The big weekdend is here...
THe weekend in which the best movies are put up for show, or are they. This year there are 10best picture nom's do you think there should I don't think so. it's been five and it should be five one for each movie group that is out there action, drama, comdey, one wild card and yes the indepented film, as much as they shouldn't be there give them one shoot the winner of the indiapence spirt awards should be given that shoot at the academy award.
The past years..
Over the past few years I have not liked the movie that wins best picture. Crash sucked big time, Million dillor baby should have been call two dollor little girl and left on the cutting room floor, Crash should have been burned before viewing, Unforgiving yeah was unforgiving next time find something else to watch. many of the movies that the critics say are great I run from.
Do not listen to them. They say burning before watching is a great film really I call it burn before watching it sucked all most as much as Crash did and boy did that movie suck eggs big fat routen eggs, Critics don't know anything. In all case I say go see the movie yourself and make up your own mind, just don't go see crash it sucked. I hate to see what this year really brings us if it's anything like the last couple of years we are in real trouble the movies are no longer the movies for the people and about what they want to make and spilburg has said as much. I have not seen many of this years best pitures and I most likly will not see most of them they don't look all that good the critics say they are great but to me No so much in truth I can't remember any of them beyound avater and hurtlocker just because of all the stuff that is happening around them The Academy Awards are to be a great honor for great film Gone with the wind, The lord of the rings (ALL three films thus the best picture was given to return of the king for all three) Rocky on of the best, Ok it lost but one of the great films of all time Star wars Nothing is better. THe Critics don't know anything anymore The Acting in some of these movies is just as bad as porn and then again why don't we have pron in the Academy awards again. Oh thats right bad acting and poor writing what that sounds like crash again really bad acting and very poor writing. I think the critcs need to go watch some porn for a while see some good movies Like Pirates and Pirates 2 two of the most expenvie porn movies ever made and they are well done a whole lot better then Crash and Million dollor baby lets put them in and have the critics look at them.
Porn and indpendent Films...
Look we get indpentdent Films in to the Academy why not Porn but when it it start with The Blair Witch project or even farther back. Look I'm not really agaist indpentend Films thats why they have the spirte awards and the Porn have the Adult movie awards, if you are going to let one into the academy you have to let the other in. Porn is just as good/bad as indpendent film in some cases they are indpendent films made a low bugets and in a really set time table, much like crash was they just come out a lot better then crash did, boy did that movie suck. One of these day I might get over how bad that film is but when porn is better you know it's bad, but hey porn has inproved over they years I have seen porn movies where the sex is completely out of place the movie would have been better with out it and with crash I think it would have been better with sex in it.
Let's see what the weekend give us..
The week end has just started so I guess this is going to be the big thing for it on monday I'll have all kinds of stuff to say I just need to find the Razzies winners and give something on that over the weekend
Good night and good luck..
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