Second show...
Jeff has three show you can get on DVD the second on for witch is called spark of Insanity at the beginning of it he does a bite of stand up on a car and the dogs that he owns part of the he talks about his daughter talking one of the dogs for a walk on a retacktable leash and when she has it fully extaned she drops the leash. THe dog hears something turns around see's the leash coming at him the dog turns around and starts to run, but the leash starts to catch up and in the end the dog gets cought by the leash and the dog and the leash going rolling while juff and his daughter start rolling on the floor, well his wife and other daughters run to see if the dog is ok, the piese is funny as hell and you have to asee/hear it to get the full efect which I highly suguest the first time I was laughing so hard I had to stop the show just to catch my breath, I must watch that peice at least once a week just for a great laugh, it might get less funny as time goes on but for now I find it great laugh..
Getting a dog...
Now I don't want a dog right now, but everyone think I should have one. Look I like my cat and he's great see'son my cheast every now and then sit's next to me when he's in the house and he's good and fuzzy, he a great cat I don't need a dog and I don't want a dog. I like dogs as a matter of fact sometime in the future I would like to get two Saint I'm going to call then Bud and Miller the next cat I get I think I'm going to name it Coors. I get the hint that A couple of friend where going to buy me a dog a cross between a mini pincher and a winnier dog. A nice little dog but I just don't want a dog right now.
Can't Sleep..
Man it's a ruff couple of days I'm so tired that I'm falling a sleep even nowI'm tring to watch castle as I write to help keep me awake, but it's not helping I still need to do a little more prep in my bed room before I can go to sleep tonight with the new floor the Bed slide a little once I got in last night so everytime I rolled over I thought the bed movedOh it was a ruff night and today I was moving more stuff in on top of going to the gym and I still have a lower back problem happening right now trust me it really sucks to be me..
You know I got more to say about the oscars and the razzies, but getting beyond sandra getting both is just a little hard and the fact that the next day I harded No one really saw the hurt locker beyond those in the academy untill it got on to DVD and mad the oscar list does that ever suck man I'm dragging tail right now my mind is just slowing downa nd my body is with it the oscars where not as good as they should have been and the five bitchy ladies said so themselvies oh I'm going to go fix the bed and fall asleep...
Good night and good luck..
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