Old show and old news..
What can I say on this one the show has been off the air for a few years and I'm just now starting to watch it from year one in this case I'm at year two and the State of the Union is the subject to the show and all things that happen. So far I know but don't know why I didn't watch this show to begin with. The main reason I didn't watch it was most likly that I had some other show watching at the time and DVR was not avalible yet. I do remember when the first season ended that it was a bit conterveral and I did see the season ender and opener of the second just to see what happened. I did try and stick with it for a while, but of course I went back to the main show I was watching at the time and yes I had a VCR recording something else that I was watching what ever Those two shows where it was most likly something that I either don't watch anymore or is no longer on anymore which ever by the time I could get back to it it's was well in to the sixth or seventh seasons and the Canadan Alan Aldin was going head to head with yeah that other guy for the presidentcy. Man I can't remember that guy's name because he is the one that ends up winning over Aldin oh well I know someone will come up with it and I'll look it up just to put my mind at rest...
Real Life..
Is it real. No I don't think it is but once again it's just a fictional set of stories set in a real place based on ture thing happening around them, much like the Da Vinci Code, Lost Symble and ANgles and Demons Remember it all not true. It's a story set agaist a real background. It's fun and it's a drama. But it doesn't it make you think every now and then how the west wing or even the captiol is run. deals and back doors how do I screw this person over to get what I want and we never sleep for the little pay they get which is really more them most of us make with all the Add things that can and do have the ablility to get throw the white house and goverment. It's intresting to see where and who makes the deals and how cool these people are some times..
What I want to see..
Forget the show for just a mintue and let'sme put in a personal piece I have always stood behind the US and the president weither I like the person or not, I know most of the time what they think is what they want done is the right thing but regarldes if I think it's right or wrong I'll stand by him. The war I think was wrong but it's what the pres wanted so I stood by him today I still stand by him no matter what they think they are the person of the world, but I what I would like to see is the White house/Pres take a normale person right off the street from down town seattle or where ever or even one of the people stand by the road side with a sign asking for help and take them to the white house to talk to the Pres to see what they need/want out of the goverment. The peopel in D.C. think they know the people but do they talk to us, the people on the street that makes a living by going to work everyday helping people buy things. I don't think so these are the people the nation and we don't really have a say. the people with money have the pull and we sure as hell don't, but thats just me. I think the Pres need to talk to some poor person from some small town anywhere in the U.S. and listen to what they needed, But that just me..
Back to the show...
It's fiction guy's don't get to wrapped up in it. Things happen and wew never know about it and this is just a way to show us that we never know more then a eighth of what is going on in the world and this show was away to show us a fictional Idea of things that might be happening at the time , but remember it's all fiction with just a hint and small hint of the truth. So enjoy the show it's fun even if it's a drama there is always a little humor in it. As I get go throw the show I'm sure I'll be back to go on again about it and I'll add more or my own opion on the reall white house which I'm sure they might read because it's something on the Pres and the White House and you know they have to read everything, but it's still a good show and watch the DVD's if you can.
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