Now yes this is a picture from last year I couldn't find one for this year. Now It's been years sence I went to a Con so I don't know what to think about this one excape the reason I went this year is that Stan Lee was going to be there signing and I had a copy of Sgt. Fury #1 I wanted him to get signed. Well to my disapointment they where sold out of ticket ten mintues after the con opened and he was there only for the one day, so no Signed copy for me. Oh well maybe next year I'll just buy things ahead of time that way I know I have a ticket for it even at 40bucks a pop. Just need to plain a little more ahead of time this was put together with in a few weeks and finalised for me just in the last day/hours before I went so that would explain alot for me.
The Con itself..
The con was diffrent then what I remember a lot more artiest and people in costume not a lot of venders to find thing and I that is what I usally go for as much as I like to see people in costume and artist there was just to many of them this year or the place wasn't as big as it should have been I just was not all that happy with it over all I mean I found a few thing I was looking for but there was a few things that I didn't get a chance to see. The lack of perp for Stan being there was another thing that I found strange they should have know that people from two states would have come to see him I ran into people that came up from oragon and there where a few venders from Vancover, so we had all kind of people there and they alll were there. it was fun don't get me wrong I walked around saw a few thing but I couldn't found a bust of Nick Fury I Found the one comic I was looking for but it was a hunt to find out of all the venders that where there only one guy had it and I paid buck for it half of cover price. You know I didn't go there for much expte for Stans atougraph which I didn't get which is the real downer to the day. it was along day with the drive up there and the crowed and pushing and bumming that you get in that place and it's something that you should expect when you go to something like this run people over and get run over, just don't stop in the middle of a aile other wise I will run you over. there is a lot of things going on a a place like this and you just got to be expecting a lot happening around you. I do wish I could go back tomorrow to look a few other thing, and find a few more store that are around here. I now know I got to drive a good 30mintues to find a good comic store there isn't anything good around where I live. so I need to find the yellow pages for the next big city and see what I can find hopfully something good. I'm to use to L.A where there is a store front and then you walk through a door into a whearehouse full of boxes or a little corror store with books everywhere on the wall and boxes up to the roof.
Would I go next year...
Yeah I would go next year w ith a little more plaining I had fun and founf a few things I would have like to have gotten this year, but just didn't have the mind set for it. Of course this could get me back in to my comic book addiction and tust me I was addicted to comics. I was spending way to much money on books and running all over the city it was fun just way to expensive for a guy who had little to no money, but yeah I would go back next year. This year was a bit disappointing, but I had fun. If you like comic's I always say you should go to at least once.
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