The Five Bitchy Ladies again...
OK here we go again on these five ladies or the five bitchy ladies as I call them as you should know by now are just that they go on and bitch about all kinds of thing and in some cases stuff that just should not be talked about or are I'mjust so tired of hearing about. Sometimes these five bitchy ladies go on and on and really can they just shout the hell up or leave a dead subject dead or if they didn't talk about it it would die. They do make some point at time but Ithink they make a lot of noise about stuff we don't really care about anymore or the don't finsh what we think about. I have said over the year the show is no longer what it started out to be and it is sometimes hard to watch. The voice of they young are not heard and I think elezbith is toway to loud on somethings alot of the time when her opion is not the one everyone want to hear or she say whats on her mind at the time with out thinking. By now I thinnk it's time for her to go and a much younger person need to come on I think the voice of they young a 19 or 20year old need to get on and stay on but then again I don't really care for eleziabeth even before she on the view. I think she is the main bitrchy lady on the show more then any of the other women that come and go or that or on the show now excapt maybe Rosie man is that on big bitch I can stand her the only other person I don't like more then Rosie is Marth Stewart Oh is she ever a bitch that I can't stand. Ok back to the View.
Oh what to do with this show at times it works and they give up some good information, but mort of the time it's like this rant pointless and meaning less and I need to find a new Bike at the Gym because I got to stop watching this dang show. So what is the point of shows a like this anyway. I mean Jay screwed O brian and I can't see these shows anymore I mean short segments where you can't get enough information or if you do they cut something else out. OH I don't know what to say about this show or shows like it you can't help but watch it brcause it's what is onand the five bitchy ladies ar the best out it for the moment so enjoy it well you can but I think it needs go back what it really was five bitchy ladies of diffrent typies talking about what is on there mind or public afairs that really matter but then again what the hell does the news talk about shirt we don't care about. when it comes to peoples personal lives get this shit off the air and bring us the news of the world of who killed who and did the pres make his heath care bill I don't give a shit about a governor fling to argentina to have sex who cares I want to know about the health care bill and when we are getting are people out of a pointless war that we shouldn't in in the first place so screw this haiti stuff forget this chile crap which we really don't hear about. talk about the shirt that matter for once hell put me on the T.V. and give me something a topic to go on about hey this is nothing when I can play the other side of somethinng I will and I have been called on to do so.
In college I won a debate on capital punshiment using an agrument build sololy on the Movie Escape from New York that Had more holes in it swiss chesse, so you need figure this out because personaly I'm like let's kill all these do, bring back public Hanging be headings let's show people what happens when you commite murder. anyone on death row just need to go. Let's get riad of them anyway you want public or private.
So let's try and find away to get better T.V. and Kill off a bunch of people.
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