This is the way I see it...
We are all screwed no matter what you try and no matter what you thin you know your screwed. There is nothing like it and there is no way to get over it if you are not screwed in life you'll get in the sfter life no matter how you believe it to be your going to get screwed.
If you don't think that's right just look at the things around you and think one day it all is going to be gone and belong to someone else or the fact that it's not really yours you are just renting it untill youpay for it which is something that you will never be able to do in this life time unless you get a clear and clean mine and soul and by now forget it your more then lost because the only person/thing to have that is a freash new born of anything. Then by he age of 4 the are screwed just like the rest of us. You can't think really think of it anyother way. The world as we know it is going to keep changing and short of man destoring itin to little pieces and sending it out into the galxey it's going to out live us all, but then again I think that Mars is the next earth and earth is going to be the next venus they are being draw into the sun so billion and billions of years from now well all be dead and mars is going to be in the earths orbit around the sun and what left of the earth will be where venus is and well so on and so on. The new life on Mars will wounder where it can from and why it's destoring itself and some crazy guy will just be typing away at a key board saing something like we have never really know.It's just stuff that is comming into his head as his fingues run arcoss the board. so in the end we are all screwed and there really isn't anything that we can do about it but try and make a better life for those that come after us so they are not as screwed as we are, but you never know humanity is really stupied.
What's next
What ever we want only if we could work together. Humanity is so stupied that if it could understand that if the ycould work together they could do almost anything and in some case everything. What ever comes next, Living on the moon living under the sea changing and saving the earth these are all things that could happen if humanity could just work together and stop killing itself but no thats no the human way. I want power and your in the way bang your dead, You don't like what I have to say bang your dead, hey you got something I want bang your dead, yes these are the things that humanity does and wil never truly leave behind no matter how far we come What ever is next is going to take more time then some of us have just iun the past 110years we have jumped forward but in the past I would have to say 40years maybe less we have come to a crawl. Small technokiges is what the yare making not the jump forward into space and sea, the place which could help us more then we could ever know. Space to throw humanity to take it from one place to another we haven't been to the moon in over 30years something that could give us a clue as to where we cam from and how old we really are and where we are going and there is no really plain to return tell 2020 whic is almost 60years from when we first landed thast is very sad a moon base should have been in the works from year 2 of the space race, you want to see what we got let's look to the mooon the thing in which we all loook at every night with wounder and amazment besides it does hold the key to the tied of the ocean..
The sea..
The sea a place of wounderment and beauty a thing that could have give us life and the thing that can take itway in a flash and a splach something that we can look to to see where we have been to build a underwater city with domes and tunnles to house the world that we know it a place to hide and place to find peace. the sea holds so many wounders that we will never know them all we are in the end what we make of ourselvies and this is one of the best place to look, be think we know the birth of humanity well I say the sea hold the really key it has hidden it all for billions of years and we may never find it the sea is a think of great wounder and power it it's the second fronter that is out there inwhich we need to loook to have humaity go forward in the world and the only way to trully do that is to work together and no one want's to do that unless it is for there beniffent not that of humanity as a whole because that would be nuts to move us all forward and make life better for all that is one this plant we call earth..
Put shit aside...
That should do it forget what the person next to you looks like or believes in just help them make this a better place and we all can have a happier life and enjoy the sea and the moon. Work together and forget everything else you lazy bumms
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