Dang it's late...
It late and I need to get some sleep the weekend was long and today was not short. Things just keep on rolling and that what the day is all about we get up we go to ours jobs and do stuff in my case being a lazy bumme it's not all like that, but I have lot's more to do this next week then I would like. I amin the middle of getting new flooring for my house so I need to empty most of the suff which is a lot because I got a lot of stuff need box's and a truck and for it not to rain as I move stuff to a storge unit over five miles away and the stuff i do leave in the house get's moved into the gargre next week then It's the fun of moving everything back into the house after the new floor is put in, but at least I don't have to refloor the captail building because that would just be wrong but way to much work. what then again I slept on a very hard floor saturday night and was woken by a really bright light to the face at 6:30am with no worring what is ever do did that suck but the rest of the day was nice and in the end the weekend was fun, but a lot of work and not enough rest and there is no rest this week or the next. time to clean house and boy am I going to have a very sork body I think by the time we are done with the house very part of my body will hurt but one and that's the one I would like to be over tired if need be. So let the pain contuie and see what happens in the end it might be short tonight but what the hell it's a day wher I haven't been home more then a few hour before having to head o ut the next morning remember just dont' shine a bright light into someone face to wake them up because not only does it hurt they just might hit you really really hard trust me if I could I would have hit who ever turned on the lights, plus I need a shower and a hair cut really really really bad and I don't have time for that either but sooner or later I'll get one because I hate when I need a hair cut and don't have time to get one, unless I'm tring to grow my hair out, but no one will let me do that either because it's not what the world wants to see. you when I was a carpenter I could have my hair long when I was a barback I had long hair the mintue I tried to get a real job I had to cut my hair and it didn't help I can do almost any job but getting it is another thing, then again what can I say I'm a good worker I can do anything just give me a try but that is another sad tail for another time. time to keep looking and writing like I do everyday and not just this back to the three books that are on paper which I know you'll get a look at sometime among all of this..
Good night and good luck
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