You know I can't listen to my own music because I don't have any I don't listen to the rasio because I don't like comursal or station breaks now i know they need to be done and that is how they pay for must of the stuff in which the radio does, so I don't really get to hear a lot of the new stuff that is out i listen to the stuff of old that I alreay have that is in some cases 10 to 15 years old and it sounds good thumping out of my car or it's of that same band that just released a new albem this year any of the really new artiest I haven't got a clue about, unless someone in the house or that I'm working with pulls it out and I like it but my oun music gets pushed to the side and i don't really get a chance to listen to it much. Now over the years I have picked up new bands that I do like Like Creed and Nickleback as well as getting back in to people like Reba Mcentire and a few other cuntry arites that I use to listen to, but I was a guy of the 80's to late 90's. I listen to Aerosmith which brought us rap in to really big mainstream, Gun N' roses Alice Cooper Def Leppered, Ac/DC Byrn adams anything that was classiffed as Heavy metal or when it really came down to it Glamorer rock. Whic was fun for me. I would jump on my Bike and ride all over L.A. Listening to music moving and goving to tones. At one point I even Bought myself a set of chip 3 dollors Drum stick and had a holster made for them so I could strap them on my leg and use them as I rode down the rode. It one of the few thing tha gave me the Name "The Crazy Man" I was nuts but I was good. i made Bike riding an art form, Not like what you see today on these X-games and what not we had reall hazzards to worry aout and we were doing top speed of over 60 miles and hour on the freeway. Just once did I get on the freeway but I have hit over sixty miles and hour on a bike more then once I don't think I could do it today but I know I could and had and did.. and most of it was do to the music I was listing to I don't think I could really do it with todays music but then again I haven't tried it I don't have my old bike.
Todays music just ddoesn't really do it for me I can get it to thump from my car if I need it to but if I need a good old song to make the car Thump and to get the rearview mirror to vibrat a lot I guess there really isn't anything like the music we had from the 80's and late 90's. Music has changed so much over the years and I must say not for the betterm I have such a mix of mix in my I-tunes files I don't know what I'm doing any more, From the i-tea's Bodycount to Yanni I mix the two of them together on the same play list you put the William tell Overture and the overture of 1812 next to eyna and add in a little Guns N' roses with a touch of Ac/Dc and barbra stiesand you know you got a problem in there somewhere. but then again you you point elton john and Alx rose on stage together to sign with a dead freddy Murrcy You got to be thinking of something great is going to happen or you been playing in the weeds fields with a lighter. So does todays music work for me I'm not sure I mean I listen to what i think is good music and could make my car thump but in the end it all sounds the same to me so that just leaves me with listening to what other people are listening to and hope that it's something good and look for a good consert on T.V. to see a great show like P!nks performace on the grammys I think that was one of the best things I have seen in year so Michail jackson can roll over in his Grave there is someone better then He is.
When I go to a consert I go to see the Perform perfom for us sign and do thing with the crowed thus rock shows like Nickleback amd creed are for me and even Reba for that matter they are working with there people, Now the RnB artiest they got these big dance troops with them which I hate I can't stand it because yeah they give you a good show, but do you really see the arties they dont'eally play with the crowed the people that came to see them they run around with there stupied dance troops doing a preset show. no way to inpervise on what is happening around them and inter act with the adance the really reason they are there and we are there so I can'rt stand a big dance show if I wanted something like that I would go to the Balliet and see the russains on Ice doing the Nutcarker which is good by the way and yes I have seen/worked the show. Give us a goood show but let it just be you and Us not a big dance troop and give us some good music that we can all dance to other wise whats the point of it all.
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