before on I-tunes and get over it really fast..
Ok Back To what ever awards show was on...
Now I thought it would be cool to have a picture of the AMC award for this guess what I used Google Image and nothing. There is no picture of the staute by itself that I could find no mater how I typed it in. got people hold it up and people at the show but nothing on just the statue itself, I could get the Razzie and the oscar and even the grammy but not the AMC so what does that say for the show Awards itself that you can't find a picture of it anywhere. I even tried teh AMC site itself and guess what nothing. so we get what we have here so how crazy is that. So anyway I was Watch what ever it was last night and I do have to ask did they give out any awards because I say band after band playing last night I don't really recall any awards being handed out I say Reba come out on stage and talk she did have a good opening monalog she hit everyone that was out there and she gave the last song to brooks and Dunn but I don't really remember any awards being handed out so was I watch a conserct just with diffrent people singing, I have no Idea, But I think the sad thing really is that the awards shows be it the grammy's ACM CMA AMA PCO RNRA the pqf and DDE is how I keep up with the music of today because most of the people I listen to have stopped or faded so much I have no Idea when they come out with a new album, so you guess I'm getting old and I have to try and get into this new music if I want anything new and I guess it's Rock N' Roll country that i have to head to, because if what was on last night is country they boy I have missed the change over and Bo Bice really got screwed when he last american Idole to Carrie sad that I know that, but between her and Kelly who else has lived beyond Album one like these two ladies no one that I know
So listen to what you need to to get the music that you like or the kind of beat you like but if what was on last night was country music I think we need to add a few Cat's to the list of awards to give out and name the Country Rock and comming soon Rap Country and when that happens I think we all really need to run and head to what ever relgious music we listen to so untill then
Goodnight and Goodluck

Sunday, April 18, 2010

When you got nothing

To nice of a day...
You know you got nothing when it's been to nice of a day to stay inside. I spent most of my day outside doing one thing or another. I cut the back awn and clean up the back yard and did a bunch of other thng I spent the day outside doing all kind of fun stuff and sucked up some sun got so that gave me alomst nothing to go on about because I didn't watch much of T.V. but a few netflix shows and worked a did a few things on the computer I still can't get a network working and be able to get photos from one computer to another which would help with the picture you get because depending on what computer I use depends on the photos I have to use. in this case not that many so you end up with the enterprise NX because it's the best I got right noe so untill I watch the ACM tonight I will not have much for you I haven't seen anything and Will most likly have having something for you tomorrow and should be fun because I'll must likly have seen the Five bitchjy ladies too and you knwo i always got something to say about them when they say something. Because I think the P!nk preformace on the grammys was great and I then was able to catch the end of the comcert to see it there and I was even more inpressed I think that I should try and listen to the young lady's music to see if she is any good. It might open a few odd door for me witch if you know me and music isn't the to odd. so let's see what happened after I watch the show tonight and say thank you to the DVR so you can jump through the speachs and some of the other crap that they show but it's always fun to watch som of these shows even if they are for the must part crap. because you can never agree with the winners most of the time so let's go watch and maybe I'll come back tonight and go off on the show but I don't think so you'll most likly find me ranting about it tomorrow and I'' find a picture of the award to put so You know what the hell I'm talking about because you know as much as I like have the enterprise NX up there it doesn't help when you want to talk about paper mills and hiding in the trunk of a car to follow the bad guy to some carnival in the middle of nowhere but that's another story so untill then
Goodnight and goodluck

Saturday, April 17, 2010

first monday

The movie...
Way back when ther was a movie made about the first woman to join the suprime court they called it the first monday in october, now back when it was first reasleased in 1981 the subject matter could have been in questionable teast, but non the less once again it's anintresting look at the way the goverment works true or not, it's alway intresting to see how things work, but you know I really don't know where I want to go with this excapte that I happening to be watching the movie now and I need something to talk about and really I can't think of anything to say about this filn other then it over 29 years old and it's work on a streaming netflix right now. I thought it was a good movie when I first say it years and but then back then I watched it more for the nude sceens then for the plot of the movie today so just kinow I really don't have anything to say tongight and will not allow you to weast time I just had a good day of fishing and cleaning house so go to bed
Goodnight and good Luck

Friday, April 16, 2010

Minds eye

What do you see..
Over time people are told one thing and you see that which they tell you, but is it that what is really there. Now there are many photo's like this and the last super is just one of them so you have to make up your own mind on what you see what and what is fact, but then again fact is what the winner say's it is. now I ask you what do you see and then ask you to think about this again is anything else possable with that picture and not just this one. look at everything. Now I hapen to Like De vinci and most of his art and I play devil addvicte rather well or at least most people say I do. I like to look at all sides of things when ut comes to an issue even if I already have my mind set on the right out come I can try and talk and see the other side. For me I see 12 men and 1 women if it where 13 men we would have and unlucky number would we not for lack of A better word Evil the number 13 is so connected to evil that why would there be 13 of them here in this photo. or at any other given time would you want the number 13 around an man of peace if it's a number that can bring bad luck. people see what they want to see in everything. I try to see both side, but not all the time and when it comes to small things like drug show on T.V. Like weeds or bad company I think is the other one I like to see that yeah this is bad thing these people are showing but they are showing the brighter side of things, not always the dark side you are forever seeing in the movies or other T.V. show it's just a brighter side of things do I think these show's are wrong yeah a little but hey show a brighter side to things if we have to look at it, but I can also say I have never really seen the show to know what I'm really talking about. you once again what do you see when you watch it or look at it. is what you're looking for really there or is you minds eye just placing ti there for you to see is anything else possable, could it be true. Could the mona lisa really be a what Di Vinci looked like Could he have been really a woman. You need to think about it, to me whe was a guy and the really mona lisa may never really be know. What do you see when you look at her...
Can you see...
is the mind a thing that can see the past and the future can you feel something before it happens once again we have what do you believe and has it happpened to you, can you also believe that the body is a chemical thing that when it dies about 2pounds just disappears, the soul is leaving the body so can it be enegy be released back into the univears to be collected in another form and go forth, a good idea which means two people could claim to be the same person because they are made up of two diffrent energys could this be true. I don't know but a good theroy the soul is energy that is released back in to the univeras and as we travil from point a to point be we lose ourself in the heaves that it is just something to think about and bring forth the new question what are we? what do you see in the mirror and can you see through it using your minds eye or have you been.
blinded by everything around you
Is eveyrthing you see what you see or can you looked past it and see something else is there a chance that what you see or know isn't true can you be wrong and a book that is 2000 years old be wrong. Can you see the image on the peice of cloth can you believe the image that is built from it. Do you want to see the image that was built from it to really know the face of the person that is there I would it make that much more really. Yeah I can see the image, but are you blinded by what people tell you is there or do you really see it for what it is. every person has there own opion and you have the right to express it and I think you should, that what this rant Blog is about expressing MY OPIONON and not caring if you think I'm wrong or crazy"which I am by the way" this what I think. I see the person and I would like to know what he really looked like if I could so the CG modle that was made I think was a good Idea and I liked the face that came up gave us a person to really look to for peace and harmeny just like many things else you have to make up you own mind and use that minds eye to see what you want to see and believe what you want to believe not just what you are told. find you voice and use it.
I was once told by my parents that they would never let me have a ham radio of anything else that would transmit out a radio like a radio station because they had justed watch Pump Up the Volume and said that would be you so NO you can't have one. I looked at them after watching the movie myself and said your right that is me I would do something like that, just for the fun of and that is what I'm doind here just having fun and expressing my opionon on a few things or something that bugs me during the day. A few times you'll get nothing about nothing and sometimes I'll drop a story in just because I didn't find anything and other times I'll find something and go on and on and on and you'll see it pop up again and again. Like the thing with the movie CRASH it sucked big eggs so how it won the oscar for best picture is byond me. I have said it before and I'll say it again and again because it did and I just don't want to weast the time to watch it again and form a new opionon on it. it sucked and that is that. so what do you see in the minds eye does yours even work..
Goodnight and goodluck

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Legos and high school

For Kids...Really...

Ok so I got this lego kit for chrismas one year and it say's it's for 8years olds and up, yeah right If you believe that I got a nice bridge to sell you in new york started to build it some time in the late 40's we now call it the broklen bridge I'll sell it to you for a cool 100gands good buy if you ask me, but any way. It took me two day's to put things thing together it was nut's it had two count that again two books of instruction on how to put this thing together and if you have ever put anything together wither it be lego or other wise you know that sometimes they give you step 5a but you should have done 5b first or they hide a step inside a step so you have to take something apart to and redo it when you ind out that you did something wrong of that it doesn't look right to what they say you should have. Done this a few times. Now Women will say well thats just a man thing well guess what I have come across a few women that maded the same mistake I did and then some when building something. So not everything is as it might seem, but then what do I know right I'm crazy. So Here I am sitting on the floor in my living room building this crazy thing and Yeah I'm having fun doing it but it's just insane on all the little hiden peaces there are or you need to find this color block before you put this one on and they say an eight year old could build this thing, yeah if he doesn't lose intrest in it after the first 10minutes of tring to make sence of the insructions. When you done it looks great and rolls really cool but man getting it there is an other thing. But hey I say do it anyway what is more fun then building something that you can destory buy running it into the wall just to put it back together again and find afriend that has made on to and try and ram them together a reallly high speeds. it's not just for building and putting on top of you book self to collect dust have fun with the bloody thing it a lego peace and legos are great fun.

When I was really younger...

You know to take me back a few hunder years and I was a kids I just had a bunch of legos and would build all kinds of things and then just destory them a few mintues later. I alway enjoyed them. that was before they really had any theame or sets, I remember when they started sets one of the first was this moon thing that came out and me and some friend where going to try and make a movie of some kind using legos but it never really got anywhere beyond the testing stages and at one point we got into a fight because I thought one of my friend stole a couple of peice of mine and he didn't want to give them back, it was not a pretty afternoon, but remained friend until late in high school, which is really where things changes isn't it

High school and friends...

You know school is funny in the earily grades k-6 everyone is friend happy and no one is really over anyone, yeah you have a few bully's but they are mostly taken care of for me I never really had any problem in the lower grade I had maybe One or two fights but they where over girls that which didn't make anys sence then or now but hey I lost so what do I know, Then you get into the middle school 7 and 8, where thing start to change and you are getting older and bully's are starting to appear and the populer kids are starting to show up and your clikes start to pop up, me I was the outsider Hung with the nerds and if you want you can could have called me the cool nerd, because I sucked at school made it throught both 7 and 8 grade with straight U's I didn't even warrient an "F" I got the "U" what ever that was, but I made it in to high school

9th grade is where thing really started to change the clikes start to show and I was in the wrong group and at that time my bestfriend and female friend had just move away so it was not myself or what I knew, and the nerd group I was with was starting to get me down I started to see there was more to do then study and play fake games like dungons and dragons or gamle world or what ever the game was we had made up. now my problem became I knew a lot of the cool kids from 7 and 8 grade but by this time I was not someone you wanted to be around I was strange I was someone everyone knew buy you just didn't hang around me i was doing some odd thing by this time so by the Time I hit the 11grade I had jumped the nerd ship joined the track time and was off on my own I had a girlfriend who drove, but we really never went anywhere or did anything, but it was nice a some people where not afraid to know me in public, the we hit the serior year The last year of high school boy do I remember what a mess I did that year I was out of everything and I was good at hiding everything that I was doing outside of high school, nothing to extram or illiegle but none the less thing that where not in the norm. By the end of my serior year I was a person that you know and said high and might have even talked to about something but you still just didn't want to hang out with me. It was a starnge year but I know I was done hiding who and what I and I had a voice and wanted to express my opions on a few things and trust me I did to the point taht the whole school knew and heard me fight with one of the teacher's for over and hour, because he was sucking at his job and not teaching us anything.

So school becomes a scary and crazy thing mush more today I think because intell can travil way faster with phones and everything they can do but you know I think if you can stand up even if you start in the nerd group you can make you way out you just got to rasie your voice a little and make sure you know how to rasie a little hell and try and make new freinds out of old, because you where all friend in the 3 grade and nerds can be cool to if you give then a chance and help with the wardrob.
so With that and before I have another computer crash I say as always for april
Goodnight and goodluck

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It Begins

Oh to clear the living room....
Alright it begins the Stanley cup play offs starts tonight, the most wanted prize in sports history is now up for grab. The great stanley Cup something that anyone who plays any sport want to touch hold and lift into the air, but only a few get to do it every year and take it home for the day. to spend twenty four hours with it and do almost anything they want drink beer or wine from it or wash there baby in which has been done on more then once. The Stanley Cup the greatest prize in sports only the best get can have it and get it and you want to know the really sad think My dad hugged the thing. He was working for a company in St peterburg florida when the Tampa bay lighting won and they gave him a ticket to go and see it and he took his camra along, so he took a picture standing next to it and the guy who took the picture said your not going to touch it so my dad put his arm around it and the guy took another picture of him hugging the the CUP can you say I'm green with enve. I want to hug the CUP, but I Don't even have a hockey team close to me to even dream about it, The closet thing I got is Vancover so yeah like that is going to happen, but then again Tampa Bay won it so I guess anything is possable, but first I need to get a hockey team in the state.
The Quarter final...
The quarter Finals starts tonight 9 hour of hockey a great way to clear the living room of everyone and just watch T.V. with chips, soda and what ever else I can find to eat in the kitchen, No one want to watch that much hockey in the house but me of course I'll take a break during one of the second periods to take a shower, because I need one not that I want to take on, But hey Hockey One a day for at least the next three weeks I'm set to have a few hours to myself every now and them so it should be a good time even if I get banished to a bed room to watch the games who care it's hockey and it the Stanley cup Playoffs man you don't get better then that anythign can happen now baby. Action, fights and maybe a good hockey game here and there so let's play.
Sad part..
Once the Finals are over there isn't much left on T.V. to watch because most things are either heading to there finals for the season or some are already into reruns so whats left Baseball what are you kidding me that is so boring I would reather stear at the color strips or even snow for that matter, then we have golf, but that's not much better and Womans Basketball is hard to find so you don't know if that is even on so when Hockey end so does T.V. there isn't anything left to watch, but at least it goes out in a blaze of glory the stanley cup finals the greatest show on earth there isn't anything better and everyone knows it. So now it's time to find out who is the best and who get's the Prize or prizes
Goodnight and goodluck

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

T.V. Rates

One reason....
Ok so they changed the channel on me at the Gym again so I'm back to the View and today we got that of T.V. shows that are showing what I will call the brighter side of Drugs and dealing along with other things that things that are meant for adults and how it was not meant for young kids or people even some teenagers geuss what that is why they came up with the rating system for T.V., but the thing about it is that they where talking about shows that where on Cable channels like HBO and Showtime and other ones late night show that are on something Like Brevo and AMC. these show kids and teenagers should not even beable awake when these shows are on let alone have the ablitiy to view them. The Rating system was created to show people what is going to be happening and what is there for kids to watch, but it was also invented to give the T.V. companies more ablitly to add things there show. like Blood and gun shots and all that crap plus you now see people drink achoal on T.V. which is something you couldn't see years ago and now it's everywhere on almost every show that is out there. You can't have the meeting of two people with out some kind of achoal showing up. They don't need to have achoal ads on T.V. you just have to watch any show on t.v. today from Brothers and sister to one life to live to even two and half me there is achoal in all the shows so what is the point of the ad's you just don't need it give them a bottle and have them hold it or ask for a shot of it during the show and there you go instant advertising. It suck for more then just on reason because if you are going to adress things that should not be on T.V. this is one of them. because it tell everyone to go out and drink as much as you want and have a drink everytime you get home from work or even at the lunch meeting and when ever you get to gether with someone, even if you have kids..

What the Hell...
As the great Woopie say's. if you say today's View 04/13/10 which is also where part of todays rant came from, they had Joan "THE BITCH" Rivers what the hell is with this, you want the king of the Bitchy ladies and one I have no respeace for there you go. I must say she is just beleow marth swart on the people I don't like. I never really cared for her in the first place, but after the celeberty appeanctice I lost all respect for her, she might of won that show, but only because she screwed over the other person so what the hell were they thinking bring this bitch on to the view I reallyneed to get that sony remote to change the channle at the gym because this was just a pain to watch, but it gave me something to play Devils addvicte with later when someone brought up the T.V. rating thing and they had watch this show. So it made for a long yet intresting discustion which end in most hey they did this because we got new rating for the movies and CD's so why not t.v. and this is what we get more stuff that shouldn't be on the t.v. or on the movie screen or in music, I'm all for freedom of speech and what not, but come on you say one thing about smoking and achaol and then you do something else. oh this is just the way it is, so get over it and remember they are putting the brighter side on some of things we mostly see the dark side of. Like drugs and crime..

so create your own debate about it and enjoy the descution..

Goodnight and goodluck

Monday, April 12, 2010

Over the years

The face of the U.S.
Over the century's that the U.S. has been around it has had many face and things to show the world who we are. From the Amarican Bold egale to the face of the president, but I think none more noticable is that of the great Captain America, He has been are around sence 1941 and might just even be longer if you look, but for world war II Captain America Appeared and one of the greatest symblos that is America Appeared. I don't think anyone in the world doesn't know Captain America when they are showen a picture. For many years the great Steve Rogers Was the man of the country that is the U.S. He was the great symbol of freedom for the U.S. ther was one point where he was strip of his name and unaform and became a private citazin, but contuied to work to fight the crimes agaist the country. He did regain his name and title back and was once again the great captain america, then a few years a go, they Killed him three shot's to the mid-section, by his own brain washed girlfriend. a Classic tale and a great way to go out, if you ask me and one of the best. I read an artical that said once Steve Rogers was dead that they where not going to bring him back to life, unlike what they did with superman, but of couse they did lie to us and in the end they brought him back to life, but he is not the great symbol of the U.S. there is a new Captain and Steve Roger is happy to let him be. Now don't get me wrong on this I could be very wrong on a few points here I don't really collect comics anymore and I picked up a few books to see what had happened when I found out that they where going to kill this great symbol of the U.S. and try and rebuild it with a new face. Did it work I don't know because when I see a picture of the great Captain I see a symbol of freedom and hope, he is and always will be that regardless of who is under the mask.
Just one of many..
Captain America is just on of the symbols that the U.S. has the Bold egale being another to the point that everyone wanted on in ther house to they almost became exstinct he in the U.S. I know of a few place's that have net's for the great bird, one being on a light post at the Kenndy Space Center and another at a Zoo here in Washington where the birds can come go fling across he sky. This symbol of the U.S. is on the floor of the oval office and all around the white house, but the one on the floor of the oval office is said to be changed in a time of War. if you look at it the great bird is facing to the right where the olive branches are, but in a time of war he turns his head and looks to the arrows on his left. Now I don't know if this is ture or not but would be great to know if it did and to see a picture of the great bird in both of the postions.
The Flag..
Now the biggest Symbol of the U.S. is that of it's flag the one thing that has changed the most of the 200 years of the U.S. and is with out a dout the most know symbol of the U.S. in any form that it has taken over the years. The Flag of the U.S. is it's greatest symbol and most likly always be regardless of what what it looks like. It show's the orginal thirteen states and the great Fifty that it is now and the ablibity to grow byond what it is, but will always be a symbol of freedom and hope regardless of what happens here in the country the bright shining world of hope that means you can do anything you just got to give it a try and keep working at it.
No matter what it is...
If it's a Flag, a bird or a comic book charactor the U.S. hold's many symbols and they all show the same thing. there have been many over the years and I have no dout that there will be a few more in my life time and I hope there are just as good as ones from the past much like that of uncal sam and the great I want you campain. all these things show freedom, hope and change you just have to believe in them and the country that stands behind them and for me there is no greater symbol then that of Captain America no matter who is behind the mask.
Goodnight and Goodluck

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Age and Sports

As we Age..
You know Just noted to myself that this is really might not be ture, but from some like me it is. Over the years I have not really been in to watching any type sports on T.V. excapte that of Hockey I have been watching it for as long as I remember. I have always enjoyed the game and I always with, but today I cought myself changing the changle from the Hockey game which had end to the master. Golf of all thing. One of the two sport I find the most boring in the world. I do agree that these people play for money the higher they place the more they make, whaqt they make for a weekend in the sun I'm not sure I agree with but they do for the most part earn ther winnings. Now a few years ago go I would never have even thought of changing the channle to the master. It would have been unhearded of I don't really like golf so I see myself watchin things I would not normaley watch as I get older which I find very scary. I mean come on Golf that is almost as bad as sitting down to watch a baseball game one thing that if I do do I'll have to hang myself for doing. You can play it all you want I'll even play the game but to sit down and watch it on T.V. come on give me a break Baseball has to be the most boring sport in the world, but I might be wrong I think there are a few others. These are they guy that are way way way way way way way and can I say it one more time way over paided for what they do. Stand in left feild and wait for a ball that might come to them sometime in the next 3 to 4 hours and thats if they are lucky. Come on the only person that should have any type of high price tag in Baseball is the pitch this guy is doing something for three hours and could hurt himself.
So as we grow older I find that we do change and start to do thing that we normale wouldn't do and drink things we never really liked in the first place we move from Milk to soda to coffee (Yeah buddy give me that coffee) To Tea to keep ourself a little more lose during the day. You know I just don't see myself aging gacefully I'm going to be the old guy that yells at everyone and right now complaining about everything because I can I'm old. I can use phrases like 20years ago. in my time we didn't have, Oh you don't know what life was like back when.. But thats just some of the fun and scary things i get to do now wait tell later when I get really old and have to retire from what ever it is I'm doing at the time. Remember I have been fired for not fitting in, so my future is blick to say the least.
You know getting old is fun to a point because you can look back on everything and see what you did with freind and family and try and forget what you did with some friends, but then you can look forward and see the future as it might not be, and all the things that you are becoming, the old fart that say in my day... you see yourself become a shadow of y our parents you have taken in both of what they are and made it your own and to me that is one of thegreatest thing you could ever become a shodow of your parents unless you had really horrable parents that slaped you around for no reason and drank to much well then you might what to try and become something a lot better like an old fart. You are who you are and I think at points in your life things change you make this leap from being one person to the next and I would hope that that leap is something you can see and know when you see it I just hope it's not from watching Hockey to watching baseball of that I would be really sad for you. I mean come on if you have a choosed towatch either Baseball or the movie crash. Trun the T.V, off and go outside and run naked up and down the street. Hopfully you get a freak snow storm. I assure you it'll be much more fun then doing either of the other two and hey you never know you might make the evening news as a funny story, Guy running throw down town naked because he didn't want to watch baseball game or movies crash.
SO enjoy and remember running naked in the snow is fun just a little cold. Yes I have done it..
Goodnight and goodluck

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Getting things to talk..
Have you ever tried to set up a network for your computer to talk to one another and get your Wii system and a Blu-ray player to get to the internet as well, guess what it doesn't work real well for me. I have been working on this little problem for almost a year not and I still don't have a wii system talking to the internet to join people in playing Mario Kart or for downloading games to play on the system, and then I got a blu-ray that can talk to netflix and watch on the system guess what that has not talked to the system really. Every once and a great lucky while I'll beable to get it to connect when I really don't care because I was going to go off and do something else like take a shower of clean the kitchen. Like everything else it's a pain in the butt. Now Netflix has been kind enough to send me a disc that will let me stream movies through there system, but guess what it doesn't work so if I want I can move the one Blu-ray from the living room to the bedroom and run aother line to try and get it work in there so I'll have Netflix in both rooms if I ever get the problem fix which is comming down to throwing out the Blekin router that I now have and getting a new one, Everyone I have talked to say's get a Netgear or linkic's. which is what I think I'm going to do. I think I'll go with the linkic's just because that would appear to be the most common used for something like this, unless I can get so information on the Tentnet one which to be honnest I really don't want to look up the information on, I just what the bloody thing to work, I would like to just push the button and see a movie on the T.V. so I think it's time to break the Plasma T.V. Gallon bottal and buy the thing along with another 100feet of Cable to run under the house This sucks and I hate going under the house, but at least the cable is only 16bucks..
Amazon Kindle..
You know when the kindle first came out and I saw it and said I wanted my and for my birthday that year I got one. I looked it with like two books at that time, but over the last few day's I have been loading it with all kind of classics that I have been wanting to read for nothing. amazon has this secontion of classic book and limited time books for nothing. So needless to say the Kindle is now getting full of all kinds of odd book like the notes od Da vinci and the works of edgar allan poe plus things like Around the world in 80 days, the art of war, throught the looking glass and the oddest one I got just for fun Letters of demonology and Witchcraft should be an intresting read once I get aound to it. You know I like this thing and I also think it's a step towards the Star Trek Data pad, much like The new I-pad is, we just keep moving forward with these thing and The Kindle was just the next first step It's just funny that I have a first generation Kindle and by now they have at least a fifth generation which probley has a lot more things to it then mine, but you know what as long as I can read and download books to what else do I need. Keep a few houndreds books and I'm more then happy. You just can't have it on when you take off or land in a plane but then again who is going to have a book open when the take off or land on a plane so if you can get one I like mine even if it's a first generation..
SO enjoy reading how every you do it and remember making a network for computer along with a Wii and Blu-ray player sucks eggs if you don't have the right router and Everything is better with Butter..
Goodnight and goodluck

Friday, April 9, 2010

Michael Jackson again and again

OH come on...
Look I was out picking heavy stuff up and putting it back down and bending myself in half this afternoon and I over heard someone talking about Jackson and I just wanted to say the hey the dude is dead get over it, but I didn't i do say GET OVER IT HE'S DEAD murder or not. he wasn't that great he was just another signer who died and because it's jackson we all go gaga well not me The guy had some good music, but he's deaad get over it he wasn't that great. Now Elvis He was great and if it wasn't for him Jackson would be no where in the world. Look they are both dead Elvis was the true KING and he's dead jackson was a pretender to the thrown and geuss what he's dead get over it he wasn't that great in the first place I mean what did he do in the end nothing even his come back tour wasn't selling that great.
SO like Elvis he's dead get over it and shut up I am really tired of hearing about it. that's all I got for you tonight so

Goodnight and goodluck

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Golf and Movies.

The Wood is back...
Ok so I have not seen any of the masters yet but I hear and have heared that Tiger Woods is back on the course. It's about time I mean come on he was out last year for his knee and this year because he was addicted to Sex oh come on. Do we really care who he was and is having sex with. I mean he place golf for a living. He's away from home alot on the road and he is winning alot of money Hell I would find someone to have sex with in every city that I would be in. He's a guy and even if it was a woman I wouldn't care. They have a personal life and that is there own bussness and we should have not rights to judge if we did then we would have the to judge every other person who is on drugs or addicted to sex or has an affair and that is at least one person every hour that we run across and those are people we don't know hell we don't know tiger woods and we are judging him or are we. Is tiger becoming one of the first people we are going who cares the man play's golf for a living and we don't really care. You know I don't care I just hope that guy can still play golf. That's all I care about and nothing else..

Really midnight selling...
is this going to be the new thing sell movies that made it big at the box office at midnight and this is the second for James Cammron First he had Titanic now he's got Avatar eariler we had New Moon. Do we really need to run out and get a movie at midnight and run home and watch it tell 4 in the morning only to wake up 3hours later to go to work. What we can't wait tell 7am when the store opens to get a copy of the movie or get it on our lunch hour or I mean come on we are not going to really beable to watch it tell we get home that night and for people with kids watch it even later that night, so do we really need to buy it at midnight. I don't really think so, but I will admit I went out to buy Titanic when it first came out at midnight but i got a poster too so it still wasn't worth, but I did have fun and I was working at a bar at the time as a barback so I was use to staying uo tell 4am or even later. IS this going to really become a ne trend with movies that set recordes or just the new summer blockbusters that will not make the oscars or any other awards that it should get. I mean come on we had a midnight selling of a video game, so it this spechail openig for some store something to compet with the store that stay open 24hours which do sell something like that just after midnight. I guess we do it with everything I guess now first Books and then movies now Video games and video games systems. You know I heard of places opening up at midnight on the day they had freight come in to sell the Wii for X-mas. I once watch in coastco where they had to wait tell 10am to sell some X-box's they had a manager on one side of a line with the palit on the other side when it hit 10am by his watch he stepped on the other side of the line and started to hand them out to people just standing they went though the palit in just over 45mintues and everyone got one including the manager and a few people that worked for the store..but then the people who work for something like that are the people to ask and check with every now and then when you want to buy something that is hard to find during the season of fun..

If you are going to do it for the fun cool go for it i'm all for it but if you are doing it because you have to have it before anyone else i think your dumm and could even be an idtio, but what to I know I'm just crazy to buy a movie at midnight and then after buying it walk around the corner and rent the same flix just because it was fun, by the way I was hung up with a beautful woman at the time, so that just goes to show how stupied I am..

Goodnight and goodluck..