IS Hollywood/the movies done...
You know over the past couple of weeks I have been seeing the trailer for Clash of the titins on the Tub, and it got me to thinking again is Hollywood running out of ideas that they really have to remake some of the old movies. I meet we redid the Thomes crown affrair and that didn't really work. We redid the punsher and the hulk, neither of thise really worked, and there have been many remakes both before this I mean come on look at the Brab Wire it's a remake of one of the greatest films ever made Casablance, and if you don't hink so just watch the last ten mintues of both movies and then tell me other wise, Now I watch alot of movies and I see remakes and things missing when I watch them, but does does it mean that hollywood can't come up with anything new that we have to turn to the indepenance to see something badly shot but at least it's fresh. a New Idea from someone elses brain. I have nothing agaist the indpendents but it does look that alot of the time, just because they end up in the Oscars and they are film I have never heard of before, but yet they are great films. Well trust me they are not all great films CRASH for one sucked big eggs and I had never heard of it before the oscars. and the Movies that begain the race earily in the year are forgotten even by me, because right now I can't come up with one from last year but I know I have seen it before that something will be in the spring or summer season and by the time the oscar comes around they are turlly for gotten like many films are. I have the strong idea that if heath Leadger hadn't died he would have been forgotten for the oscar he won and did with out a douth deservie. He did a great job and that is by all right his no one should ever tell you diffrent not even me, but I am willing to bet if he had not dieed that by the oscar time the roll would have been forgotten and his spot would have gone to someone else so it's never good to put out a movie earily in the year, I guess that where remakes come in handy you can put them out earily in the summer so whenm it's time for the really good/crappy stuff to come out it's in time for all the awards..
Awards why...
You know the awards don't mean much any more these days. There are so many for peopel to get and you can change cat's from one award to another just by who is giving it out. I mean one year. Katie Winslet when from best suporting actress to best actors for the smae roll in the same movie so what does that say about what awards are for. as much as I hold the oscars in high prasie, not so much anymore. I think I'll go and try and see the razzie winner because it might be a better film. I know for a fact anything has to be better the Crash that movie sucked big rotten eggs and then there is Castway not a great film, but there could have been more and I know three hours I want back, but it didn't show you much it was very boring ro watch and I would use it to put myself to sleep again if I where to watch it. so the winner of any given award is not always the best sometimes it's the woesrt and the non's got mixed up betwwen the two shows. SO I think we need to cut back on the awards for movies so those that are given out mean a whle lot more and give then to each that should get them. For some people I know that Lord of the Rings; Return of the King got all of it's awards for the sires not just the one film and as much as I think that the movie should have gotten them all I think the other two film got left out because they where just as good if not a little better depending on which version you watched..
Time Of the Film..
Are the movies getting longer again because they can or are they getting longer because we have DVD and Blueray which can hold more data when you get it at home. It can be a good question, because some of the best films of old are long. I mean you got Gone with the wind which is over three hours, yet film like Casablance just break 1:45 so what ca you say are we tring to tell more story with longer movies like Aavatar or are we seeing what we can get away with in the theaters. In day of old with Gone with the Wind there wasn't much else do do no T.V. or much to watch if we had it. The radio shows where done by midnight so going out to the movies was a big deal, now it's oh I'll wait for DvD or Cable for that matter, because I don't want to spend 3 to 4 hours in the theater watching a movie of course I don't want to spend 20buck to see it so I'll pay five and rent it in six months time or 20 to own it and I can watch it as many as time as I want over then next few day/weeks to make sure it was a goood film, because I could end up with another crash on my hand and hate myself for even buying the stupied movie which sucked and I want the 2hours back along with my money. so you need to think is the time t=you spend in the theater worth the money and what are they tring to do time wise once it's over make to much story or make something longer that should have been shorter, with avatar I could see where points could have been shorter and where others could have been longer so I think it could be a wash, but look for that Dir Cut when it comes home.
The Picture..
If youwant to know about the picture it from the macross: pineapple saled episode not Robotech Bye Big Brother. Same guy pretty much the same show it was just cut out of Bye Big Brother here in the U.S. just a little something to think about along with everything else thats is going on and running through this strange and odd mind I have..
So look for something earily tomorrow I got a long night a head of me, so it might just be a little story if I can find another one.
Good night and goodluck
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